Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It’s truth and life, and it’s truth for life. One cold winter day as a freshman in college, taking the long cold walk to the gym that evening for a workout which I never missed. It was unavoidable to not notice the young lady who was working at the gym entrance. I’d seen her before, she was beautiful, a senior, kind and gracious. No one else was around at that moment, just the two of us, as I walked in. And as a freshman myself – just a little unnerving – despite my overblown confidence. An hour and a half later – feeling buff, heading out the door into the cold dark night, I tried to say something charming not stupid, before my departure… I wasn’t trying to hit on her, she was dating the star of the baseball team with professional aspirations. Both young people were Godly and influential, and likely headed to marriage, but I still wanted to make an impression. Unfortunately, God obliged me. I no sooner stepped outside the double glass doors in full stride when I hit a patch of ice. Without warning, and without remedy, my feet went flying in the air, and I landed flat on my back in a matter of two seconds. Staying there for a moment, trying to gather myself, staring at the sky, painfully aware of how ridiculous I just looked, then feeling the cold water on the ground seeping through my backside. I carefully resumed my upright position, and had to do something. Desperately hoping she didn’t see, but knowing that was impossible, I poked my head back in the door, with what certainly must have been the lamest comment in history. She was so kind, she tried to pretend she didn’t notice, but I could read all over her face her desperate attempt to keep herself from bursting out laughing. Which I certainly appreciated, but all hopes of any appearance of cool – were dashed forever. Doggone black ice… If you’re not careful, you can slip. Have you also noticed? That most of the time, slips don’t come that way? They’re not that obvious. They are not the feet in the air – land on your butt kind. They are mostly the slip-sliding-away kind. Just little by little, not all at once. No-one notices, until you can’t help but notice. Getting too busy for that daily time with God, that relationship in prayer and His Word. That time of putting him first before the challenges of the day - slips a little. As if hitting the days demands before spending time with him – has any chance of success. Praying that you’ll avoid black ice outside of gymnasiums. But praying more that you’ll notice the unnoticeable slip – so you can get back on track, before the drift becomes worse than the fall. So you keep that priority relationship in your life – your first priority. So success will hunt you down, so wisdom will define you, so His peace will surround you, and your joy will abound. Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It gives insight and reminders. Psalms 119:73 – Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands. This is a great reminder! You weren’t an accident! You weren’t mass produced, you were custom made. Hand-made by God, formed in your mother’s womb. He’s like the Chip Foose of the build of you. You’re not like any other ’57 Chevy – you’re a one off! He made you and formed you. He created you for a purpose – with special abilities uniquely suited to fulfill what you were made for. He didn’t forget anything, or leave anything out. His design of you is Masterful! He gave you every gift and talent and ability you need to fully prosper in what He created you to be, and what He purposed for you to do. He makes no mistakes, He doesn’t need a do-over. So since God created you that purposefully, David says – Give me understanding to learn your commands. His commands are for everyone who chooses them, but they are given for you to become and fulfill what you were created for. If you don’t understand His commands, you won’t understand your purpose, or how to fulfill it, you won’t understand excellence, how to do right things, and how to do things right – how to do them well. If you have understanding, you can learn His commands, and you can fulfill your purpose. You cannot walk in joy apart from His purpose for you. Like someone made to do something, that never discovers it, or isn’t doing it – they’re miserable. You were hand-made and formed for a purpose – not to be distracted. If you were made for a purpose – how much time do you spend on that purpose, preparing for it, and doing it? And how much time do you spend on other things – not your purpose? You need to Read His Commands so you come to love them. You need Understanding to learn what His commands mean and how they apply to you and your purpose. And you need Grace to choose His commands over what your flesh wants to choose. Your Purpose starts with PiVAT before dinner. What do you need most from God today? If you ask Him, He’ll tell you – because He’s about to give it to you – and it is purposeful! You need it! For today, and what you become because of today. You need to recognize what you need most from God today, that God wants to give you – so you walk in it. What did God tell you to do today? What did God tell you to do this hour? The purpose you were created for starts today! Right now, with this hour. Praying that you will do what you were hand-made to do. That you will ask for understanding to learn His commands so you can fulfill what you were made for! So your life starting today – can fulfill your purpose and be full of His joy! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It is the best book on relationships ever written. Relationship with God – the One who created you and loves you. And relationship with others made His image. If you don’t know the God who loves you – who loves perfectly – you can’t really know how to love others. The principles from God’s Word – teach you to love well. Selflessly. Completely. "Greater love has no man than this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends." But what about enemies? God demonstrated his love for us in this, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The best example of love is God – through Jesus. If you want to love well, get to know God, and His Word. And through how He loves you, you can learn to love others. God’s Word is full of examples and instruction on how to love well. One forgotten tool when it comes to loving people – Believe The Best. Do you believe the best of someone – when something happens and you could chose to either believe the best or believe something different? They said something that you took offense to, or someone else said they did something or said something – that could be taken the wrong way. Have you notice some people always take things the wrong way. “He thinks he’s always right,” or “She thinks she’s better than everyone.” “I can’t believe they said that…” How do you know what they think? That’s just a habit of thinking the worst of someone, not believing the best. One comment turns into another, and soon they’ve formed a complete character assignation in their mind – when that person may not even have said that – or meant anything negative by it? Especially in marriage – an important tool for a great relationship is to believe the best. God tells us to overlook faults, not accent or dwell on them. If nothing else – you’ve made mistakes yourself. You’ve said something quickly or carelessly without choosing the best words to use. Someone said "We judge others by what they say, and ourselves by what we meant to say." When you believe the best – your first thought is 'they didn’t mean it that way.' You choose to overlook their faults, mistakes, or even poor choices. One way to believe the best is don’t use the word 'you.' "You hurt my feelings." No, your feelings play tricks on you – you allowed yourself to get hurt. Or the best one. You make me so angry. No, you choose to let anger get the best of you, that’s a personal choice, no one forces you. When you believe the best in someone, your first reaction – your go to - is to excuse the wrong. Not make excuses for poor behavior, but to believe it didn’t come out how they meant to say it. Not that you let yourself be mistreated, just recognize everything isn’t mistreatment. Sometimes people just react out of hurt or pain themselves, or out of simple misunderstanding. Rather than say – “you said this,” or “you hurt my feelings,” or “you made me mad.” Try using “my” instead. It takes the accusation out – which allows communication in an environment where they don’t feel the need to defend themselves. “Can I ask you about something? I think my feelings may have gotten hurt by the comment “xyz” whatever they said. Could you share with me what you meant or how you felt in saying that. Don’t play the victim, just communicate directly. They might not have even said that, or realized how it could sound - when they really meant to say it differently, or something different altogether. If they become defensive – don’t take offense again, sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. They might recognize how it sounds, and re-phrase, or they might not. But choose to believe the best anyway. They might just be having a bad day. You’ve been there. If nothing else, just pause and let their comments sink in. They’ll feel heard, and you would probably benefit to step back and consider how your words or actions can effect others. A valuable tool - Believe the Best. It’s not easy, or everyone would have great relationships in their life. As much as it depends on you – live at peace with all men. Part of that – is just choosing to believe the best. Communicate how you feel, and be more concerned with how they feel, what they think and feel. It’s part of loving well. Praying that you will review the Relationship Topic – Forgiveness and Restoration. When we believe the best – we are quick to take responsibility when we ourselves make mistakes, and to humbly seek forgiveness so restoration can quickly occur, rather than develop into bigger problems. So we can build solid and caring relationships that stand the test of time. Praying that you will learn to love well. Learn to believe the best - it’s always a choice. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It never runs out of revelation. Have you ever read a verse – maybe years ago, formed a perspective from it, only later to have God reveal even more? To clarify a few things in your understanding? James 1:2-3 – Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. I always thought we should just count trials as joy. Didn’t make sense, but God said it, so… But did God really say trials were a joy… He just said “Get joy when you experience trials.” Consider it joy, not the trial, but what it produces. Not for the trial, but for what comes next – if. What is the purpose of trials? (that test your faith). The purpose of trials are not to test your faith. God already knows your heart, and your faith, He doesn’t need to send you a trial to find out. The purpose of trials in your life are to develop your faith into perseverance in faith – so that you may mature to completeness, not lacking anything. That’s