Relationship Topic - Time, Thoughts, and Money
Its what you obey with...
The key to following God's plans for you so you can fulfill your purpose - is to obey with Time, Thoughts and Money. Four Things To Know: 1) God has good for you! – it’s who He is, and He loves you.
2) God’s Way or Man’s Way – This is the choice you face in every decision of life. His ways are totally different than ours.
3) Love for God really is just obeying - surrendering the three areas of your life (time, thoughts and money) to His control.
You wouldn't do that unless you knew that God is good. And another thing you must know; with God... obedience is a path not a list! His yoke is easy, his burden is light and His plans will prosper you!
4) Your life – when you get down to it… is Time, Thoughts, and Money. It’s what makes you, you. So If love for God is really to obey - the Bible is overwhelmingly clear on this (See Relationship Topic: Love is Obey)
How do I start obeying? and where do Time, Thoughts and Money come in?
First God tells us how to start obeying. I John 5:3 - And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.
Galatians 5:16 - I say then, walk in the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. Time, Thoughts and Money are just “what obedience looks like in everyday life!” Loving God by obeying is simple and practical. Your life consists of three areas: Time, Thoughts, and Money. Everything in life, falls under these three. Obey in these, you will follow God’s plan to prosper you! If you obey with Time – God directs your life completely. If you obey with Thoughts – God’s Word changes how you think and you begin to think like He does. If you obey with Money – God says you can be entrusted with greater things – true riches. Remember, in these three decisions you make every day, there is God’s Way, and there is man’s way. God has a plan for your time, even this hour, because He has plans for your day and plans for your life. He will fulfill his purpose for you – but only if you will learn to obey Him in your time, thoughts and money decisions. These tools will help you ask God what He wants you to do, how and when, so you can live your best life! PiVAT Journal: Perhaps the most important thing you can do to begin to obey God. Every Conversation you have with God, yourself, or others – write it down. How else could you ever walk in the plan he has for you? (See the PRISM Topic: Write it Down). God wants to speak to you every day, through His Word, through your spirit, and through conversations with others, through which he wants to reveal specific direction for you. If you value what He says, you will write it down, to remember to do it. Samuel did not let one Word that God told him – fall to the ground. Value what He says to you, and He will reveal more! PiVAT is God’s Plan for your day. PiVAT is a change of direction – from man’s way to God’s Way. PiVAT is four principles of faithfulness, that help you obey with time. (See Relationship Topic: PiVAT) Do PiVAT before dinner every day. Get God’s plan for you for tomorrow! You will begin to walk in His plan for you every single day. Obedience brings JOY! It’s a path not a list. God will take you places you never dreamed! PRISM is 5 things you can do daily in God’s Word. You don’t have to do all five, and you don’t have to do them all at once. (See Relationship Topic: PRISM.) Keep coming back to the most powerful thing you can do each day – spend time in His Word! It will give you wisdom, it will bring you success. It will change how you think. You will learn to think like He thinks! God’s Word will change who you are! True success in life comes from His Word.
4C’s is a tool to obey God financially. Money is the number one indicator of the heart. It’s His money – He can manage it better than you can. He knows the purpose of every dollar that He gives you. If you ask Him, He’ll tell you. A 4C’s Accounting Tool helps you obey God financially! Financial Faithfulness is simply – knowing where God’s money is, and doing what He tells you to do with it. His purpose for money is not financial, it’s spiritual. It’s about obedience. If you obey in money, you’ll obey in anything. Obey what He tells you and money will come, to give, to save and to live. His supply will never run out! (See the Relationship Topic: 4C’s Accounting Tool and the PRISM Topic: Give an Account) Daily Call: A 15 minute call before work sharing PiVAT and PRISM with a friend. Ask God for someone to walk with daily. 5 Min you share your PiVAT, 5 Min they share theirs, 5 min pray for each other. This one phone call every morning without fail - will absolutely and profoundly change your life. (See How2: Daily Call.) It will help you to obey God daily with time, thoughts and money – the essence of you. You will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. You will be shocked at what God will do! This is obeying Hebrews 3:13 to exhort one another daily. Your life will never be the same. PiVAT Small Group: This Small Group is unlike anything you have ever experienced in your life. 8 - 12 people who are Daily Call Partners - meet 1 hour each week, sharing their PiVAT for the Week, and praying for one another in a group, just like they do each day with their partner. (See How2: PiVAT Small Group.) God absolutely moves in power. No teacher, just 8-12 people in sequence sharing their Prayer, Vision, and Accountability for the coming week; and their Testimony from last week: What God did, and what He revealed through His Word, as they have been faithful walking daily with a friend. God will speak through each person, He blesses obedience. This small group will alter your life, it will encourage and motivate you to keep walking in victory, and it is simple to do: Open in prayer, each person share, pray for the one on your left, and close in prayer. The most fruitful hour of your week. The Holy Spirit will move, God will speak every time. You will see. To Obey God daily: Give Him the three daily decisions of your life: Time, Thoughts and Money.
Begin your PiVAT Journal immediately. Any notebook will work. (9x7 Composition Books are $1 at Walmart) Write Down what God speaks! (Start with the 3-Day-Challenge! It will give you a PiVAT Journal for the next three days.
Do PiVAT before dinner – it takes literally 5 minutes – Get his plan for you for tomorrow (Put it in your Conversation Log)
Do PRISM throughout the day – 5 to 15 minutes or longer if you want. (Write it down in your Conversation Log)
4C’s takes just 10 minutes a day – know where God’s money is so you can do what He tells you to do with it.
Daily Call – a life changing experience. Learn to obey God daily with someone else. (Hebrews 3:13)
Start a PiVAT Small Group – If each person is walking daily with someone in a Daily Call – it will be the most powerful small group you have ever experienced. Because God is no respecter of persons, The Holy Spirit will speak every week! How will I find time for all of this? You can easily do each one, during time that gets away from you every day.
What if you completely gave God your time, thought and money decisions? No words could convey the blessing God will give you. I could try and tell you, but you couldn’t understand! Try it. God will amaze you! God has good for you! He has plans for your good, that you could not imagine! But to walk in them, you have to obey with time, with thoughts (learn to think like He thinks), and obey with money. Do you trust Him? He’s faithful. He loves you. He has GOOD stored up for those who fully obey him. He has good for you!
A PRISM Topic: is God’s Word on a single subject. A Relationship Topic is a perspective from God's Word on relationships. A PRISM Topic Packet is a grouping of PRISM or Relationship Topics of similar subjects... part of the M: Meditate on theWord of PRISM – (5 Things You Can Do Daily in God’s Word) to transform the way you think. Ask God what PRISM Topic or Relationship Topic He wants you to meditate on today.Take your PRISM Topic, Relationship Topic or Packet with you! Come back to them multiple times a day! “It is to be with him, and he is to meditate on it day and night, so that he may learn to fear the LORD…” - Deuteronomy 17:19 PRISM Topics - RELATIONSHIP Topics - PRISM Topic Packets