Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives hope! Have you ever had a dream, not a night dream, a life dream? Something you dreamed your whole life, or set your heart on that crashed and burned, that fell to pieces, and you couldn’t pick up the pieces? The disciples their whole lives since they were children heard of a Messiah that would come and save Israel. They imagined how wonderful it would be when this prophecy was fulfilled, and the Promised One, overthrew their oppressors; the Roman Empire, and put Israel as the world power – as in the days of King David, with nations paying tribute, with gold and silver flowing in the streets like Solomons reign. And when someone told them about a man named Jesus, “Could he be the Messiah?” When they came and saw him, and followed him, they saw the things He did: healing the sick, lepers cleansed, demons cast out, little children healed with just a word! They saw him feed 5000 with a lunch box, they saw Lazarus come out of the tomb – having been dead for three days, they saw him speak to a storm, and stop it with a word! They gave three years of their life following him everywhere, they saw him stand up to the self-righteous Pharisees who put laws on people, that they themselves didn’t keep. They couldn’t wait until He overthrew the Roman oppression and established his throne in Jerusalem, and they even imagined what thrones they would have! And just two days ago, he was arrested, convicted on false charges, tortured beyond human recognition and hung on a cross with common thieves? How could this possibly have happened? And worse yet, in their moment of truth, they scattered like rabbits. And now they are hiding from the authorities worried that they will be discovered and perhaps share the same fate. What just happened? What about the dream? How could the Messiah of Israel be crucified on a Roman cross? How did we miss it? And then the knock on the door… The women with an impossible story. But they did not believe them, because their words seemed like nonsense. So they ran and looked, and the tomb was empty. Then Jesus appeared alive, to Mary Magdalene. Then to two others on the road to Emmaus. And finally to the eleven, with a rebuke for their unbelief. By then I’m sure the women had told them the full story of the empty tomb and the two men dressed like lightning, (who said to them) ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you while he was still with you in Galilee. ‘ The Son of Man must be given into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ A dead Messiah, who doesn’t overthrow the Roman government and establish his reign in Jerusalem right now? How could that be? That’s not the dream we had? He is Risen. He didn’t’ come to fulfill your dream, He came to fulfill the dream you didn’t know you needed. He didn’t come to take Ceasar's throne – His throne is infinitely above Ceasar’s, and every other throne ever. He came to save your life, and your eternity from hell – so you can be free from the slavery of sin, be spared from the wrath to come, and live with God forever in heaven. Because this Messiah, was willing to die for you! To take your place, to die for your sin, so you could live in His righteousness – that you could never earn, no matter what you did. Believe on the LORD, Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Your sins will be washed away, you will be - not dead anymore. You will be raised to new life with Jesus. You will get a new heart and a new spirit within you, the Holy Spirit of God. He is Risen. Just like your Savior, you are not dead anymore. All praise to the One who rules over heaven and earth, who became obedient unto death even death on a cross – to purchase your life, so you could be eternally with God in heaven, not where you were going, outer darkness. Do you believe His Word? Are you walking in the Light? His promise is sure, His grace is enough, He is coming soon, and He won’t be suffering this time, he will come with a sword to bring judgment on this earth, and He will take all his faithful followers with him. Praying that you will Rejoice in the Lamb of God today! This is Easter! He is Risen, your sins are forgiven, if you believe in His Name, the Name – above every Name! Love you all, dad
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
November 2024
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