Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you what will last forever. Psalms 119:89 – Your Word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth and it endures. Your laws endure to this day for all things serve you. Have you ever thought about this? What is eternal? His Word is eternal. It says it right in that verse. His Word includes - His Law, His Commands, His Principles and His Promises. His love is eternal – He loves you with an everlasting love. His faithfulness is eternal – it continues through all generations. His Kingdom is eternal. “Of His kingdom there will be no end.” Nations rise and fall, but His Kingdom lasts forever. Human life is eternal. Every person whom God formed in the womb, and breathed life into – is eternal. Your body will eventually perish, but your soul and spirit are eternal. You will live forever – in one place or another. One place is with God in heaven, the other place is eternally separate from God in outer darkness. That’s why Salvation is the most important thing in your life – before it’s over. Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and you will be saved. From sin, and from a Godless eternity. Praying that you will love the things of heaven, the eternal things, not the earthly things that are here today and gone tomorrow, like the summer grass that fades. Your life will be over, and the only things that will last will be your eternal investments, things done through God at His direction. Praying that you will love the eternal, more than the temporal. Love His Word – and you love Him. Jesus is the WORD in human form. So if you love His Word, you are loving Him. If you love something – you can’t get enough. Praying that you will do PRISM all day long. Your Praise the Word, Read the Word, and Insight from the Word (today’s wisdom chapter for you). Your Study the Word – SOAP Out the verse God tells you. He may lead you to more than one. But also Meditate on the Word! Keep it with you! Praying that God will highlight a verse, a passage, or a PRISM Topic or Packet for you to meditate on throughout the day. Drive times – give Him the first fruits! Transition times: Just two or three minutes between major activities throughout the day. Take a 5 minute shorter lunch, to get a spiritual snack – a spiritual calorie boost. His Word never returns nothing! It will yield a return of wisdom, life, love, joy, hope, and direction on your investment. Learn to love his Word. Make it the priority of your downtime. Word first, then other things. You will never regret this investment. It will make you wiser than your elders, your peers, and your enemies. It will teach you the fear of the LORD. Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you
I just love God’s Word. It gives instruction and habits that become character. Proverbs 27:5 – Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Have you ever been rebuked by a friend? Have you ever suffered those wounds that can be trusted? Or do all your friends multiply kisses? If you haven’t been rebuked in a while, or ever. It’s likely not that you don’t need it. It’s that no one really feels comfortable doing it. Does that mean you don’t have good friends? No. It could be you not them. Are you open to rebuke and correction? Or are you defensive anytime someone mentions something you might not be fully correct about, or accurate in your perception. Defensiveness is a counsel repellent. Most people welcome counsel they agree with… But that’s not counsel, it could be kisses. It’s the counsel that you don’t agree with that is the test of your humility and maturity. Your response to that counsel, those rebukes and wounds, will determine if you get more. Not that your friends are bad friends. But if you discount their counsel, or bite their head off, that’s probably all you’ll get. The wise know… don’t cast your pearls before swine, they’ll just turn and rend you. Praying that you will be open to counsel. David said, Search my heart O GOD, and know my anxious thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Sometimes the way God answers that prayer is through counsel – that you don’t agree with, at first... Something different than you are doing, by habit or conviction. Praying that you will invite counsel. It’s humility practice. It sets the stage for people to speak into your life. Hopefully you surround yourself with wise and Godly friends, invite their counsel. They may tell you some things immediately, or at least they will feel the freedom to do so. It will only benefit you. Mature counsel givers – Pray before they Say. Ask God first before sharing. And when they do – mature counselors never expect their counsel to be fully followed to the “T” because it’s not about them. They realize they are just a part of the multitude of counsel that their friends should be seeking – and they encourage them to. When giving counsel, pray more than you say. And God can use you to help others grow – wounds that can be trusted, are those led by the Holy Spirit, and they are always for your good, and the good of others. Praying that you will invite counsel in your life, and pray continually, so the counsel you give – will be life giving! Gotta be in His Word constantly, that’s the only thing that will make you wise enough to counsel anybody. If you’re in God’s Word consistently – because it’s your delight. God can use you in His prefect timing, to share a word of life for someone. And also recognize truth when it is shared with you – even if it seems like a wound at first. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells you little things, and big things, that you need to know that can change and establish your life. Here’s something God commands. Rejoice In The LORD Always, and Again I say rejoice. That’s for today! Rejoice means to take joy again. Joy is something God gives, that comes from Him, but you choose it. You can walk in it, bask in it, or neglect it. Since the joy of the LORD is your strength, Rejoicing can only help you, change you, establish you. On beautiful days, and rainy days, on great days, and days of great uncertainty. Days when things go your way, and days when it seems the wheels are falling off. Rejoice in the LORD always. Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. God said even in death the righteous have a refuge. God said He will supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. That means He will supply in the good times and in famine. Rejoice in the LORD, always. That means today. That means right now. Praying that you will think of the Good that God is, and the Good that He does, and the Good things He gives. He provides a way, He gives wisdom for the asking, Psalms 34:17 – A horse is vain hope for deliverance; despite all it’s great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. Praying that you will choose to rejoice in the LORD today, to fear Him, to love His presence, and crave His Word. He will save you and keep you, He will fulfill the purpose of your life, and give you grace to overcome every obstacle. Praying that your faith and obedience will increase your joy, and you will always choose joy over fear, and faith over fret. God is able, willing, He loves you. He promised. Clap your hands all you people, shout to the LORD with cries of joy. How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth… Within your temple, we meditate on your unfailing love. God is our refuge and strength, He is always present to help in times of trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the middle of the sea… The LORD almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress. Praying that you will rejoice in His Word, His Presence, and His promise today and every day. What a great habit! Rejoice – choose joy! That’s something for today. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It is truth and life. Have you ever not been able to sleep? Waking up in the middle of the night? Maybe several days in a row, or several times a week? Why is that? (Not the lack of Nyquil. God is better than Nyquil – that’s a Word right there for some of you.) Several reasons that could happen. #1 God wants you to pray. If God is awakening you to pray, then pray. Let the Holy Spirit lead you, and when the burden lifts, go back to sleep. #2 God wants to tell you something – He speaks to you in the night season, sometimes in your spirit, and sometimes He will wake you up to tell you. You might do like Samuel did. “Speak LORD, for your servant hears you.” Then - be sure you Write It Down. Write it in your PiVAT Journal next to your bed. Check the clock. 2:22 am? Is there a verse in chapter 2, verse 22 of a book in the Bible that He wants to prompt you with? Ask Him which book, chapter and verse. Write down what He tells you, and when the burden lifts, go back to sleep. #3 You’ve got man-made burdens cluttering your mind, and stealing your sleep. The devil wants to steal, kill, and destroy. He knows fatigue makes cowards of us all (Not God, Lombardi), but one of the ways the devil steals sleep is having you worried about missing something. Set your alarm, maybe set two just in case – so you’ll wake up on time. And regarding the things cluttering your mind, Write them on a conversation page of your PiVAT Journal. This is your Scratch PiVAT Maybe! You don’t have to get the perfect order – just write them all down in whatever order they come out. They’ll be off your mind, and on paper. Then just give that scratch PiVAT Maybe list to God. He said to Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you. Then, you can go back to sleep. The #4 reason you might be up at night – You don’t know His Word – you need to feed on it. Not a midnight snack for your stomach, a midnight snack for your spirit. And next time, you can review these before bedtime, so you don’t have to review in the middle of the night. I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety Psalms Chapter 4 Verse 8. If your mind is weighed by concerns – review the PRISM Topic – Fear Not, and Do Not Fret. Let His Word – rise up your faith within you… so you can sleep in the peace He gives. Psalms 127:2 – In vain you rise up early and stay up late toiling for food to eat; for He gives sleep to those He loves. You don’t have to stay up at night, trying to figure things out… God’s got this. And He gives sleep to those He loves. That’s you. Here’s another thing you can do – before the night sets in... It will help you sleep in the peace He gives. Proverbs 3:23-24 – My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion, they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Why? Because you don’t let wisdom and understanding out of your sight. Wisdom helps you sleep. Get some. Have you noticed when life becomes hectic, busy, stressful, the first thing to go tends to be your PRISM time in His Word. That I: Insight from the WORD – your Proverbs chapter every day – will not only ensure you maintain and increase in wisdom (You need it! Especially now) but it will improve your sleep! Here’s the #5 Reason why you can’t sleep. Money worries. Eccl 5:12 – The sleep