Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word, it meddles with you. You’ve heard the story of the man who just loved that new preacher. Every week he couldn’t say enough good things about that new preacher at the church. Until one Sunday, he got mad. “Preacher, you done left preachin’ and now you’ve gone to medlin.’ Most people are like that. Are you? That’s why it’s called “heed” counsel. If it’s what you do, and what you think, and what you believe… there’s nothing to heed. Heed only applies, when its something different than what you do, or think or believe. Heed means put on the brakes, change course, do something different than what you’ve been doing. What you just heard, do it. God’s word says – “Leave your simple ways and live.” That means stop doing what you thought, and do what God said. That’s what heed means. It’s really hard. You have to be humble, or you won’t heed. If you think you know better, you won’t heed. Because you think you know better. Naaman wasn’t about to. He was mad that the prophet didn’t even come out to meet him. He thought he’d wave his arms or lay hands on him or something… but send out your servant? Does he not know who I am? The supreme commander of the armies of Syria. Dip in the Jordan? Aren’t there rivers in Syria far more beautiful than this muddy creek? He was not heeding, until his servants begged him. “Sir, if he asked you to do a hard thing, or an impossible thing, or an expensive thing – would you not have done it? Why not do this simple thing?” Finally, Naaman relented – or He would have left - still a leper. And on that seventh time… He was clean. Sometimes you have to heed seven times before you get your miracle. Sometimes it takes more than one heeding to change you. That’s why it’s important to learn to heed. Humble yourself, heed counsel, be willing to come under. Be willing to lower yourself, rather than exalt yourself. God can do that so much better. He can surely humble you – but that’s not humility, that’s correction. But if you humble yourself, He will exalt you – and you will be established on the heights. Isn’t it funny – the low place brings you high. In your weakness, you are the strongest. When you humble yourself, God exalts you. If someone is meddlin’ maybe it’s God trying to get your attention. Will you heed? Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It gives wisdom that is so practical for everyday life and relationships – not dated, but generational. Have you ever thought about the importance of regular communication in relationships or organizations? Are you a part of an organization? A group of people drawn together by something? Do you lead one? You’re at least a part of a family if nothing else. What are the two most important parts of any successful organization? #1 Vision. #2 Communication. God said without vision, the people perish, (Prov 29:18) they cast off restraint. But for vision to remain clear and strong, there must be regularly scheduled communication. Just like in any relationship – great communication makes great relationships. So also in organizations, great communication makes great organizations. It makes people feel like a valued part. What’s the key to communication? Certainly how you say things, but equally important – how often. It is vitally important to have a venue for communication at least weekly, if not daily. It’s how you sustain vision, it’s how you gain cooperation, it’s how you establish priorities, and eliminate roadblocks, obstacles, and misunderstanding. Misunderstanding is the enemy of organizations, just like relationships. Regular communication keeps relationships strong, and sustains vision. Sometimes you need to remember why you’re here. Vision is important – because if that isn’t clear – how will you attract the people you need – with like hearts? How will they know that this organization is worth being a part of, or it’s leaders are worth following, or walking together with? (Eight hours a day on a job is a significant commitment of life). What about a group of people, whether a church, a family, or a group of similar interest? Conflicts can arise, because people have different ideas and ways of doing things. And some people are a part of the organization, but have a very different vision of what it is supposed to be. If you don’t communicate well, it can become gridlock. How do you ensure that the vision remains, and conflicts can be resolved? You need a scheduled time for open dialogue, and solution finding. Regularly scheduled communication is the most important factor in sustaining vision. Without regular communication - vision leaks. And before you know it, it could run out. That’s why weekly meetings for an organization – are crucial to sustain vision, celebrate successes, inject motivation, and ensure progress. It’s the scheduled communication times – that ensure good communication, not the random times when you can catch up. Those are important too, but not as important as the communication habit. It’s what sustains vision – and motivation. What is God telling you to do that includes others? Maybe something