Love you all, praying for you.
I’m so grateful for the last day of the month, the last day of the week, the last day of the quarter, or year… It’s the last day before a new beginning. God always has a new beginning for you. He has more in store than you can imagine, and it’s better than you think! He has good for you this coming month, this coming week, He has good for you tomorrow! But He wants you to finish strong today. Praying that you will take the time to review what He told you. PiVAT is such a blessing. It’s where you write down what He said. What He told you that you need most, what He told you to do, when He told you to do it, and it’s where you write down what He did as you just obeyed, as you just believed, as you just praised and prayed, and counted it all joy. It helps you run to Him, keep coming back to Him, so His plans become your plans. That’s why the hardest thing you’ll ever do in life is PiVAT before dinner. Think back on last week. How many times did you do PiVAT – to exchange your plans for you for His plans for you? And how many times did you do it before dinner – so you could write your testimony so far, finish strong – the assignment that He gave you today, and so you could receive His counsel in the night season, so by the time your eyes open in the morning, He is the first thing on your mind, and His will for you is what you hit the ground running with? In any war, the first attack is on the communications system. If you can knock out their ability to communicate you have isolated the enemy from their commander. And an enemy out of touch with their leader is easily defeated, one by one. That’s why the devil will do anything to stop you from PiVAT before dinner. But it’s not a religion… Exactly, it’s just a habit that puts you in His presence, to receive His love, His Word, and His will. You can do PiVAT anytime, but before dinner lets you finish strong what He told you today, get His counsel and confirmation in the night season, and start the new day fully running with His plan – from the moment you awake. The same applies for the end of the week and month. Praying that you will seek His face for your PiVAT Monthly. What He has planned for you this new month. And so you can finish well, what He wants you to complete before this month is over. It’s not too late. If you missed a day or two or even a week or two. Just ask Him, “What do you want me to do now – to finish strong?” And just do this hour – what He leads you to do. He can make up for lost time, He doesn’t hold mistakes against you – He’s too excited about what He has for you! Praying that His Presence is your priority. PiVAT before dinner – is that time with God where He can download His good plans, that lead to his good. That put you in position for the greatest blessing and consistent success. Praying that you won’t be too busy for His plans. That’s like stepping over a gold bar, cause you’re searching for a penny. Praying that this last day before a new beginning, that your eyes, and your full attention will be on Him, so you finish well what He already told you, and fully know what He is about to do next! Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword. It applies to you today. And the Holy Spirit – if you will invest in your PRISM time with Him, will show you God’s Word for you for today - just what you need. Sometimes it’s something you’ve never seen before, sometimes a reminder of what you already know. But it is always what you need for today. He’s already been to the end of it, He knows what you need, and loves you enough to give it to you when you need it. The only way you miss that timely Word, is if you neglect His Word, but if you put Him first in your PRISM time, those five things you can do every day in God’s Word – He will give you exactly what you need at just the right time. Have you ever noticed, some things He gives you – are big things, significant? And if He has a Word for you every day – which He does, some things are big enough that it takes more than one day to learn to walk consistently in them. That’s why sometimes God will bring you back again to what He showed you yesterday. Sometimes some chapters even mention the same things twice. God does it for a reason. This is important. Not just for today, but for every day. He wants His thoughts, to become your thoughts – consistently, so your mind is transformed. The first way to do that is be sure you write it down. If you just read a verse or two that’s PRISM for today – it’s not a religion, just a track to run on. But if you write down what He says – if you SOAP it out during your study the Word, it increases the chances of it taking effect in you, rather than just passing by you. Next if you review it again before you go to bed, or the next morning, it increases the chance of it taking effect in you. And if you give your testimony on your Daily Call – God’s specific command to ‘exhort one another daily’ in Hebrews 3:13 – you again, increase the chance of what He revealed to you, taking effect in you, and becoming part of you – a part of your DNA. So when the next opportunity to ‘think right’ comes – and it will be soon, most likely today. You will already be ready. You will overcome. Psalms 62:1 – My soul find rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. What a Word from God! My soul (my mind, will, and emotions) find rest. It’s something you find, if you are where it is found. Rest is a cease from striving, stressing, fretting and worrying. There is only one place it is found - in God alone. Because He is your salvation – your deliverance – your escape from – He takes you out of that situation, and delivers you from all evil… because He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. It’s a great thing to say out loud, the Word of God. Just like the writer who penned that instruction by the moving of the Holy Spirit. I will never be shaken, He is my