of a hardworking man is sweet, whether he has little or much to eat: but the abundance of the rich will not allow him to sleep. Sometimes you can’t sleep because you don’t work hard enough, staying up too late, sleeping in too late, if you work harder, you’ll sleep better. But the other thing this verse of wisdom reveals, but abundance of the rich doesn’t allow him to sleep. He’s worried about his money – that He’s trying to store up in his barns. What he’s supposed to control, is now controlling him. What if someone steals it? what if the wind blows it away… what if inflation evaporates it, or the financial crash destroys it? If money directs you, rather than you directing it, you won’t get much sleep. It’s not that you have too much money. (Unless God told you to give, and you didn’t…) God gives you what you need, and often more. Your job is to steward it well (not wisely) You don’t have to be wise with money – just obedient. Sometimes God tells you to do something financially that nobody thinks is wise, and many times what is considered wise with money – is not what God wants you to do. His wisdom is different from ours. His ways are higher. If you have a 4C’s Tool, so you know where God’s money is, and have asked Him what to do with it. He’ll tell you, then just do it. And in the meantime, sleep. Praying that you will ask God, so you know why you’re up at night. If He awakened you – get what He has for you, do what He wants for you – what He awakened you for. If your lost sleep is needless, I pray God will give you discernment, that you will know His Word, that money will never keep you up at night, that you will work diligently by day in what God has assigned for you – so you sleep well. Praying that you’ll keep His Word before you, always on your lips – so it’s in your heart, so you gain wisdom that gives rest. Praying that you’ll understand His great love for you – so your sleep will be sweet, and your mind, body and spirit will be refreshed. I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Love you all, dad Love you all praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It gives promises. 11 Promises you can bet your life on: #1 – Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and you will be Saved. #2 How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask… #3 Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you… for whoever asks receives, whoever seeks finds, and whoever knocks the door will be opened. #4 If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask of God who gives generously without holding your faults against you, and it will be given to you. #5 Humility and the Fear of the LORD bring wealth, honor, and life. #6 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (What the world chases, God will give you, because He knows what you need even before you ask.) #7 Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. Then your barns will be filled with plenty and your presses will overflow with new wine. #8 Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over – will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. #9 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success. #10 If my people who are called by my Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways… Then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land. #11 Don’t grow weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap a reward. Praying that you will believe that God will save you, that you will ask Him for His Holy Spirit in full measure, that you will ask so you receive, and seek so you find. Praying that you will ask for wisdom (and not doubt that you will receive it from Him). Praying that you will choose humility and learn the Fear of the LORD so He can bring wealth honor and life. Praying that you will seek first His Kingdom, not stuff, praying that you will give him the first fruits, so your barns can overflow. Pray that you will give hilariously when He directs you to. Praying that His Word will always be on your lips – that you will speak it and do it – so everything you do is successful. Praying that you will humble yourself and pray and seek His face, and turn from any way – that is less than His will or His best. And praying that you’ll never tire of asking, hearing and obeying – it’s how you do well – so you receive every reward that He longs to give you – both down here and forever up there. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love Gods' Word - it tells us what we need to know, and when we need to know it... as long as we read it daily - so it's with us! If we don't, we won't know the secrets of success that God wanted to share with us today... because we will need them. We'll be stuck with our mind instead of His! Proverbs 12:11 - He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment. I love God's directness. You can be offended. He's not calling people names, He's just giving straight truth. He who works his land... What land did God give you? Physically and Spiritually? Are you working it? Is that why you’re hungry? Lacking? If you don’t work the land God gave you. If you’re doing other things… you will go hungry – that’s why. He who works his land (not somebody else's, not someone else's assignment) He who works his land (the assignment God gave him or her) has abundant food. What is food? The produce of the land - what the land produces. But he who chases fantasies lacks judgment – goes hungry. The first land you’ve been given, is your possessions – do they represent God? Do they look like God