PIVAT Hours Log shows the actual hours worked on a project each day, and accumulated per week and month.
How many hours did God tell you to work this week? Or work on this project? Did you? What did you do during those hours?
You may want to keep a PiVAT Hours Log for Work, School, Volunteer work, or any other project that God leads you to account for. Whether you have a job where you set your own hours, or your job requires punching a time clock; how many hours did you actually work this week – on and off the clock?
This is important for two reasons: It’s easy to think we are investing more time than we are – and it’s easy to invest more time than God told us to. Time is limited. The more time you give to one area the less time you can give to another.
Ask God what time He wants you to invest and do it! Obey with joy! God has a plan for your life! But He also has plans for every area of your life - plans to prosper you! Everything God has called you to do in your life right now – requires time investment. He knows the hours required for success in each area of your life, and He knows the purpose and assignment for every hour of your day. Ask Him, He’ll tell you, then give an account. Examine yourself. Be wise in heart.
Luke 16:10 - He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much... Ecclesiastes 8:5b - The wise in heart will know the proper time and procedure.
How to Fill Out PiVAT Hours Log
1.Month and Year, at the top of the page
2.D is for Day – Use one letter for the day of the week
3.Date – Day and Month is sufficient (year is at the top of the page)
4.Times – Enter the hours worked, or applied to this project (e.g. 8-12, 1-5) 5. Tot – Total hours for the day (8-12, 1-5 is 8 hours)
6. Description – Summary of what you did during those hours
7. Wkly – Weekly Total - hours so far this week – start on Monday end with Sunday (typically 40+)
8. Mo – Monthly Total – hours so far this month – start on the first day of the month (Typically 160+)
If you have multiple jobs or projects in your life, or multiple projects within your full-time job, it may be helpful to keep a separate PiVAT Hours Log for each one.
Just like most companies’ cost accounting procedures attempt to capture associated costs and tie them to each revenue stream to see if they are really making a profit from this endeavor… it is revealing to learn how much time you are really spending on areas of your life.
Luke 16:2 - Give an account of your stewardship… This benefits the one giving the account as much as the one receiving it. The mere habit of accounting for hours spent increases your awareness of their efficiency and effectiveness.
We would also encourage you to seek God on core hours during the day that He wants you to spend on priority projects in your life. Sometimes just being faithful in those core hours – enables you to be more effective and efficient, as well as delaying interruptions, and moving projects of lower importance, away from the prime productivity hours of your day. Everything seems to be urgent, but a few things are important. It’s wise to give them the prime hours of your day. Ask God – He will lead you. PiVAT before dinner (getting God’s plan for you – for tomorrow) can really help you with this.
Your PiVAT Hours Log helps you understand the time investments you are making. God has good for you. Those good things require hours to complete them, and every hour of your day – God has assigned for something good.