Whatis PiVAT? [PiVAT Advanced Training] A three column day planner - to get God’s plan for you today.
The Left Column: FourQuestions to ask God, so His plans become yours.
The Middle Column: Time Slots (6am to 10pm) of God’s choosing for the things He has planned for you.
The Right Column: God’sTo Do List for you today, not yours (that’s PIVAT Maybe)
The Four PiVAT Questions are:
#1 Prayer: What Do You Need Most From God Today? (The Best Question Ever) You won't know, you'll need to ask Him.
#2 Vision: What is the #1 Thing God Told You To Do Today? Ask Him, He’ll tell you.
#3 Accountability: When Did He Tell You To Do It? (the specific time) He’ll tell you if you ask.
#4 Testimony: What Did God Do Today? when you obeyed, and What Did God Reveal today? through your PRISM Time in His Word – those five things you can do in God’s Word every day.
The Secret of the Left Column: These are Questions toask, not answer. Ask God, He’ll tell you. James 1:5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, just ask God, and He will give it to you…
The Secret of the Middle Column: Don’t fill in timeslots yourself, ask God when. The #1 Thing He has for you today – will have a timeslot. And His To Do List For You from the right column – each item will have a timeslot – or it won’t get done. No need to fill in every timeslot, only what Holy Spirit tells you.
The Secret of the Right Column: Only Put Here what God said to do today, every other “to do” goes below the line of your third column. Things pop up during the day (things you could do, things other people want you to do, but not what God told you to do). These are just PiVAT Maybe’s. By the end of the day – many of these PiVAT Maybe’s are done by others, or don’t even matter. If any remain…ask God if He wants you to put them on your Official PiVAT Maybe List for this month. But only write down in the right column what God told you to do today. His list is always shorter than yours… Just do everything He told you. If something didn’t get done by PiVAT before dinner (your conversation with Him about tomorrow) than ask Him, “Was this one You or me? If it was Him telling you to do it – then finish what He told you. If it was just your ‘gotta do’ – sneaking into the right column… put it on your PiVAT Maybe – for God to confirm, delay or delete. The Right Column is only God’s to do’s for you today.
#1: Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. He knows them, you don’t. You have to ask. PiVAT is how you ask Him and find out what His plans are for you today. To prosper you! The way He has chosen for you!
#2: Isaiah 53:6 – All we like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way, and the LORD has laid on Him, the iniquity of us all. That’s the essence of sin, following your own plan instead of His plan for you. That’s why Jesus died to save us from going our own way – it just leads to destruction. In everything in life, there’s God’s way and man’s way… God asked me one time, “How will you follow my plan for your life, if you don’t even know my plan for you today? I’ve done PiVAT ever since.
#3 James 4:13 – Come now you who say today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there and make a profit… instead you ought to say, whatever the LORD’s will is, we will do that… PiVAT is how you find out His Will for you today. So you can follow His plan, not yours. Ask Him, He’ll tell you.
#4 Romans 12:1 – Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy to present your bodies a living sacrifice. Holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable act of worship. This is why you do PiVAT before dinner every day. To present your body a living sacrifice, that means you died to yourself, but live now for Him. The first thing the disciples gave Jesus was their day planner. Follow me… They were going to go fishing that day. He changed their plans. PiVAT is presenting your body as a living sacrifice. You learn to follow His plan for you, not yours.
Why Do PiVAT before dinner?
First, It’s Practical. Before dinner is the most consistent time of your day. You might miss breakfast and lunch, but you won’t miss dinner, no matter what time you finally eat, before you do that, is a specific time… But beyond practical, in Genesis, God said the evening and the morning were the 3rd day.
PiVAT before dinner – starts your day with God. It not only gets His plans for you for the morning, so you can hit the ground running when you awake… It also reminds you of what He told you to do today, so you can finish strong. It gives you an opportunity to write down your testimony from today so you can overcome with it in your Daily Call tomorrow!
PiVAT before dinner - gives you a chance to share with your spouse before bed - what you need most from God, and the most important thing God has for both of you to do tomorrow. And it gives God a chance to give you counsel in the night season - to confirm what He told you, and affirm you in doing it. If you don’t do PiVAT before dinner – by the time you get around to it tomorrow, you might miss what God had for you early!
Things don’t always go perfectly, if you missed PiVAT before dinner – do it right now! Take five minutes, ask Him for His plan for you today (no matter what time it is), and just start from here. His plans are always better than ours. And He is faithful! If you ask Him, He’ll tell you.
PiVAT before dinner is Hearing God voice practice, You’ll get used to hearing His voice – and you’ll know if you did, within 24 hours.
Faith practice, Do you believe what He told you? Enough to do it?
Prophetic practice, It’s one way the Holy Spirit tells you things to come – within the next twenty-four hours.
Obedience practice – You get a chance to obey him daily, throughout the day.
PiVAT is an ongoing conversation with Your Heavenly Father! When unexpected things arise, or something takes longer than expected, you check in with Him again to get clarification of what you should finish, and what you should move on from… It increases the conversations you have with God – so His voice becomes clear.
PiVAT before dinner - is literally presenting your body, (mind and heart and soul) as a living sacrifice. So God can lead you to things you never even dreamed! The things He has planned for you are so good!
Finally: Hebrews 3:13 will establish His plans in your life.
ADaily Call– is a 15 minute call before work with a friend, sharing PiVAT and PRISM and praying for each other. You will Exhort one other daily… overcome the adversary with your testimony, and learn to walk in His Plan for you each day! He said you learn this two by two, iron sharpening iron.
Ask God who He wants you to invite for a 3-Day-Challenge. He said exhort one other daily, so He definitely has someone for you!
Print out the 3-Day-Challenge Packet, (above) or 7-Day-PiVAT Journal, or SeeThe PiVAT Journal - to just use a notebook.
Walking with someone daily, like Hebrews 3:13 commands is how God will establish you in PiVAT before dinner - getting His plans for you so you can walk in them. So He can lead you to every good thing He has planned for you!
Any questions, just call us Kelly and April 513.260.690eight