Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you things most people don’t know. Here's a question with many answers depending on who you ask. What is success? Money? Fame & Fortune? Most men seek the gold, the glory and the girls. God said, "Seek Me first, My kingdom and My righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." He’ll establish you, sustain you, promote you. He’ll even prepare a table for you – in the presence of your enemies. Your cup will run over! Provision for your every need, His glory displayed in your life for everyone to see. And you only need one girl, the wife of your youth, until God gives you girls, and boys – a quiver full. What is success? Whether a man or woman… Success is doing with excellence what you were created to do - fulfilling your purpose here on earth – that God created you for. Nothing else will satisfy you. If you don’t know what God has for you, anything else will seem empty – a mere chasing after the wind… Most people don’t know what God has for them. They’re just chasing after that next paycheck, next promotion, next car, and next vacation. They don’t ask the Creator, and the Purpose-giver. So they don’t get His plans that fulfill the purpose they were created for. Isaiah 42:6 – “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the gentiles. Psalms 138:8 – The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever… This promise applies to you as much as it did to David. Acts 13:22 – I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do. Acts 13:36 – For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep, and was buried with his fathers…That is a successful life. Fulfilling the purpose of God for you - in your generation. Doing the will of God while you were living… that is a successful life. Not how much money you made, you’ll leave it all. Not how many toys you die with, you’ll still die, and then who knows who will get them. Solomon said, Ecclesiastes 2:18 – I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, (and this dude was rich, he put in the work, he was the wealthiest ever!) because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. And who knows whether that person will be wise or foolish? Yet they have control over all the fruit of my toil into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. Solomon realized the temporary nature of this life – and the mirage of riches and human accomplishment. Romans 14:17 – For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Another reminder the kingdom of earth is temporary – you’ll only see it for seventy to eighty years. The Kingdom of God is forever – without end. And the stuff you get down here - will stay here, you’ll be gone. But the stuff you store up – up there, will last forever and ever. Matthew 6:19 – “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Matthew 8:36 – What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul. There is much more to life than the trapping and trinkets. That’s why nearly ever man has a midlife crisis, the realization that comes with maturity. The shift of thinking that moves from success to significance. What they thought was success – that didn’t satisfy them, to something more significant. Nothing is more significant than what God created you for, the purpose that He has for you. If you will surrender your time, mind and money to His control, He will fulfill the purpose He has for you. You have to let Him, for Him to fulfill it… Praying that PiVAT before dinner, and your Daily Call - will be that iron sharpening iron for you – that gets you in the habit of hearing His voice, and doing His will, and overcoming with your testimony, so you fulfill the purpose He has for you today! Do that and you’re well on your way. That’s being one hundred percent on your way to fulfilling the purpose He has for you for your life! Praying that PRISM – God’s Word, His Heart, and His mind, become your words and your heart and your mind. So you have the mind of Christ – so you walk in wisdom, peace, power, and prosperity. So not only will you prosper, but your soul will prosper – doing every good thing that God has purposed for you to do. So He can bring you to every good thing that He has stored up for you. Fulfilling your purpose starts today, with His plans, and His thoughts for you. Praying that you seek Him daily, so He can fulfill the purpose He has for you – in your generation. Maybe just start with the next 3 days… Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It reveals the heart of God for you. Psalms 115:14 – May the LORD make you increase, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. What is your view of God? What do you think He thinks of you. God wants to bless you, increase you and your children. Otherwise He wouldn’t have had David pray it, and record it in Scripture. Not to us O LORD, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. That was the first verse of the chapter. Then it said “Trust in the LORD, He is your help and shield.” Then it said “He will bless those who fear the LORD – both small and great.” Then He said we should praise Him. “ It is not the dead who praise the LORD, those who go down to silence, it is we who praise the LORD (extol Him – magnify and lift him up with our words and our actions) both now and forevermore. Get good at it, Testimony and Praise - train yourself for the future. God wants to increase you! It’s glorifying His Name, when you succeed, and the testimony points to him! All glory to Him! He wants