owns them? He does. The second land you’ve been given – is your assignment – career, ministry, school whatever field you are in. “Get your fields in order, after that build your house.” Are you working the land you’ve been given? Do you even know what it is? Do you know what God’s vision for you in that land is? Maybe graduate, maybe graduate Suma Cum Laude. Maybe a business that honors God, loves and serves well, and sustains and increases profitability, and valued solutions to an important problem or need. Do you know God’s vision for your business, or your job (your company)? Are you working your land? or are you chasing fantasies? The Third land God gave you is spouse and children. Isn’t that more important than work? Not if you're not working you’ll be broke, hungry... (This applies spiritually and socially as well as physically) and you cannot care for a spouse and children if you are broke. If you’re a stay at home spouse, that’s your land. He who works his land has abundant food (fruit, harvest, satisfaction) If you’re dreaming but not doing, distracted not diligent – that’s chasing fantasies – you lack judgment. To work your land you need to #1 Know what it is, #2 Know God’s vision for it (Why are we doing this? and what are we shooting for?) and #3 Know God’s plan for you today – to work your land (that includes Daily Tasks, and His tasks for this day - so you'll be ready for tomorrow's - and next week's) Sometimes its rest, or key conversations, or regular conversations. It’s definitely conversations with Him your PRISM time in His Word. How would you know truth or success? It’s how you confirm what He told you. Praying that your day will never be duped or lulled into chasing fantasies, but full of joy, working the land that He gave you, His plan at His time. Praying that today is full of testimony! Your diligence & God’s faithfulness. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives reminders, and solutions. What has been consuming your mind the last few days? Is it a need? A lack? Something you’re hoping for? A Worry? A Fear? Are you nervous? are you fretting? It only leads to evil? What are your thoughts coming back to? You will keep him in perfect peace (complete peace) whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. You will keep her in complete peace whose mind is stayed on you, because she trusts in you. The devil wants to steal your joy, so he tries to steal your peace, and he does it by trying to steal your righteousness – that’s how he steal your peace, and your joy with it. If you’re obsessing over something, that’s neither righteousness, peace or joy. If you’re in a mental toilet bowl, stuck on rewind. Let the Kingdom of God – move you forward. Righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. Step 1: Walk in Righteousness. Don’t worry, Jesus is your righteousness, you don’t have to earn it, but it’s for you to walk in! Righteousness: Right Standing (through Christ) and right doing. What He told you! Obsessing over this thing isn’t what He told you. Get busy obeying, and you will leave circular thinking behind, you will leave mental and emotional ruts behind. God has things for you to do today. Start with PiVAT – Get His Plan, and then get busy! When you start obeying, peace will come – righteousness leads to peace, and then joy. That’s the kingdom of God. That’s why the devil tries to steal it, so he can steal your blessing. But if you hear and heed this truth, God is about to restore what the devil has been trying to steal. Praying that you will escape every mind trap, worry trap, and false mental pursuit trap that the devil tries to distract you with. So you will run with perseverance, peace and joy – the path God has for you today, His good, pleasing and perfect will for you. Obedience is a path, not a list. Obedience is the best protection from distraction, worry or frustration. Just get busy obeying, just get busy praising, and start thanking Him for the answer and good result that he already has for that thing the devil wants you worrying about. God’s got it, you don’t have to. He’s bigger, and He has promised good for you – on the path He leads you in! If something is trying to consume you, reject it. Be consumed with Thanksgiving, His presence, and His plan for you today, and get moving! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It is so direct. And every instruction of the LORD – has benefits. Proverbs 12:24 – Diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in slave labor. Wow. The foolish ignore instruction, they don’t recognize it, or consider it. The wise listen and learn, they take heed. Diligent hands will rule. They will be bosses, owners, directing the actions and activities of others. But those who lack diligence, who are lazy - end up in slave labor – working to enrich another. What is diligent? #1) What you do daily. And #2 What you finish completely. What is lazy – not just sitting on the couch all day… but never establishing the habits required of diligence. They work now and then, but not consistently, not purposefully. They never establish diligent habits, and they never finish things, or do them fully, completely, with excellence. How diligent are you? Do you teach your children to be diligent? Do you require it of them? Do you want them to rule, or be slaves – whose labor enriches another man’s house. First know what to be diligent in. Diligence in Tarsus doesn’t help you – when God told you Nineveh. Know what God told you to do daily, and what God told you to do today. PiVAT before dinner is the start of diligence. His Word gives you understanding in it. So you rule in righteousness – all that God has assigned under your jurisdiction. Diligence has benefits – one of which is – you gain autonomy, you get to make some decisions, rather than slave labor whose decisions are made by others. Praying that you will review the PRISM Topic – Diligent. So God can establish you in that precious possession of a man or woman. Diligence. There’s joy there! It will establish you and your family in all that God desires for you to walk in. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
