Relationship Topic - 11 Things You Need To Know About Obeying With Money
#1 You will serve God or you will serve money. It’s one or the other – Matthew 6:24
#2 What you do with money indicates where your heart is. Money is the indicator of your heart. Matthew 6:21
#3 To Serve – means to come under the authority of. You will either believe and obey what money says, or you will believe and obey what God says. You can’t do both.
#4 God wants your heart, He’s already got your money. He owns it all – anything you have He gave it to you, or the power to earn it. And He can take it anytime He wants. He doesn’t need your money, it’s already all His. He doesn’t need it cause He’s hungry – He said, “If I were hungry I wouldn’t tell you because the cattle on a thousand hills are mine. He can take it back if He wants to, because He was the one who gave it to you. He gives it to whomever He chooses.
#5 The purpose of money is to teach us how to obey. It’s so “on or off,” “yes or no, black or white, there or not… He just uses money to test and train our heart – to hear His voice and obey His Word. Because serve means to obey – to submit to the authority of, be under the direction of… Money teaches obedience. First you must know where it is, then if you ask Him what to do with it, He will tell you. As you obey with money – you learn to hear His voice. Just like obeying with time in PiVAT, or with your mind in PRISM. It’s just obeying His Word – that brings success to everything.
#6 To obey with money you must Give An Account. Know the condition of your flocks, Give An Account of your management. An account is a number, an explanation, a detail of transactions. If you know where God’s money is, you can obey with it. If you don’t, you can’t.
#7 If you can be trusted with the little (money) you can be entrusted with true riches. Whoever is faithful with little is faithful also in much. And whoever is unrighteous in that which is least (money) is also unrighteous in much. If therefore you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you? (Luke 16:10-11)
#8 The acid test of a heart to obey with money:
TEST #1 – Will you Tithe? God said the first 10% belongs to me… ‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, test me in this… (Off the top – before anything else,) Jesus confirmed it in the New Testament – this isn’t old covenant – it’s before and after. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek before the old covenant, and Jesus said it still remains. Do mercy and justice, and don’t neglect the tithe. (Matthew 23:23, and Luke 11:42). He said, “Test me in it!”
TEST #2 – Will you Give An Account Daily? God said – Give An Account (a detail of transactions). He revealed it in a parable (Luke 16). He said, “Know the condition of your flock, give careful attention to your herds… for riches don’t last forever and a crown (just like an inheritance) is not secure to all generations.” Most people don’t give an account – because they don’t know it’s a principle given by God, and second, they don’t have an easy way to actually do it every day. The 4C’s Accounting Tool will help you – it’s free.
TEST #3 – Will you sell the car? There is no Bible verse that says, “Sell the car,” but to follow Christ – you have to be willing to do whatever He tells you. God told the rich young ruler, “If you want to be complete, sell what you have, give it to the poor, and come, follow me.” But He just couldn’t… he loved that car – more than he wanted to follow Christ. Following Christ doesn’t mean you have to be poor, what rich father (and your Heavenly Father is rich) wants their kids to be poor? But if God told you to sell the car, in order to be able to tithe and give offerings that are pleasing to Him, or just to obey His Word… If God told you to do it, would you? Or is there something that you want or love more than you want to obey His Word (to let no debt remain outstanding, except the debt of love – Romans 13:8)
TEST #4 – Will you refuse the curse of debt? What are you willing to borrow for in the future? I know God’s Word says clearly, ‘The borrow is servant to the lender,’ ‘You were bought with a price, don’t become slaves of men,’ ‘The person who strikes hands in pledge lacks judgment…’ And you obey God’s Word – but what things are the exceptions in the Bible for you? Proverbs 6 clearly distinguishes between what the wicked do (borrow), and what the righteous do – like the ant. The righteous lend, they don't need to borrow. The righteous work as unto the LORD, they are content with what they have, they save for the future, and they don’t borrow. They don’t need to. If your dad was Bill Gates, would you take out a loan? Why? Your dad is a billionaire? And that’s nothing compared to your Dad – who owns heaven and earth!
#9 If you obey with money – your relationship with God will grow. If you do with money what God says, no matter what, your relationship with Him will grow. Your spiritual life will skyrocket – because you are learning to serve God, not money.
#10 You can’t obey with money – if you’re not obeying with time and thoughts. PiVAT and PRISM – because time is what is needed to earn or spend money, and thoughts transformed by His Word are how you know what His money principles are – which refine your ear to hear and know what He is telling you to do with it. He will never tell you to do something with money that does not align with His Word. And whatever you’re doing with money – it either aligns with His Word… or not. Time, Thoughts, Money – that’s you! And your Daily Call – that’s the testimony that helps you overcome the adversary – so you obey in all three!
#11 What YOU say about money is more important than what God says. His Word is clear – but if your words don’t agree with His – it doesn’t matter what God says... not to you. You don’t do it. You’ll do what you say. So learn what God says about money – say the same thing, and do it immediately. Praying that PiVAT before dinner, has you obeying with time, PRISM is transforming your mind, that you Give An Account daily with your 4C’s Tool, that you overcome daily on your Daily Call – so you serve only One Master!
A PRISM Topic: is God’s Word on a single subject. A Relationship Topic is a perspective from God's Word on relationships. A PRISM Topic Packet is a grouping of PRISM or Relationship Topics of similar subjects... part of the M: Meditate on theWord of PRISM – (5 Things You Can Do Daily in God’s Word) to transform the way you think. Ask God what PRISM Topic or Relationship Topic He wants you to meditate on today.Take your PRISM Topic, Relationship Topic or Packet with you! Come back to them multiple times a day! “It is to be with him, and he is to meditate on it day and night, so that he may learn to fear the LORD…” - Deuteronomy 17:19