you to fear Him, so He can bless you, so His blessing is not prevented or delayed… and then He wants you to praise Him! Who else will do it? May the LORD make you increase. You only increase because of the LORD. He is the only one that can make you increase. Everybody has to work hard, not everybody increases – that comes from the LORD. If the wicked increase, they simply followed some of God’s principles, we are told not to worry about them. But if God increases you – what does He want you to increase in? Money? That’s just cheap trinkets, temporary at best, and unfulfilling in all of human history. It’s not enough, it won’t make you truly happy. Some of the most miserable people in the world - have money. He wants to increase you in faith – which pleases Him, in wisdom – which establishes you, in righteousness – which positions you, in hope – which sustains you, and in love which fulfills you, in victory – which is what He has for you – He has victory in store for the upright…, and fruitfulness – which reflects His power in you. He wants to increase you in the eternal, not the temporal. He’ll do that too, but that’s not the goal. No good thing will he withhold, so why have your highest dream merely winning Pop Warner, when God has Superbowl MVP for you? May the LORD make you increase, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. If you are going to be blessed by the LORD, you have to become what God can bless. All Glory Goes to Him – get good at your testimony, Learn the Fear of the LORD – so He can bless you, and Praise Him! He deserves it – that’s the least you can do. You have to walk in His ways, stay on His path, Speak and meditate on His Word, and learn the fear of the LORD. To turn from sin, pride, arrogance and evil behavior. You have to tremble in His presence, fully obey what He tells you, speak the truth in love, say nothing harmful, seek peace and pursue it. This is the fear of the LORD. To judge fairly, to help the orphan and the widow, to stand for justice and righteousness, to use fair scales in your dealings with others, to train up your children in the way they should go, so when they are old they will not depart from it, so God can bless them, and increase them. Praying that you will be what God can increase, that you will choose what is good and right, that you will fear God, and love others. That you will be diligent in what He has put your hand to do, faithful to hear and obey His voice. That you will be thankful and praise-full because His love lasts forever and He has always been faithful! God wants to increase you. All glory goes to Him, Trust Him, Fear Him, and Praise Him. And He will bring the increase! Love you all , dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells the truth and how to live, as a person and a nation. It gives warning – “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” It is important as the people of the God of truth - to know what God says about our involvement in the nation and city we live. What He has called us to do as stewards upon the earth for the time we live here – even while our true home is in heaven. Should Christians be involved in Politics? Before you listen to today’s Daily Huddle, it is important that you first listen to Christians & Politics (part 1 and part 2). They cover the two parts of politics and government, and what Jesus did. They discuss the first two responsibilities of believers in God that He says we should do politically. #1 Pray Pray for those in authority – so we can live peaceful and godly lives in all quietness and holiness. And #2 Know Know the Truth – if it’s hidden or censored, it’s your job to find it. Use your New Information Filter, and let the Holy Spirit give you discernment politically, so you will be like the Men of Issachar – who understood the times, and knew what the people of God should do. God promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to lead you in all truth. The people of the God of Truth, must know truth, so they can be salt and light to others, not deceived with the masses and destroyed for lack of knowledge along with them. So what is the Third instruction that God’s Word reveals that should govern the actions of believers in God when it comes to politics of process or conversation? #3 Work Seek and Strive for Peace in the city or nation you live in. Jeremiah 29:4 – God says,… work for the peace and prosperity of the city or nation where I sent you…” That means Do whatever you can - to make sure the righteous rule, not the wicked, so that nation is blessed. Psalms 33:12 – Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. The only way a nation is blessed is if the righteous rule. The only way the righteous will rule in this country – is if someone righteous runs for office. And the only way righteous people will gain office and influence, is if other righteous people vote for them, contribute to them, and influence others to support them. John 18:37 – Jesus said, “Those on the side of truth listen to me.” There are two sides of truth, and two kinds of people. Those on the side of truth – are on the side of what Jesus says, what God’s Word says. Those who reject what God says, are not on the side of truth. If you don’t know what side is righteous and what side is evil, look who is standing with you. I John 3:7 – Dear children, do not let anyone deceive you, the one who does what is right is righteous just as He is righteous. The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” That’s