new, or something you’ve done for a while, or wanted to. What time each week do you allocate for vision and communication? Regularly scheduled conversations may be difficult to maintain. Why? The tyranny of the urgent. There’s always something that pops up that seems more important in the moment, than vision, or unity. But regular communication, whether for an organization, or even a regular date night in a marriage, is vital to long term success. Praying that you will encourage and commit to this - in any group that you are a part of. So God can give you vision, sustain it, and enable you to love well, resolve issues, and become a group that people long to be a part of. Especially if it has Kingdom-Purpose. Without a scheduled time, it won’t get done. With a scheduled time, you’d have to choose not to – in order to not do it. Praying that whatever group God calls you to, you will encourage them to be effective in regular communication that ensures success. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives truth, and insight into it. It tells you how to walk in it. God’s Word comes with the Holy Spirit. Understanding of the Word comes from the Holy Spirit. He wants to reveal what God has for you. If you walk in the Spirit – He will lead you into all truth, He will show you what is yet to come. Not just eternally, but daily! Psalms 34:8 - Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Take refuge in Him – go there first, stay there the longest, come back every chance you get. Take refuge in Him run to him, that’s how you taste and see that the LORD is good. Not by waiting on the next thing He will give you. He’s already given you more than enough. How do you taste? You take a bite. You come to His Word and His Plans for you – so you know what you could taste. And then when you do what He says. That’s taking a bite. Then you taste His goodness – when you do it! Then you get blessed, then you see that the LORD is good! If you worship – and spend time in His presence, you will taste and see that the LORD is Good. If you pray – pray the Word, cast all your cares on Him, pray for others, pray in the Spirit – you will taste and see that the LORD is good. If you ask for His plans, and just do them for the rest of today, and tomorrow starting first thing… you will taste and see that the LORD is good – today! And you will see the good that He has for you. If you exhort one other daily – like He said to do (Hebrews 3:13) You will taste and see, you will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. You will taste and see that the LORD is good. What He tells you is good! You taste, by taking a bite, not just looking. Not look and see, not wait and see, taste and see. Some people are lookers, they never take a bite. Oh that looks good! But they never taste it to find out. They never know how good it is! Take a bite, take refuge in Him, in His Presence, In His Word, In His plans, and in prayer. His will for you is good. Just try it – you’ll like it. If you take a bite, that’s how you taste, when you do what He says, that’s taking a bite, and if you taste – you will see – that God is good, and you will see the good that He has for you? So what has God told you to do today? Will you taste and see? Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It doesn’t only tell you what not to do, it tells you what to do, instead. Praying that you’ll review the PRISM Topic – Do Not Fret. God said don’t. What is fret? To distress one’s self, to worry, agitate, brood, get worked up over, devour, lose sleep over. That’s what the devil tries to get you to do. He prowls around like a roaring lion. (Notice, he’s not a lion, there’s only one of those… He prowls “like” a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (cause to fret). God said don’t do it, it only leads to evil. Don’t give a foothold for anger, turn from wrath, and do not fret. Instead, rejoice. That means to take joy again, choose joy instead… What is joy? Exceeding gladness… feelings or emotions caused by success, or the prospect of possessing what one desires. Rejoice, means to take joy again, to choose joy instead. God said to rejoice in the LORD always, again I say (Take joy again). It’s a repetitive thing, a choice to choose over and over. You’ll need to. Rejoice is a choice, you choose to, or choose not to. In the LORD – means in His Word (Jesus is the Word in human form). In the Spirit – pray in the Spirit, and it will help you rejoice. Remember who He is, and what He did, and what He promised. He’ll do it again. He’ll turn this around, He’ll work it for your good, He’s working when you’re sleeping, He’s working in this situation. Rejoice for the steps of the righteous are ordered of the LORD. Just seek Him, and step where He tells you, when He says, “Go.” If you humble yourself before Him, He’ll direct your steps – even through the wilderness, even through the fire. He’ll show you which path to choose, and He’ll give you joy even in the trial, like Paul and Silas. Rejoice in your suffering, rejoice even when you’re persecuted. Rejoice when things aren’t going well. Count it all