What is a PiVAT Index?(part of Insert #2 for your PiVAT Journal) Your PiVAT Index is a summary and quick reference of your PiVAT, PRISM, and Conversations for that day. It allows you at one glance to remember the deeper truths God revealed specifically to you this month - and as the Holy Spirit leads you, you can go back to that day’s page for further review.
Every day as you do PiVAT before dinner – getting God’s plan for you for tomorrow – update your PiVAT Index with the PiVAT, PRISM and Conversations you had today; so later, you can quickly recall what God revealed to you.
This is such a blessing! Being able to quickly look back and remember what God told you this month, how you obeyed, and the crazy things God did and revealed in response to you hearing and obeying… is not only encouraging, it is a part of your testimony – it’s how you overcome! It helps you remember and do what God told you to do– it helps you overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of your Testimony – it is a way that you, like Samuel, can “let not one Word” that God spoke to you, “fall to the ground.”
Your PiVAT Index is the first part of Insert #2 Monthly Insert – for your Hear Well Done PiVAT Journal.
Your PiVAT Index comprises the first 2 pages (front and back) of Insert #2 Monthly Insert. It contains enough lines to record your PiVAT, PRISM, and Conversations for the month.
How to Fill Out a PiVAT Index? Your PiVAT Index includes columns for Day, Date, Page Number, Item, Action, and Completion.
The D Column – is for Day: Use a single letter - M, T, W, R, F, S, Su
The Date Column - You don't need the year, just day and month is fine. (1/15 for January 15th)
The Page# Column – Just list the page or page numbers that item required (PiVAT, PRISM, or Conversations). PiVAT will take one page, PRISM and Conversations may take more than one page.
The Item Column - describes what the page contains: either PiVAT, PRISM, Conversations – and a one liner describing the key takeaway of that PiVAT, PRISM or Conversation with God, yourself or others.
The Action Column – expresses the specific action God told you to take resulting from that conversation.
The CheckBox Column: Indicates completion of that Action. When you write the Action Item, put a blank square in the CheckBox Column - When you complete the action put a Check Mark in the center of the Box. Your PiVAT Index for your PiVAT Journal allows you to easily recount days later - what God told you to do today. It points you back to that page to remember the details of what He revealed from His Word, and through conversations with others.
A quick glance down the Far Right Column reveals empty boxes of Actions not yet completed. Over time this makes sure nothing God told you to do, slips through the cracks.
Be sure your one-liner in your Item Column captures the most impactful observation or application from your PiVAT, PRISM or CONVERSATIONS for that day. And you may even highlight with a colored highlighter the most important conversations on your PiVAT Index – to quickly locate them during the month. God will use your PiVAT Index to keep in front of you - what He revealed to you – so you can become a doer of His Word not just a ‘hearer only’ of what He tells you.
Your PiVAT Index will help you remember what God revealed and know how He wants you to apply it in your life. He has good for you and grace for you to walk in it!