what happens when the righteous rule, the devil’s work is destroyed, wicked policies are replaced by righteous ones. But one would say, both sides claim they are right – both claim the moral high ground! Of course, that’s where discernment becomes so critical… That’s where you need the Holy Spirit, and a holy resolve. The devil has always masqueraded as an angel of light. Most on the other side of truth, aren’t malicious, just deceived. But God says, (Isa 5:20) “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.” Woe: “Sudden and utter destruction” is coming for those people and nations who will not turn from evil. We live in a culture that claims that evil is actually good, they even claim that anyone who does not agree with them in their evil - is evil. They claim what is good and right and just and fair for everyone, not just certain people – they call that evil. And if you stand for what is truly right and just and fair, that you hate others or are racist, sexist or supremacist… That is the opposite of truth, but that is what the devil does… he slanders, lies, and murders. But when the righteous rule, justice and fairness is restored, because just like a righteous God, when the righteous rule they destroy the devil’s work. They dismantle the lies, policies and practices that result in evil. What is the devil’s work? God says the devil is a liar, and the father of lies, a murderer from the beginning, and the accuser of the brethren. He is a slanderer. Stealing someone’s reputation through false accusation – God hates it. And he is a suppresser – he suppresses the truth by wickedness (Romans 1:18). You can tell them by their fruit. You need the Holy Spirit to discern truth, you won’t know it without Him. Many if not most church people are ignorant of truth, deceived. They prefer culture, or church, or false humility over righteousness. “But we are supposed to love people.” Of course, even our enemies, but not sin. Loving your enemies does not mean accepting or agreeing with sin. In a free country – most sin is not against the law, you can do what you want – even though it is not right. You just cannot harm someone else, or force others to accept your wicked behavior as righteous – the very thing that those who control government and media, entertainment and education right now - are trying to do. When God says we should seek peace, it does not mean we should agree with wickedness. It means seek those things that will bring peace. Some people think that loving or being kind to others means accepting and agreeing with their sin. How is that kind? They think it will make people love them. It won’t. Psalms 112:6 – Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor. The wicked will see and be vexed, they will gnash their teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.” When the righteous do rule, the wicked are vexed. Not everyone will be happy, you cannot please everyone. Those who want to control others, and remove freedoms, will not concur, they won’t be happy. But the people of a nation ruled by righteousness – will prosper, and the people will rejoice. The wicked will be vexed. Proverbs 29:27 – An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous, but one whose way is straight is detestable to the wicked. Why? Because God hates sin – and if you belong to God, you love what God loves, and hate what God hates, and He hates sin, not the sinner). But that also means, if a wicked man’s actions are not detestable to you, you’d rather approve them than resist them… how righteous are you? Are you even righteous at all? The wicked hate the righteous, it started with Cain who killed his brother Abel because God accepted his sacrifice as righteous, but not Cain’s. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice, but the wicked are vexed. They can’t stand it, and will do anything they can to regain, or retain power; lie, steal, cheat, or kill. Because they do what their father does. Agreeing with sin, will not bring peace, it will only bring greater sin - that the wicked will then expect to be agreed with. Compromise with sin – always leads to greater sin. And accepting sin, is not loving anyone. God says there are consequences for sin. God calls us to speak the truth in love, to warn them of the consequence, in the hope that they might find freedom, and God’s great love for them. When the wicked hate and slander the righteous for no cause, what does God call us to do? Matt 5:43 – “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. That you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Loving your enemies, doesn’t mean allowing evil to take over a nation. Especially in a Republic where the people decide. God says those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep it, resist them. God calls us to speak the truth in love, (Ephesians 4), to put off falsehood, and speak the truth to your neighbor… that’s what true love does. God warned his nation, Psalms 50:21 – “When you did these things and I kept silent; you thought I was just like you. But now I rebuke you and lay out your offenses before you.” There will be a day of judgment for the wickedness in every nation. In a republic, God’s people should do everything they can to see that the righteous rule, so justice returns, so prosperity can come because God’s blessing returns to this nation. Proverbs 29:2 – When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. (Look at the gas pump, go to the grocery store, try to buy a house, or pay