fortress. (He’s only your fortress if you run there… otherwise He’s just a fortress. He’s your fortress if you go there.) I will never be shaken. Shaken means ‘thrown off your game, suddenly a little unsteady. Like a fighter who just got rocked. David says because He is my fortress – because His Presence and His Word is my priority – I will never be shaken. Nothing moves me, nothing shakes me, my confidence is in Him, I trust in His Word, I speak it and declare it, I do it, and I believe it. So I’m unshaken, unshakeable. It doesn’t matter if a letter comes in the mail, the engine light comes on, or the doctor brings a bad report, or a setback occurs, or the bank statement looks pitiful. Because He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. I count it all joy! I know this is just His next testimony in the making. I praise His Word, Read His Word, gain Insight and Wisdom from His Word. I Study His Word, and Meditate on His Word, and overcome with my testimony. Because He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Praying that your soul finds rest – because you go where rest is found. In Him is everything you need - forever. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
God said, “Above all else get wisdom.” Why? What good is wisdom for you? God is good. He never tells you to do something that’s not good for you. And if He says do this above all else. It must be good above all else. What if you had wisdom? What if your life was built upon, fully reflected, and emanated the wisdom of God? What would you look like? What would your life be like? What are the benefits of wisdom? Why bother to get it above all else? Eleven Things You Need To Know About Wisdom #1 – God said, “Above All Else Get It” Proverbs 4:7 – Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. What is wisdom? Wisdom – the right use or exercise of knowledge. Wise – to be or make or act circumspect and hence intelligent. (Circumspect – looking on all sides… cautious, prudent, watchful on all sides, examining carefully all the circumstances that may affect a determination or a measure to be adopted.) Wise – to deal prudently, skillfully, having good success, to have understanding, to behave oneself and consider wisely, to guide wittingly. Having knowledge, having the power to discern and judge correctly. Discerning between what is true and false, what is proper and improper. Discrete and judicious in the application of knowledge. Choosing laudable ends and the best means to accomplish them, skilled, learned, judicious, well adapted to produce good effect, prosperous. God said get wisdom. Proverbs 19:8 – He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers. Wisdom is speaking in Proverbs 8:32 – Now then my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death. Proverbs 18:15 – The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. This is a pursuit that God commands. Get wisdom. Proverbs 24:13 – Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste. Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. The first thing you need to know about wisdom… Is get some! Above all else, get wisdom! Value it, pursue it, heed it, walk in it. You will be so very glad you did. It will make you prosper, and protect you from harm. God gives it, and gives it to those who value it. Above all else – get wisdom. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
Have you ever noticed in life there are some things that are next to impossible to control? Sometimes your hair just wants to do its own thing… I don’t struggle with that anymore, but it used to be a problem, as it might be for you. If you have children, you know that a diaper change is impossible to schedule. It always happens just when you get on the plane, or just when you leave for your friends house. Another thing – is controlling what a small child will say. Sometimes they just say what they think or what they see, they have no filter. Others know better than to say that, but a child will see it and say it, as we try to shush them or redirect the conversation. "Yes honey, that lady’s hat looks silly, but we don’t say that!" Another thing that’s hard to control – spending. If you don’t know what you have, and ask God what to spend, every sign that says “Sale” will be speaking to you. God said one of the hardest things to control is our tongue. If you don’t guard it, and surrender it to the Holy Spirit – (at least put it on a 5-second delay), it can get you into trouble. But another thing that is extremely hard to control – is that conversation inside your head. That conversation you have with yourself, which is really with those two voices… The Holy Spirit who always leads you into all truth, and life… and the other voice that always wants to repeat your failures and short comings, that will always accuse you, or criticize others, see the worst instead of the best, grumble, complain, and accuse. The conversation controller is whoever you allow to dominate the conversation – inside your head. Not recommending or condoning this person, but there is a guy named Dave Chappelle who had I believe one of the most prophetic comedic lines ever spoken. God can bring truth through many sources. If you get a chance to listen to it, it is thought provoking if not funny… His line was unforgettable. “That’s sounds like something… I would say.” And therein lies the secret to the conversation inside your head. You have to recognize the voice. You have to know that God wouldn’t say something like that… that sounds like something the devil would say. If it is a complaint or accusation, that’s not the Holy Spirit. If it is doubt or unbelief, that’s not the Holy Spirit. It’s not God, it’s the other guy, the other voice. And He’s not for you. To surrender that conversation inside your head to the Lordship of Christ – First you need to recognize the voice. The best way to do that is be faithful in your PRISM time