joy. Consider this trial a joy. God is doing something, and He’s about to do something more! Praying that you will rejoice, not fret, that you will praise right now! That you will believe His promise, and let Him direct your steps. God orders them, but the choice is yours. Praying that you will believe His promise, and rejoice in His goodness, even when things look bleak, they’re not. He is in full control. He loves you forever, His grace is more than enough, and the joy of the LORD is your strength. And don’t forget to pray. In everything give thanks, and in everything let your requests be made known unto God. He has peace for you, and joy to take again. Are you in a difficult or demanding season right now? Are you rejoicing or complaining? Are you rejoicing or fretting? If you choose joy – He’ll give it. If you take joy again, He’ll give you grace for it, He will cause it to become strength for you. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you what to do - that brings life and success and hope. But sometimes it’s difficult, and if you don’t do it, it gets harder the next time, or as time goes by. Sometimes you never do it, and your life reflects the loss. Have you ever “knew it, but didn’t do it?” One of the most difficult things to do, is to live honestly and transparently with brothers and sisters in Christ, with family. God said if you come to the altar, but remember you have aught against your brother. Something between you. Leave your gift at the altar, first go and be reconciled to your brother, then come back and offer your gift. Is your slate clean? Have you forgiven others? Is there anything outstanding? God said if you do not forgive those who sin against you, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you (Matthew 6:15). Like the man forgiven much, demanded payment of little, having the offender thrown in jail. They then came for him, and the Master had him thrown into jail, until he should pay the last penny. Unforgiveness is a ball and chain. It affects your life, your relationships, and your relationship with God. It even has physical effects on your body, it can affect your health. Unforgiveness is often not purposeful. It’s just that we don’t have the honest conversation. We don’t want to admit our faults or our feelings. We don’t want to appear petty, or easily offended, so we don’t talk with that person. And things can build up over time, that God instructed us not to allow – for our own sake, and for others. Maybe just say, “Do you have a minute to help me with a problem I’m having?” Did I misunderstand something you said? Or am I just imagining things, but here’s how I felt when this happened… Did I miss-understand something? I want to make sure our relationship has nothing between us… If you do approach someone transparently, be sure to avoid the word “you.” You made me angry when you did that… No, you decided to give anger a foothold, they didn’t make you angry. No one can make you anything – you choose it, no-one can make you. God said it is to a man’s honor to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). God said forgive others as well as ask for forgiveness from those you have wronged. If you let things remain, they just build up over time, souring relationships, building walls and barriers. God said Hebrews 12:14 – Make every effort to live at peace with everyone, and to be holy. For without holiness, no one will see the LORD. Ephesians 4:2 – Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (How can we bear with one another, if we don’t share what we are feeling or thinking? If they don’t know, how can they bear with you?) Verse 3, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." It takes effort… Unity only happens with conversation, those difficult ones - that allow for honesty, transparency, forgiveness, and reconciliation. When we confess our faults to one another, and humbly accept responsibility for any fault we have done – and make things right. What if we humbled ourselves, and in love confessed our sins to one another, and approached those who have offended us? Giving both of us the opportunity to demonstrate love and forgiveness and grace They might double down – “That’s your problem.” OK, but at least you’ll know you did your part. You were humble and honest, you made every effort to live in the bond of peace. You’re not responsible for them, but you are responsible for you. You can forgive and overlook, whether they seek forgiveness or not. What if everyone did that? What if we were humble not only in approaching others, but when approached ourselves? Maybe just a regular conversation with other people – Is there anything I’ve done that made you feel not valued? Or any blind spot that you see in me, that I might not see? What if we were intentional about giving the opportunity to keep short accounts with one another? You can always agree to disagree, but what if we preferred one another? What if we would seek to understand, more than being understood? What if we were quick to seek peace, quick to forgive, and quick to overlook faults, bearing each others burdens in love. What unity could God bring in a family or community? It could become that place of unity where He commands a blessing. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives advice for life. If you are a young person open to getting married, or a young couple starting out. What counsel does God give from His Word? 1. Obey financially - The 4C’s Tool – helps you know where God’s money is, so you can do what He tells you to do with it. Read the Money Packet. If God says you’ll serve God or money, if He spoke of money and possession over 2300 times in scripture, and if God’s ways are not man’s ways, like heavens above earth. Money is a big deal to God. And it’s a big deal in marriage. God doesn’t need it, He owns it, you need to learn what He says about it, and decide if you’ll do what He says, or what someone else says. What does God say about money? It reveals your heart. Does what God said - match what you believe? Or do you believe what someone else says? The other reason that money is so important (obeying with it – getting God’s plan for it, not yours), is it’s the indicator of your heart, and it’s a key factor in marriage. Sex & money, the biggest reasons for divorce - disagreement in those areas. If you can get away from ‘he said, she said’, regarding money, and instead learn to believe and do what God says... Your marriage will be built on a strong foundation, because your hearts will be devoted to God, not money. He makes the decisions, you just give an account – like He commanded, and steward your resources the way He leads you, by His Word (learn it!) and by His Spirit. If you’re not in agreement, wait. God’s big enough to move your spouse… Just like He’s big enough to move you. Trust Him. His ways are higher. They work! He has freedom for you! not bondage. 2. Live on one income – save the other. The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets. Seven years from now, you could be exactly where you are right now financially, and spiritually. Or you can be completely different. What if you committed this seven years to the future? You’d be ready for famine, you’d be ready for promotion, it could change the course of the rest of your life. Bondage or freedom? How you live today will impact tomorrow, and you don’t know what the future holds. Jacob worked for seven years, Joseph saved for seven years, God said debt should be done in seven years. In fact, He said don't get into debt in the first place! “Don’t let debt remain outstanding,” and “Don’t lack judgment, don’t strike hands in pledge.” He's got better for you – for His people – then debt. In the seven years of plenty, prepare for the seven years of famine, or the next seven years of life, which will hold more challenges and more opportunities, and God will be faithful through them all. 3. Count the cost Luke 14:28 – Suppose one of you wants to build a house. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? NLT But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it? Otherwise, you might complete only the foundation before running out of money, and then everyone would laugh at you. They would say, ‘There’s the person who started that building and couldn’t afford to finish it!’ That doesn’t just apply to building a house, it applies to any financial endeavor that you are committing yourself to. The best way to count the cost – on any new financial commitment – is the Options Tab on your 4C’s Tool. Ask God! What does this cost, what does it take, does your salary meet the need? If not, something needs to change, either make more or spend less. That has nothing to do with faith or not. Just because you count the cost, doesn’t mean you don’t have faith. But now you know what is needed, just like Abraham faced the fact that his body was as good as dead… But He believed God. Counting the Cost – just makes God’s miracle even bigger – because you realize the magnitude of what He just did! 4. Job Then House Proverbs 24:27 – Get your fields in order, after that build your house. Get a job, then build a house. Make sure your job is secure, that the income is coming… then think about building a house. NLT – Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house. What were fields? The source of their income - they were what paid for everything – to build the house and maintain it, buy groceries, pay bills. If the wise man saves for the future, income is needed. And spending less than you make is needed. If the wise man’s house are filled with rare and beautiful treasures, children first, and other physical possessions that reflect God’s glory and His goodness, then income is needed. Saving – God’s wisdom – must be your habit. And obedience must be your DNA. .5. Give Freely “Give and it will be given to you, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap. With the measure you use it will be measured to you.” Giving is one of the first signs of faith and trust in the LORD. If you are willing to give where He directs, you have to trust that He told you, and trust that if you do it - He will provide. Most people think giving is loss. You gave away what you had. You