rent, try to walk downtown without getting assaulted… That’s what happens when the wicked rule, when God is removed from a party’s platform, when evil is called good, and good is called evil. When truth is called a lie, and lies are held as truth. When truth is suppressed, and lies are promoted, when the innocent are incarcerated, and the guilty go unprosecuted, misery comes on a nation. God’s blessing is removed, and the people groan under the weight of lies and injustice, and the censorship of truth. Proverbs 28:12 – When the righteous triumph, there is great elation; but when the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding. Proverbs 28:28 – When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive. Genesis 9:7 – As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it. In a republic - Be fruitful and multiply – more votes! Proverbs 28:4 – Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who heed it resist them. “Those who keep the law strive against them.” God calls us to resist the wicked, those who break the law. Those who ignore the law, and let criminals go free, and their corrupt officials go unprosecuted, while politically persecuting those who question them. Watch the fruit and you will know who to stand for, and who to resist. In a Republic you resist the wicked by electing the righteous. Eccl 10:2 – The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. (And now you know.) Should Christians be involved in the Political Process? Yes. As stewards they are called to, it’s their responsibility, so their children and children’s children will be blessed, not oppressed by sin, corruption, and tyranny. To what level should you be involved? At least Pray, At least Know, at least Work, strive for peace, work to elect the righteous so the people rejoice and the nation prospers. At least vote, at least search out what the candidates stand for and who they stand with, and who stands with them. Ask God to reveal His plans for you. So you can do all that He has called and purposed for you to do. PiVAT will help – it’s how you seek him consistently, so He can tell you. God called David to lead a nation. God raises up David’s in every generation. If the righteous don’t rule in righteousness, the wicked rule, corruption increases, sin abounds, and prosperity becomes misery in a matter of months, if not overnight. As a believer, and seeker of truth and prosperity for God’s people, and for all those who seek peace and pursue it. Ask God to raise up the righteous to rule. Ask Him who He wants you to support, and even if He wants you to run for office. For if the righteous do not run, they cannot be elected, and if the righteous do not rule, the people cannot rejoice. They cannot be blessed by God, because their sin separates them. If the wicked rule the people groan under the oppression of tyrants, and the consequences of sin that come on a nation. Regarding Political Conversation – as a believer – be careful. Seek the truth. You have to know the truth, before you can speak it or support it. In Politics of Conversation filled with lies and deception… Use your New Information Filter: #1 Is it True? #2 Where is the evidence? (if social media suppresses it, to hide the truth, it is your job to find it) #3 What’s in it for them? and #4 What does God say? Don’t become embroiled in political debate. It serves no purpose. You won’t change the model of the wicked. Truth won’t matter to them. But if you know the truth politically (because the Spirit of Truth is in you – and you have searched it out) you may be able to influence those who are wondering. Who see the consequence of the lies of the wicked. Who have suddenly begun to question their model, or realize their model may have been wrong. The wicked will always vote for the wicked, and the righteous hopefully for the righteous, but in a republic, the undecideds often end up deciding. Here is where you can speak the truth in love. Not to win them to your political party or opinion. Your primary job is to win them to Christ – so they will live for eternity with Him heaven, and live free from sin and deception here on earth. And if they do, they will support the rule of righteousness over the rule of the wicked, and the whole nation will be blessed. Even in your political conversation. Do not speak against those in authority, whether righteous or wicked. God can handle them. Honor those in positions of authority. And do not slander anyone. God hates slander. Say nothing harmful. Do not speak ill of others. Know the truth, and share it in love, but do not engage in personal attacks against people, not even the wicked. It does not honor God. And don’t let your zeal for righteousness, devolve into anger. Anger does not produce the righteousness of God. What should believers do regarding the politics of their nation? Pray, Know, and Work - 1) Pray. Pray for those in authority 2) Know. Know the Truth – seek it out – even politically 3) Work Work for peace – peace comes when the righteous rule, and the wicked are removed. So work for the peace of the nation you live in – by working for the righteous to rule, so the people can rejoice. Ultimately - The key to America’s survival and prosperity is not political. It is Spiritual. Without Repentance, and Revival in this nation – it will be lost. This is a spiritual battle not a political battle. A battle between Good and Evil, between Truth and Deception. 