Someone recently asked in a group text – “What are the most important things you are trying to teach your kids?” That’s a really good question. There may be as many different answers and opinions as people with kids. I’ve been thinking about that… Here are a few that we’ve tried, and would recommend. After the basics - Salvation and The Filling of the Holy Spirit, that God created them, loves them and has a wonderful plan, purpose, and destiny for them… Here’s what every child should learn from their parents – before they leave home. #1 – Teach Them To Obey. First time, Completely, with a Happy Heart. This is foundational. If they can’t obey an earthly Daddy or Mommy that they can see. How will they ever learn to obey a Heavenly Father that they cannot see? Children obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right. Obedience is the first moral pre-requisite. If you’re going to raise a morally responsible, and Holy Spirit responsive child – you must teach them to obey – their purpose and destiny depend on it. Obey the First time, completely, with a happy heart. Yes Daddy, Yes Mommy, Yes sir, Yes ma’am. Yes, Officer. If they don’t learn to obey you – they’ll eventually be forced to obey somebody – they might even get twenty-to-life to learn it. But even if they don’t. An obedient child is the most safe, the most happy, the most secure in themselves, and in in life. They’re the most well-adjusted, and prepared for life. It frees up their heart and mind to thrive in all of the development that results in a child maturing to responsible adulthood. Without requiring obedience of them – you will stunt their growth… They will never learn the moral beauty of obedience, and the moral benefit of honor, humility, submission, and respect. So they can give and receive it for the rest of their life. Teach them to obey. God tells you to. They first learn it at home. #2 - Teach Them To Work - The precious possession of a man is diligence. What is work? Labor for the benefit of others. Every blade cut, Every line straight, Every square clean. Top Left to Bottom Right – excellence. Don’t let one leaf remain, you’ve worked to hard. Final Check everything! Your final glance, is their first impression – you only get one chance at a first impression. You’ve worked too hard to leave something unfinished. It’s not hard to be excellent. So few people are. Always do a little extra. And communicate what you did for them - to help them achieve their goals and desires). It’s not just what you do, it’s what they know you do, that encourages them, makes them feel valued, and helps them know their investment in you pales in comparison to the value they’ve received from you. They should feel that you are the best decision they ever made. Serve others. Teach your children to work for the LORD, not money, or men. The heathen work for money and stuff. God’s children work for Him, they seek first His Kingdom, and all these things are given to them. The precious possession of a man or woman is diligence. Don’t let them leave home without it. The first work you teach them, is to steward what they have – their toys and their room. The Number One Rule of Stewardship – taking care of God’s possessions that He’s entrusted to you. “Put it away – before you do anything else.” If you make this the rule of your house, you will have kids who are excellent, not sluggards, overachievers, industrious, opportunistic in what is good. If they faithfully steward your house, one day they will faithfully steward their own house. And the Company they work for. Whoever is faithful in little will be faithful in much. And if they are not faithful in what belongs to another, who will give them things of their own? #3 Teach Them to be humble – to prefer others above themselves. To look to the interests of others, over and above their own. To let someone else go first, to give someone else the bigger piece. God loves them, and every time you love others, you are demonstrating the love of God. But also teach them boundaries. Dominion – what God has given them jurisdiction over. Loving others is not being taken advantage of. That doesn’t help them or you. Teach them to be assertive. To ask questions. To redirect conversation. Teach them humility before God – that’s obedience, and humility before others – that’s preference. (Teach them PRISM Topics – the Power of God’s Word on these subjects) #4 Teach Them to be Kind – It is the kindness of the LORD that leads us to repentance. It starts with words. Never allow your children to say an unkind word about their siblings, or others… not to themselves, not to other people, or to that person. Kindness is rare, it is a fruit of the Spirit, and it yields a harvest of likeability, good relationships, and favor. #5 Teach Them Discernment. It comes from the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. Make Proverbs a steady diet of your age appropriate children, you can even translate it for