had more, now you have less. But giving isn’t loss, it’s gain. Giving out of obedience, stores up treasure in heaven, and God clearly said it will bring increase on earth. Even during the seven years of saving and preparing, give off the top - tithe and offering as God leads. Your heart is affected by giving. You will love God, or money. Those who love money, give sparingly, those who love God give freely – whatever He tells them. They don’t hold on, they hold loosely. .6. Be Content You can’t sacrifice for seven years, to change the legacy of your family, if you aren’t content. If you aren’t content in the lean years, neither will you be content in the abundant years. Because no matter how much you have, if you always want more, you’ll never be content. A rich person was once asked, “How much is enough?” “Just a little more.” That person will never be content. The more wealth, the more people there is to spend it. Ecclesiastes 5:11 – As goods increase, so do those that consume them, and what good is it… Philippians - For I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. I have learned to get a long with humble means, and I have learned to live in prosperity. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, of having abundance, and suffering need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Contentment doesn’t come from wealth. It comes from surrender, it’s worth far more than wealth which can take wings like an eagle and fly away. Praying that you will be content in the LORD, in the season you are in, and be willing to sacrifice in this season, to prepare for the next. Not just financially, but spiritually. .7. Pursue Godliness What is Godliness? What God tells you. Know what God is calling you to do in this season. If you are pursuing what God has called you to do… Work diligently – honor God at your job, love completely, lay down your life for your spouse. Listen, and value each other’s counsel. God gave you each other for a reason! And serve others as He leads. If you do this, you won’t be consumed with what you don’t have yet, you’ll be fulfilled in what God has for you in this season. Even in the preparing season, you can see fruit and harvest. You don’t need money for ministry, you need humility and obedience. If you focus on His presence, simple obedience, and loving each other, you will be more aware of others around you and willing to invest your lives in them. Remember, the most impactful ministry you could ever have, is allowing someone close enough to see how you obey… Before you have the house, or the car, or the retirement or the perfect job, of the child you long for. Sometimes the most effective testimony is your testimony in the waiting, and the obeying, and the rejoicing… Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word – it tells you secrets, it tells you what’s good, and what’s best. And it gives reminders. God knows what you need, when you need it. That’s why PRISM is so important, it’s how God can tell you… God reminding me recently about giving. #1 – If you love, you’ll give. For God so loved the world that He gave… #2 If you give, you’ll get. – good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over will be added to your lap. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you. There’s joy in giving. Some people have joyless lives, because they aren’t givers, they’re keepers. You can take a lot of things from me, and I’ll be OK, but don’t take my ability to give. It’s where the joy comes, and the returns. #3 Give right, or that’s all you get. Jesus told of the Pharisees in Matthew 6, who only gave to be seen by men. “They have received their reward in full.” Ouch. That’s all they’re going to get. #4 You simply direct God’s resources, you don’t really give. You can’t give what’s not yours. That’s stealing. The most important aspect in giving is obedience. If God’s not leading you, don’t do it. The wicked servant started giving – away - his masters things – giving people discounts – so when he got fired, others would take care of him. But that’s stealing. Everything you have belongs to God. You can’t give away what doesn’t belong to you. Check with the owner first. #5 Give cheerfully, not grudgingly. Are you upset that God told you to give that much? Why? It’s His, He owns it all, there’s more where that came from. Some people have said, if you’re not cheerful about it – don’t give. I’d be careful with that one – an interesting perspective, but it doesn’t apply to tithe. You need to give that whether you’re cheerful or not. Don’t rob God of his tithes and offerings. God said, Tithe off the top – it belongs to me, it’s not even yours to decide, your decisions start with the 90% - not the tithe, that’s mine. Do it. Don’t wait til you’re cheerful about it. God even said test me in this, and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing you can’t contain. Grudging givers – just have a misunderstanding, they think they’re giving what’s theirs – when they’re not. They view giving as a loss, not a gain. Man’s way isn’t God’s way. You should rejoice every time God tells you to give