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land. Humble yourself, pray, remove wickedness from your own life. Revival in this nation starts with revival in your house. That is the greatest need of this nation – for it to thrive and prosper. Repentance, Revival, and Righteousness. Psalms 33:12 - Blessed is the nation – whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance. The answer – is spiritual, not political. We need God to hear from heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land. But for that to happen, His people must humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways. Then, He will hear, forgive, and heal. Then He can raise up the righteous to rule in righteousness – so that The United States of America will fulfill the purpose for which it was created by God to fulfill. I believe God will do it. I believe God will save America. I believe if we pray, and seek Him, for the prosperity of this nation, and turn from any wicked way in us… that God will do a miracle in our day, in this generation. So His message of love and Salvation can spread to all nations, because we will be a people whose God is the LORD. Praying that you will Pray, Know, and Work. Pray for those in authority, and not slander, Know the truth politically, seek it out. And Work so the righteous will rule, so the people can rejoice. I am praying that the people of God will take their rightful place in the political sphere of this democratic republic, so this nation can return to the LORD. So His blessing will return to this nation, so it will fulfill the purpose and destiny that God created it for. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God's Word. It tells you the truth, even politically. Should Christians be involved in politics? Yesterday in Part 1 we discussed what politics is, what government is, and what Jesus did. But what about you in the United States of America – when it comes to involvement in politics (of process or conversation)… What does God want us to do? Politics – Are most influenced by your “Model” – your view of how the world works, based on where you get your information, or your upbringing. Facts don’t matter. if it opposes your model, people will ignore the facts as unimportant or irrelevant information, or even oppose them as disinformation. Models are powerful. If your Model is not based on truth, even truth won’t change it - especially when the battle is Spiritual. Please also review the recent Daily Huddle – Opinion. My prayer is that when it comes to Christians & Politics – you won’t just believe what someone says, but like the Bereans you will search the Scriptures daily to see if what is said, is true. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment. He is the One God said will lead you into all truth. What does God call believers to do politically, whether Political Process, or Political Conversation? 1. Pray - Pray for those in authority. I Timothy 2:1-2 – “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior.” This verse is a goldmine of truth on this subject. Pray for those in authority, so that - we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all Godliness and holiness. Pray that those in power will support Godliness and holiness so that people can live peaceful and quiet lives. Because if the government is ungodly or unholy, no-one can live in peace and quietness, wickedness will abound, strife, crime, and economic ruin. Jeremiah 29:4 – This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare. “Because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” God’s people at that time, were in a country not their own. Kind of like we are. We belong to a different kingdom, but we’re living here temporarily, about 70 years, just like they were about to. God’s Word states clearly - we are to pray for our governmental leaders. But God also commanded to work for the peace and prosperity of the city or nation you live in. Those in power - determine whether the people live in prosperity or misery based on their policies and actions. When the righteous rule, the people rejoice, when the wicked rule, the people groan. To work for the prosperity of the city or country you live in - you must work to ensure that leaders are chosen who follow God’s laws and principles which benefit everyone fairly, which promote not favoritism but freedom and justice for all. The first thing we are called to do politically – pray for those in authority. 2. Know The Truth God is the God of truth. God’s Word reveals a scary thing. Hosea 4:6 - “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Even God’s people could be destroyed if they do not have the knowledge of God. It could happen. Ignorance can destroy a country, and your family along with it. Any follower of God must seek and know truth, including politically. Jesus said, The Holy Spirit was sent to lead you into all truth. So for a believer in Jesus, who is filled with the Holy Spirit of truth, they cannot be absent from the public square, or ignorant of truth regarding the culture they live in. How will they share truth with others, who are searching for it, if they themselves are deceived along with the masses? You cannot help someone out of a pit that you yourself are in. How can you share the truth in love, if you do not even know truth yourself? What will you do when people ask you? The men of Issachar – understood the times, and knew what the people of God should do. That’s what God has called you to do. Be like the men of Issachar. If you do not know the truth politically, if you are deceived