why you can count trials as joy – because the continual use of your faith produces perseverance, and the purpose of perseverance is to make you complete in maturity – so you don’t lack anything. Persevere in faith – let perseverance finish its work. If you don’t persevere in faith, it can’t finish its work in you, and you won’t be mature… you will still be lacking. Lord help me persevere in faith through this trial, help me go through this trial in maturity… If you go through this trial a fussin’ and a cussin’ that’s not spiritual maturity… you still lack. You can only count trials as joy – if you persevere in faith, and see that spiritual maturity is coming, you are maturing and becoming complete. When you see and know that - you will lack nothing. Most people think that lack is solved by money. Money can’t buy you this – only trials can. Not lacking anything doesn’t come from money, it comes from maturity by persevering in faith – through trials - when perseverance finishes its work in you. Don’t focus on the trial, that won’t bring you joy - focus on the perseverance of faith – take joy in that… God’s working the rest in you – through your perseverance – by the grace He has given you. When trials come, you can take joy in that God is maturing you to completeness, so you lack nothing. Sometimes what you consider lack, is just a lack of maturity. The more you mature in faith, the more you lack nothing. That’s what you count as joy – God is maturing you – His grace is helping you choose faith over fear, trust through the trial, joy in what God is doing in you! Praying that you will persevere in faith – and count trials a joy, because God is maturing you to completeness – so you lack nothing. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It is so brutally practical. Psalms 119:67 - Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word. Are you afflicted? Don’t waste affliction – It’s for now… The fruit, the turn, the result, the choice, the victory, the overcoming. Affliction has a purpose. God sends it or allows it to turn our heart to obey His Word. If you don’t turn, He’ll send some more – until you turn. Are you afflicted? What is God trying to expose in you, change in you, accomplish in you? Don’t let this affliction go to waste. Don’t look to other things, don’t think you can overcome it yourself. Don’t think its without purpose. That God doesn’t care, or He doesn’t know… Gain what God wants you to gain from it. Peace in the middle of the storm. Humility, a closer walk with Him, increased conversation with Him, blessing not cursing, hope not despair, joy not frustration. John 16:33 – I have told you these things so (that) in me you will have peace. In the world you will have trouble (tribulation, affliction) but be of good courage, I have overcome the world. Recognize affliction and the purpose of it – so you now obey His Word. When you face troubles - Be of good courage I have overcome the world. Not just hope and strength, God wants you to have courage in affliction and troubles. Have you thanked Him for this affliction so the now can come? Praying that you’ll recognize affliction – so that now you will obey His Word and be of good courage! Love you all, praying for you, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives secrets and sequence. It reveals mysteries and mindsets. It tells you what to avoid and what to pursue. Proverbs 11:2 – When pride comes then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Have you ever noticed that most people try to avoid things, instead of pursue things. They don’t understand that often the best way to avoid something, is to pursue a better thing. If you pursue humility, you don’t have to worry about pride, it cannot come – it is drowned out, locked out, by humility. Pursue humility and then wisdom comes, it’s unavoidable. Humility – accepting God’s Word as true, pre-determining to obey instantly and completely with joy whatever He commands – no matter what changes are required. Humility – means you accept correction from whatever means God chooses, the mouth of babes, a donkey, a person you know or don’t know. Humility comes under – it recognizes the Source of truth is God, no matter what delivery method or messenger He chooses. Humility brings wisdom. If you walk in humility pride cannot get a foothold. If you walk in wisdom, you will never experience disgrace. Do you want to walk in wisdom? Do you want a life built on wisdom? then humility must become your DNA. Submit to God, prefer others over yourself. Want to change. Don’t defend yourself, examine yourself. Even something you’ve always done or believed… If people examined themselves as much as they defended themselves – their life would be an example of wisdom and the fruit of it. Do you examine yourself? Or do you defend yourself? Everyone has their own way of doing things, we easily see defensiveness in other people, but do we see it in ourselves? Humility isn’t defensive, its inquisitive, it desires to learn more - to see if there is any way in them, that is not the best way… so they can change. So they can become more like Christ, in the humility He showed, so the will of the Father is unhindered in their life. God is leading you, are you hearing Him? Are you willing to follow? Are you willing to change this thing that he brought to your attention? If you humble yourself, wisdom will come as much as disgrace comes with pride. Humble yourself, or exalt yourself… Wisdom or disgrace? God gives choices. Praying that you will pursue the habit of humility, that you will become like Christ in this hallmark way that distinguished Him above anything else. So wisdom can come, so you will walk in the complete will of your Father in Heaven – and become what you couldn’t dream, and see things and walk in things you could never imagine! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word, it’s simple. Proverbs 10:1 – A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother. Have you ever thought about you today? Will you bring joy to your Heavenly Father today? What brings Him joy? A child who walks in wisdom. What is wisdom? Choices. How would you bring joy to your Heavenly Father today? PiVAT - Know His plans for you today, and do them completely with joy! Just ask Him, He’ll tell you! PRISM - Soak in His Word – don’t fill your mind with other things, fill it with His Word to transform your mind, so you think like He does. Continually offer the sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess His Name. Do good to others, and share with those in need. Speak faith and Life, turn from evil – and fear God. Pray for those in authority, for Jerusalem, and for the Kingdom of God to advance in the earth. Love one another, teach people to obey everything God commands – right where you are. A wise son and daughter bring joy to their father and mother. Praying that you will bring joy to your Heavenly Father today – so His joy can remain in you – and overflow! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It is so practical. It’s success in the face of reality. Hebrews 13:5 – Keep yourselves free from the love of money, and be content with what you have. For God has said, never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. God is saying – I’m better! If I’m with you, you don’t have to love anything else. The greatest competitor with God in your life? Money. The things you desire that money can buy. Love God or Love Money. God said you can’t do both. He warns us of the trap of money. And it’s not passive, it’s active. Have you ever known someone who got free of something, only to be bound by it again? Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly. Someone said, the only thing harder than getting out of debt, is staying out of debt. Whatever the trap, some people were once free, but have let themselves become bound again, entangled. God says keep yourself free from the love of money – because it’s trying to take over you again. Stay free! Keep yourself free. Money is always trying to trap you. The love of money that you overcame is always trying to overcome you. To take back the ground you took from it. How do you keep yourself free from the love of money? Contentment. Be content w/ what you have. Not complacent, content. Just because you’re content, doesn’t mean you’re complacent. If you know that you work for God, not money, it’s not the motivator, obedience is, serving others is. How do you be content with what you have? By being thankful for what you have. Paul said, “I have learned to be content.” How do you learn? Thanksgiving leads you to contentment, which keeps you free from the love of money. Choose thanksgiving, and you’ll choose contentment, and you’ll keep yourself free from the love of money. God thank you for this day, thank you for this job, this car, this house, this meal, this family, this promise - you will never leave me nor forsake me. Praying that you will stay free. That your thanksgiving and praise, and your run to obey will keep you free from the love of money, or anything else that tries to trap you again. He will never leave you nor forsake you – that’s all you need! His way for you – is way better! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives secrets. Psalms 119:5 – You are my portion, O LORD; I have promised to obey your words. What is a portion? That which is allotted to you. By God. So it’s good! Are you content with your portion? Not complacent but content with your portion? Loving what you have, not longing for what you don’t… Is He enough? Is His presence enough, is His Word enough, are His promises enough or are you looking for another portion? A different portion, a worldly portion? If you aren’t partaking of your portion, it’s not enough, you’re longing for something else. What is partake of your portion? Like a meal, eat it. If you leave the bowl sitting there, not touching it, it won’t be enough. But if you eat your fill, it will be enough, it will satisfy you, you will be full. If you partake of your portion, come back to it again and again, He is more than enough. His presence changes you, His praise changes you, thanksgiving changes you, His Word of love and encouragement and wisdom changes you - obedience changes you. Have you promised to obey His word? David did. He reminded himself of it all the time, and He did it. He obeyed God’s Word, over and over – until he loved it, until He loved God’s Word, and obeying it – more than anything else. For some people – He is my portion is never enough, because they never take a bite, or just take a little one every once in a while, so they’re always still hungry, for other things. Natural comes naturally, but spiritual is an acquired taste. Make Him your portion, what you consume without stop. Partake in your portion, He promised it is good! and it will be enough. Your portion is your thought life, then your word life, then it manifests in the natural. Start with PRISM – get your portion, stay in it, and everything He promised will come to pass in your life. You will have enough. Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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