something. If you clutch what you have, God can’t give you more… your hands are full. God doesn’t need your money, He knows it’s not really yours anyway. What do you have that God didn’t give you, or give you the ability to acquire? If He says give, then do it with joy. Giving when God prompts you – is just a test of the heart. Check your motives – give when He tells you. #6 Give praise – Giving isn’t only money. God said give praise to the LORD. It’s due Him. #7 The best gift is obedience. By far. God said obedience is better than sacrifice. He would rather you do what He told you, than give him something. Obedience is the gift that brings the best returns. #8 on Giving - There’s grace for it. There’s a grace for giving that empowers you. Paul said to excel in it. #9 Don’t brag and not give. Like clouds without rain is the man who brags of gifts He doesn’t give. Don’t say anything – just do what God told you. #10 Ask God how to give – not just how much… God said don’t let your left hand, know what your right hand is doing. Give in secret, and God will reward you openly. But sometimes God wants them to know the person that God prompted. Sometimes God wants your giving done in secret, but sometimes He may want others to know. It’s an example to them. Paul didn’t bring to Jerusalem “a gift from someone who wishes to remain anonymous – He let everyone know – it came from Macedonia – Philippi not Corinth. It came from the other side of the tracks, not Rodeo Drive. Everyone knew that was the poorest church in the body of Christ. And if they could give so willingly – as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability – they gave willingly. It was a testimony, an example for others. If they gave so can we. David didn’t keep his gift secret, he let people know what he gave out of His personal retirement – the whole 401k. He set an example in giving, He led the way – he gave more than all the people did. Give what God tells you, and as God tells you. He’ll let you know – so He gets the greatest glory. He’s not vain, He’s building something! If He’s lifted up – He’ll draw all men unto himself. #11 Be a Giver – Jesus was. He gave his own life for you. Give what’s due. Give Praise to God, give honor to whom it is due, give respect to whom it is do. Jesus when they tried to trick him, said “Give to Ceasar that which is Ceasars, but Give to God that which is God’s. Give to others in need, give to the poor, and you’ll store up treasure in heaven, always give more than you receive – God said it’s more blessed to give than it is to receive. Givers hang out with givers. You become who you’re with, and you gravitate to people like you. Givers are rivers, not ponds. Never stagnant, they are always getting blessed, always getting and giving more, always joyful. They don’t love money, they love God, they give willingly, and God always restocks them. Praying that you will give what God tells you to give, cheerfully, joyfully, that you’ll give what’s due, that you’ll give your best, that you’ll give like God gives, so you can see what God will do! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word – it tells you what needs to change. Have you ever sensed a need for change in your life? Maybe not drastic, just important? Maybe some things you’ve slipped into that aren’t the best for you. Have you ever noticed how the devil works? He doesn’t start you out as an ax murderer, just a drifter. You don’t suddenly reject God’s Will or His Word, you stray first, first in your mind & heart, then in your life. That’s why PiVAT and PRISM are so important. His plans and His Word daily, they keep you from straying. Several kinds of changes in life. Your very first one was a diaper change. Have you ever needed a change, but didn’t know it? Something in your life, that you don’t recognize… you’re happy as a clam, but other people notice. That’s why David said, Search me O God, and know my anxious thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Your way not mine.) Wicked isn’t always evil, it’s just your way, instead of God’s – slightly different, seems good, but isn’t - it leads you down the wrong path. It’s a different destination, with consequences. You might need a change of direction, a change of heart, a change of friends, or a change of environment. You might just need a change of mind. That’s actually what repent means. To think differently about something… No, it’s not OK, I need to change that. Maybe it’s just that your schedule needs adjustment, or God is calling you to begin a new season in your life – whether school or work or workouts or diet or relationships or developing new skills that are important for your future. It starts with vision – God’s, not yours. You need to know what He is calling you to change, and calling you to do. And then you need to decide if you will do it. Or not. When you change something, you need to replace it. If you don’t do something different, you’ll end up doing what you did before. No matter what the change in your life, big or small that God is leading you to - it will require a change of time. PiVAT is important – it’s really a change of direction from your way to God’s way for you. For any change to remain and produce fruit - a focus on some new things at the appointed time is required. It starts with the beginning. Sleep. You need rest to function at your best. They say the best hours of sleep are before midnight. If you’re not up early, the day can easily escape you, and you’re stuck in the same cycle. Here’s a nugget. If you are convicted in your spirit that your schedule is a little off, maybe staying up too late, and sleeping in to late… What is the secret nugget of wisdom to get back on track? They say go to bed on time, and you’ll get up on time. But which comes first, the chicken or the egg? You can’t go to bed on time. You’ll just lie there awake – your mind racing. You can go to bed on time, but that doesn’t mean you’ll sleep, you’re not tired, you slept in too late. Or you took a nap in the afternoon, or evening, and now you’re awake… The only way to break out of this rut, is to set your alarm, and get up when it goes off. You will be exhausted for a day – but by the time its time for bed, you’ll fall asleep immediately – because by then, you’re really tired, and in one day – (as long as you get up at your alarm tomorrow) the cycle has been broken and a new cycle has started. Habits are interesting. They are hard to form, easy to break. They’re only hard when you’re forming them… after that – they’re easy. But also easy to break – you can drift if you’re not careful. Praying that you will ask God for any change that He wants in your life. You might not want to… or you’d already be doing it. It will take some humility, or you won’t do it. And it will take vision – so you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it will take resolve until that habit is formed. Maybe share it on your Daily Call. So you can give that person you’re “iron sharpening iron” with - a chance to stand with you and pray for you. So your change becomes your testimony each day – that you overcome with. God wouldn’t put in your heart a need for change, unless He wants to bring wonderful things in your life through it… Make sure it’s His idea, not yours… But praying that you ask Him, and be willing, and then just do it! His grace is waiting for you… it’s enough. This is going to be good! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It calls you on things. Have you ever been called out on something? Have you ever called yourself on something? Have you ever struggled with thoughts or opinions, or attitudes, or discouragement, or criticism, or strivings all seeking more real estate in your mind? How do you discern which mind path to allow yourself to go down? Some paths are not for you. How do you keep yourself from falling into sin? Less than God’s best for you? How do you discern? How do you reject the thought paths that lead you into a ditch, and choose the path that God has for you? God gives two simple steps: Unload, and Reload The Word of God says “Cast all your cares on Him, because he cares for you.” First dump your burdens on Him. Don’t just talk to yourself, you could reinforce wrong thinking. Don’t just talk to other people, we risk only gravitating to people who agree with us – not the counsel we need. And before you know it, you’re caught up in the trap of complaining or slander. God said first Unload, Cast all your cares on me, because I care for you. And by the way, I’ve got the answers you need, and the peace to go with it. When you cast your cares, wrap up the conversation with thanksgiving! He's got this, He promised, He did it before, He’ll do it again. And then ask for wisdom, and His grace to direct your thinking. He promised to give it. That’s Unload. Then Reload. Think on these things, Whatever is true. Isn’t it interesting – What God tells us to think about starts with that. Most of the time when we struggle in our thinking, its believing what isn’t even true? We fear things that won’t happen, we form opinions on half the story, or half the facts, or what someone said that wasn’t fact at all, but opinion. Whatever is true think on these things, don’t think about, or speak, or repeat anything that is not even true. Whatever is good. The first thing that’s good is God. Think about Him, who He is, what He does, what He did, what He said, and what He promised. Anything of those, you’re good! Every other thing good comes from God, or is rooted in His love or His truth. God is good, He has only done good for you. Think about the good things that He has done, all the times He’s rescued you from doing something stupid, and all the times He’s rescued you - you when you’ve been stupid - even choosing sin over Him. Think about how He’s blessed you, and the blessings He has poured out on you by the truck load! Whatever is noble (great, elevated, dignified, that which is above anything which could dishonor reputation. Stately – examples of righteousness in the righteous Whatever is pure, like the Word of God, His commands, His principles, His advice, like the fear of the Lord, it’s pure, enduring forever. Whatever is lovely - that Greek word literally