younger ages. Teach them truth politically, economically. Penny Candy, What Ever Happened to Justice, Conservative, Liberal or Confused - The Uncle Eric Series. Teach them US History – not the revised America hating lies of today, but The Godly Heritage of this country – which God will restore according to His Promise. By teaching truth – false becomes obvious. If you plant the Word of God, which is true wisdom, they will grow in discernment – they won’t be gullible and easily deceived. Teach them at the soonest age - The New Information Filter. #1 - Is It True #2 - Where Is The Evidence? #3 - What’s In It For Them? #4 - What Does God Say? Teach them models and paradigms, give them a framework to understand the culture around them, the effects of sin, and the dual standards of morality. God will have the final say. The wicked will perish, the righteous will remain, and His Word will remain forever. #6 Teach them to love their wife and respect their husband. – They will do what they see you do, not what you say. Fathers, the best thing you can do for your children, is to love their Mommy. You will teach them to do it if they are boys, and expect it if they are girls. Mommy, the best thing you can do for your children is respect their Daddy. If you’re proud of Him, they will be. You will teach her to do it, and him to expect and value it. That in itself will save them from negative relationships in their life – they’ll avoid them because they have learned a higher standard. #7 Teach them to Add Value – to always give more than they are paid. Your Heavenly Father won’t let you be underpaid forever. If this boss won’t increase your pay for the value you give, another one will. Teach them the best 2nd job is doing a better job at your first job. Teach them to operate at the level they aspire to, not their present position. Teach them that if they are excellent, they will always be underpaid, simply because no matter what level they are promoted to – they will still give more value than they are paid. #8 Teach them to under- promise and over deliver. It gives you margin to be excellent – to delight those you serve. #9 Teach them to worship – to love God’s Presence. It’s what changes you! #10 Teach them the importance of time, thoughts, money and testimony. To let God make their time, thought and money decisions, teach them to exhort one other daily. These will help them grow and mature for the rest of their life! Long after they have left home. It will give them a relationship with God of their own – not yours. It will help them make disciples – obeyers who walk in God’s blessing! #11 Teach them to be Givers. Givers of thanks, givers of honor, givers of respect, and givers of money as God directs. Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down and shaken will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Freely you have received, freely give. For God so loved the world, that He gave… 11 Things Before They Leave. Praying that God will give you grace to live these yourself, so your children will live them after you. What you teach your children, you are really teaching your grandchildren, and great grandchildren. What will your legacy be? We pray that you will teach your children these things – before they leave. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives hope and truth. Have you ever done something you regretted? Something God said not to, or the Holy Spirit warned you, and you did it anyway? Or you clearly knew something wasn’t God’s best. Or you did something that you didn’t realize you were doing, but wasn’t right, or good? Praise God, what you did once, isn’t who you are. What you do is, but not what you did. If you willfully continue in sin, ignoring God’s Word and God’s Way – making a conscious decision to reject Him, then what you do is who you are, but not what you did. God’s forgiveness isn’t free (Jesus paid an awful price) but it is available to you. If you humble yourself, confess your sin, repent, and ask God to forgive you… He’ll take what you did, and cancel it! He’ll remove it as far as the east is from the west, cast it into the sea of forgetfulness. His mercies are new every morning, and His mercy is far bigger than anything you did. One time Paul said, He had to confront Peter to his face. Because around the Jewish believers he acted one way, but around the gentile believers he lived another. Peter waffled. And from every indication turned when He received Paul’s challenge and correction. Peter was the (small rock) on whom Christ built the church. Jesus was the big rock. Peter when speaking before the Sanhedrin said – “Judge for yourselves what is right, whether to obey you, or to obey God… As for us, we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard. Peter didn’t waffle… He did it that one time and Paul brought it to his attention, but that’s not who he was. Praise God what you did isn’t who you are. If you repent and turn – that means think differently about it. What God says is not right, isn’t right. It doesn’t matter how many in the culture excuse it. That’s not you, God has better, He’s calling you higher. You can turn, be forgiven, redeemed, and move forward in the best God has for you. Don’t look back! Choose His Grace to overcome – to say “No” to any thing that’s not His best – His power helps you do it, not yours. Then just move forward in who you are! Who God redeemed you to be! He gives grace for it! Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
November 2024
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