every day – come back to it again and again. Not a religion, just a track to run on. Those five things you can do in God’s Word every day. God will have a present Word for you. Just what you need for today, in this moment. But also, the sum total of all the words that He has for you daily – begin to transform your mind and they become your ‘conversation inside your head” security system. Overdose on God’s Word – and those two voices become distinctly different and instantly recognizable. You’re not fooled anymore. Second, you need to shut up the one, and repeat the other. Don’t give words to the wrong voice. Override it with God’s Word. Say what God says to say, say what God says to believe, say what God says to do, and it will be a protection for you. Praise God His Word is powerful. The more time you spend with God in PRISM – where He can talk to you, and teach you… The more you will immediately recognize, “That’s not something God would say…” He didn’t. That’s not for you – choose what’s better. Praying that the conversation in your head is always the Holy Spirit revealing what you should put words to. So your mind and heart are in agreement with Him! And your life can reflect the good that He wants to bring you to… Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It helps you put first things first. What if you didn’t? You’d have second things first… or third or tenth things, or things that shouldn’t even be… before the thing and things needed most. What is the first thing that hit your mind this morning? Was it the long list of to do’s for today? Was it the worries of the day? Was it the most pressing need of the day? financial pressures? Work pressures? What did you do? Did you rush to get ready? Did you rush to the first to do on your list? Did you check your email? Or social media? Or facebook marketplace, or your favorite app? What did you seek first? What did you think about or look at first? All those things that you fear, or desire, or need, God meant them to be added, not pursued. They were meant to be add-ons, not your focus. He said, “If you will seek me first, look at me first, come to me first, think about me, and my presence, and my word, and my promise – first. All the rest of those cares that are pressing in will be removed from you, and all those things that you need, will be added to you. He will add them. And His addition is really multiplication. His subtraction is total removal. Any fear or concern or doubt or failure… any care that you cast on Him, He completely takes from you, and gives you instead His peace, and his joy, and his hope, and his promise. And everything you need, beyond what you can even imagine, if you seek Him first – is already on it’s way – it’s already in motion coming to you. Matthew 6:33 - (As for you) You - Seek first the kingdom of God (where the King has dominion – where what He tells you – you do… where His presence and His Word is your first choice your first thought, your starting point, and your first come back to…) and if this is true of you… all these things, everything you need, and more… will be added to you. Not earned, added, not preoccupied with – given to you just in time. This is a promise from God. A promise that comes with a condition. Praying that you will make Him your first choice today. That PRISM has your mind transformed, that PiVAT has you obeying in this hour – the perfectly best thing that you could possibly do… because He reveals it, that your testimony has you overcoming that constant distraction and temptation to seek something else first. So that all the good that He wants to give you and to give others through you, and because of you – that every good thing – He can add them to you… Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
Have you ever faced some things beyond your ability to comprehend, or accomplish? Have you ever just needed God to tell you the needed next steps – because you don’t really know? The first next steps, the ‘most critical path’ next steps because you don’t fully even realize the sequence of dependencies? Or the need is either really important, or carries a lot of potential gain or loss? Or just because you want to do His will, instead of yours? You just want His best, instead of your best? His reactions instead of yours? His steps instead of yours. There is a promise you can count on. James 1:5 – If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives willingly and freely to all (who ask), without holding your faults against you. What a promise! His wisdom is beyond yours. His strategy is superior to yours, His ways are higher than yours, and His results far surpass yours. He has wisdom far above what the world gives or understands. It will make you impactful, timely, insightful, and successful. All you need to remember – is to ask. If you think you don’t particularly need wisdom today – you might now realize what’s at stake… And if you are desperate for His wisdom instead of yours, you’ll know exactly what we are talking about. Praying that you will ask Him today, for the wisdom you need. That you will hear, and really listen. That you will know for sure that He will give it. That you will seek counsel from experts, but more importantly – obeyers. That you would seek your first counselors first, starting with your Heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit, in the Name of Jesus… that you will recognize God’s wisdom verses the other kind, and that your quick and complete obedience will be your decision right now – even before He reveals that first step to you. That you would fully obey, in faith in His promise, that you would remember to praise Him right now for the ‘then’… and that you would rejoice in your testimony in progress, and that you would overcome with it, again and again. He’s got the wisdom you need, if you will just ask, and then in faith, obey. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. There is always something in it – that will always apply to what you are going through right now. There is something that the living Word of God can do in you – to establish you completely in victory. Psalms 57:7 – My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast, I will sing and make music. Awake my soul! Awake harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn. David’s example is vital for your life, He was a great reminder of himself and others. It’s what you should do. My heart… not emotions, or thoughts, my heart. The center of me, the inside inside – is steadfast. The regulator of mind, will, emotions and thoughts – is steadfast. Have you ever noticed… steadfast is not always exciting. It’s not highs and lows, it is ‘keep goings.’ It is firmly confident, persistent in faith and hope and trust in the One True God who has never failed on one promise. And that steadfastness of heart – enables you to keep going, next step, by next step. Knowing that good is coming and the end is sure. Steadfast isn’t disappointed easily or discouraged in the wait. It encourages itself in the LORD. It flattens the curves, the fills the lows. It keeps things in their eternal perspective. It gives you a foundation in uncertain times, it gives you progress in slow times, hope in tough times, and patience in waiting times. It’s the opposite of stressed and frantic, or disillusioned. It is settled, steady, immovable. It gets you through the long seasons, the in-between seasons. It is continuous power through the waiting seasons, the seemingly endless seasons, the mundane seasons, the “no-end-in-sight” seasons, the ‘wishing for something more exciting’ seasons, the temptation to think that life is passing you by seasons. We’ve heard of Abraham, the Promise of God, and the son of that promise – at a hundred years old! We know the highlights, that Abraham spent many, many years waiting and believing for. We know of Noah when God shut the door, and the flood came and wiped out every living creature on earth, but saved Noah and his family. We know of the dove that returned with the branch, but most of Noah’s life was building and waiting. The highlights are awesome, but most of life is in the waiting, and the doing while you’re waiting. Steadfast… steadfast is a command from God and David just reminds his heart of what it is – steadfast. I Corinthians 15:58 – Therefore my dear brothers (and sisters), be steadfast, immovable (stand firm, let nothing move you) always abounding in the work of the LORD. (Not just any work, not just what you think is ‘the Lord’s work’. The work of the Lord is what God told you to do… Continue in that… steadfast, immovable. “For you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Everything you do at His direction is not in vain. It brings fruit, and blessing, and reward. Just be steadfast in the work He assigns you, steadfast in hope and steadfast in love. Permanent, continuing, at rest in the working, and the believing. It is not in vain, there is great reward coming. Just be steadfast. Hear and obey, PiVAT will help you hear God’s assignment. PRISM will help you hear His heart, and your Daily Call will help you overcome the adversary. Praying that you will be steadfast this week, and that like David, you will remind your heart of what it is. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. Especially in large doses. That’s why I’m so thankful for PRISM Topics – the power of God’s Word on a single subject. God said, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” It’s not just a new or different thought, it’s a lobotomy of your thinking. An overdose, and exchange of the old for the new. It requires large doses, and continuation. Renewing means active and ongoing. Praying that you will ask God today – what PRISM Topic He wants to change you with through His Word by the Holy Spirit. Maybe the PRISM Topic - Hope. Have you ever lost hope? Have you ever been low on hope? Have you ever felt a little discouraged, like you’re spinning your wheels, or wondering if things would ever turn around, or get better? Whether it’s worth all the effort, for seemly so little a result? You need hope! And also wisdom. There are different kinds of hope. Misplaced hope or false hope won’t help you. Like a temporary sedative it soon fades. But God offers a sure hope based on eternal unchangeable truths in Jesus Christ. Hope - The joyful expectancy of a good outcome. A desire of something good, with the expectation of obtaining it, that it’s not only possible, but confident that somehow, some way – it’s coming. Based on what? The Love and Promise of God. That is a sure hope. If you know God loves you, He has good for you, He has a purpose for your life that He will fulfill in you, and wisdom for you along the way! Then hope isn’t a pipe dream, it’s what God has for you! So how do you get some? #1 Set the LORD always before you. - Increase the time spent in His presence and shorten the intervals. Maybe once every day instead of once in a year or month or every once in a while. Maybe three times a day, like Daniel. Maybe even constantly, like David. Psalms 16:8-9 I have set the LORD always before me, because he is at my right hand, I will not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest in hope. Ephesians 1:18 – I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order to know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints and is incomparably great power for us who believe. When you set the LORD always before you – your eyes are opened to His power, beyond your predicament, or limitations. He has none. Romans 12:12 – Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Praying that you will review today the rest of the PRISM Topic – Hope – so you can fully walk in what God has paid for, and called you to. Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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