means – friendly towards. Think friendly thoughts toward others – like a friend would think, believing the best, overlooking the rest, confronting in love, but preferring them above yourself. Whatever is admirable, worthy of admiration, like God, like the righteous, like the diligent, the kind, the serving and sacrificing… think of good sayings, and things well spoken of. Whatever is excellent, think of anything of valor (protective, courageous) or excellent. Unload your burden – bring your requests to Him, Then Reload your mind with His Word. Start with PRISM or a PRISM Topic – the power of God’s Word on this subject, or any subject. Get the mind of Christ, and the struggle of your old mind will become obsolete. The thoughts that seek real estate in your mind can be replaced with the mind of Christ. Praying that you will always unload, the burdens of the day, and reload the mind and thoughts of Christ. So you spend that invaluable resource – thought space – on the wisdom and hope and joy of the LORD. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells you of things you should do… habits of the Godly. Have you ever noticed that some things the Bible commands for believers in Christ, people rarely if ever do? Something crazy happened recently, I got a message from someone I know. So odd and surprising. A message that I have never gotten from anyone ever before in my life. Unfortunately I didn’t realize it was one that needed to be saved, or it was lost. So I reconstructed it to the best of my recollection. It started out, Hi Kelly, I’m just sending you this message because I need to apologize to you. I was talking with “___” (He said the name of the person) about _____ (something that had been associated with me), and I said something negative about you. And you didn’t deserve that, you’ve been nothing but a blessing to me, and I’m sorry I did that, I wish I had never done it, but I need to confess my sins one to another so I might be healed, and I’m asking you to forgive me.” It caught me off guard. Who does that? Not say negative things about someone – everyone does that, it’s a cancer. But who confesses that sin to the person that was affected by it? No-one. “James 5:16 - Confess your sins to one another, and pray for each other that you may be healed… How often do we do it? I’ve gotten round about apologies, and diluted confessions, but never something straight on – fully transparent – humbly asking for forgiveness. And it made me think – how many times have I done that to someone? Spoken negatively, and actually asked forgiveness transparently? I hate to say it, but I’m hard pressed to come up with an example. Why don’t we? Because it would make us look bad, and we don’t want people to know what we say behind their back. But talk about a deterrent… if you knew you would have to seek forgiveness, you’d stop talking about people. God says “confess our sins one to another? That includes sins against each other – to each other. I said this about you, and I shouldn’t have, or I said this about you that could have diminished your reputation. And I should not have done that, I am sorry, would you please forgive me for talking about you in that manner? I should have come to you first, not go to someone else. Or I should have asked that person if they came to you first, and not talked about it, instead of taking offense for them, and joining them in it. I was shocked by the humility of this person. I called him back, and of course I forgave him. And commended Him for his challenging example of humility and obedience. I don’t hold anything against you, and I don’t think any less of you. I forgive you – I give up my right to hold anything against you. And I couldn’t help but think, what if everyone in our family, or our church, obeyed God’s command in this area, not only would we walk together in unity, it’s an effective deterrent. Nothing stops ungodly behavior – like knowing you’ll have to confess and seek forgiveness for it from that person. God said do not slander one another (that means say anything that would cast them in a negative light, or lessen their reputation in the eyes of others. (Col 3:8, James 4:11) Do not say anything harmful – it’s part of the Fear of the LORD. Anything that you wouldn’t say if they were present, don’t say it, rather encourage them to make things right with their brother or sister, and decline to encourage their offense. It’s part of being a righteous man or woman. Because the second part of that verse says, the prayers of a righteous man are powerful and effective. Clearly indicating that confessing your sins to one another – isn’t just for your healing, it’s for the effectiveness of your prayer, so God hears it. Pray for me, that I will obey God’s Word in confessing, and I’m praying for you that you would be humble too, and that God will help us love well. Not just do something nice for someone, but avoid evil – anything that would harm them. That we would be healed, and our prayers would be effective. Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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