along with everybody else, you and your family could be swept away with those who perish – destroyed for your lack of knowledge. That’s not God’s fault – He is truth, you’re just absent of the Holy Spirit who leads you in all truth, you lack the discernment that only He can bring. Jesus said - the devil is a Liar – the father of lies, and a murderer since the beginning. Any person (or party) who promotes lies, or murder belongs to their father the devil. It’s how you know if a person or political party is good or evil. God said you will know them by their fruit… Matthew 7:17 – Every good tree produces good fruit, and every bad tree produces bad fruit… by their fruit, you will recognize them. Not what they say, but what they do. Not how nice they sound, but what actions they take, and the result of those actions. Jesus said, “Those on the side of truth listen to me.” So clearly truth has sides. The side of truth, and the other side. Which side are you on? The side of truth? Or the side which opposes it, twists it, and censors it? Discernment is greatly needed in any nation: “Your father the devil.” Every person acts like their father – that’s how you know. By what they do, you know who their father is. John 8:44 – You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Many in politics are perpetual liars and slanderers – they follow their father the devil. That’s why they change their behavior around election time, to pander to the ignorant, and once in power they produce their true fruit. Suppression of speech – is the goal of Social Media Companies. They are supposed to give an equal platform to everybody, but in practice - hide the truth to control public opinion. They do so because it impacts elections. Proliferation of lies – the goal of the mainstream news media to influence public opinion to elect one candidate or party over another. Gender lies, Medical lies, Slander lies… When truth is suppressed, and lies are promoted, people are deceived, and a nation will be destroyed. What should the followers of the God of truth do? God’s word says, when a king listens to lies, all his officials become corrupt. In a Republic, there is no king, the people rule by their vote (if all legal votes count, and only legal votes count, and legal votes only once…). So like the king of a monarchy, if the people of a republic listen to lies, all their officials become corrupt, they elect corrupt officials. Romans 1:17-18 – For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness. Suppressing the truth isn’t original with twitter, facebook, or youtube, it’s as old as the first century, even centuries BC. Today it’s popular language to “tell your truth,” as if there is more than one, or as if your opinion or experience is actually the truth. The mere concept of ‘my truth’ and ‘your truth’ is deception, it is a play on words that leads to confusion. The dishonest and power-hungry know – “Control the language and you control the people.” That’s why pronouns have become a big thing in the last five years. They control people with language, and media. But the truth is, truth is established by God alone, it is not subjective to opinion or experience. Truth is not progressive – it is eternal – changeless. Acts 13:7… The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the LORD? Now the hand of the LORD is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun. Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.” The only way deceivers and liars are exposed, is if someone has the courage to oppose them, and speak the truth, under the anointing and prompting of the Holy Spirit. What about evil in a nation? Do you stand with those who stand for evil? Genesis 9:5 – “And I will require the blood of anyone who takes another person’s life…. I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.” Abortion is the taking of an innocent life. God calls it murder. A baby has no voice, no vote, no power, it has no way to defend itself. In the American Civil War the bloodshed was catastrophic. 620,000 men died in the Civil war – 2% of the population. That equivalent today would be 6 million people. It is recorded Abraham Lincoln believed that the bloodshed was God’s judgment on America because of the sin of slavery. If Abraham Lincoln was correct, how much blood will be required for the murder of seventy million children? The most natural thing in the world is a mother’s instinct to protect her child. Even in nature, a mother bird will risk their own life to protect her young against predators. But now, women boast about the abortions they get. It is pure evil. It goes against the primary instinct a mother was created with. It shows you how powerful a model can be. If you can get someone to believe that a baby isn’t a human, the same logic of slavery, they will murder their own child – and call it freedom, a Constitutional right. It is the biggest lie in America. It is pure evil. And anyone who defends it as justice or a human right is deceived, and corrupt to the core. You do not have the right to take another person’s life. Only God has that right. Proverbs 28:5 – Evil people do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully. That’s what happens when the wicked rule, and the righteous do nothing. We have a Supreme Court Justice recently confirmed by a party that many church people vote for, who cannot even define what a woman is. How can that individual determine Justice for this nation? They will not, they cannot. They do what their father does, perpetuate lies, and murder the innocent. Proverbs 31:8 – Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. (NLT – see that they get justice). A baby cannot stand for themselves, they have no voice. This is not ‘my body my choice.’ It was, and you did what causes babies. Now it’s not your body. It’s another life inside your body. But what about rape? This is not about rape, ninety-nine percent of abortions are not because of rape, but inconvenience. So this is not about rape. But what about rape? Rape is horrific! Everyone’s heart goes out to every precious woman who has suffered this injustice. 5% of these crimes do result in pregnancy. Yet surprisingly, eighty-five percent of these mothers choose to have the baby anyway. May God bless them and help them. But here is something hard to understand… Under current law, the woman is not allowed to pay for their rapist to be killed – that is illegal. But she can pay for her baby to be killed - who didn’t commit any crime. And if she doesn’t have the money, the government will pay to have that baby killed. How is that justice? Shouldn’t the perpetrator die for their crime? Not the baby? The fact remains, ninety-nine percent of abortions, almost a million babies killed each year because of inconvenience. While we in this country debate a woman’s right to choose to end someone else’s life, over two thousand children are murdered every day in this country. May God forgive us for this evil in our nation, and bring an end to legalized murder. It is an abomination before God. That’s what happens when the wicked rule, instead of the righteous. The second thing we are called to do politically is Know The Truth. Without the Holy Spirit who leads you into all truth, without the Word of God which is Truth, you will be ignorant of it. You will be destroyed for lack of knowledge. Even God’s people, the elect can be deceived. Praying that you will be like the men of Issachar who understood the times (that’s political) and knew what the people of God should do. According to God’s Word, our responsibility politically. #1 Pray for those in authority, and #2 Know the Truth. How can you share it if you don’t know it? Praying that you will check your model, to make sure it lines up fully with the Word of God, that you will not be deceived by what sounds right, but know and believe and do what is right. Should Christians be involved in politics? Be sure to listen to Daily Huddle tomorrow – Christians and Politics (Part 3 of 3) Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It shares truth in a culture of deception. It tells you how to live as a person and a nation. Have you ever had this conversation before? Should Christians be involved in politics? If so, to what extent? And according to what standard of behavior? God said those who put their faith in Jesus Christ – become citizens of heaven, but we also live on here on earth, for seventy to eighty years. As believers in Christ what should your attitude and involvement be when it comes to politics? What does God say? Actually, to this question, God gives three clear instructions… But first, what is politics? There are two kinds: Politics of Process, and Politics of Conversation. Politics of Process: In a Democratic Republic like the United States of America – politics is the process by which people choose their leaders. It includes Candidate Campaigns financed by political contributions governed by campaign finance law. And Elections financed by taxpayer dollars, governed by the US Constitution, State Law and procedures determined by State Legislature or the authority they delegate to the Secretary of State. However, the political process in the United States as in any nation, is heavily influenced by the media and who controls them. Whether social media or mainstream media, these bring considerable weight to bear in forming public opinion towards or against one political candidate or worldview or another – whomever they decide to promote, disparage or censor. Political Conversation: The second kind of politics. The barbershop and kitchen table conversations. What you believe to be true or false about candidates, parties, philosophies, or policies - based on where you get your information, or what you grew up with (what your parents or relatives, whoever influenced you the most - believed was true). Political conversation is sometimes truth, but most often spin: lies, misdirection and slander which influence people as they judge current events through the lens of their “model” of how the world works. This is how they entrench their opinion of what this country is, was or should be. It’s how they twist, suppress, or promote information which matches their view (their narrative – of what they believe to be true, good and right). Which in their opinion proves opposing views to be wrong, immoral or incorrect. And because of this, in their view should not be adopted locally, statewide or nationally. Government is different from politics. Politics determines governmental leaders… but is different from government. Webster’s definition of Government – The exercise of authority; direction and restraint exercised over the actions of men in communities, societies or states; the administration of public affairs according to established constitutional laws, or by arbitrary edicts (by those in power). When it comes to Government - there are two kinds of government. Government which provides for the common good (army’s, highways, bridges, fire departments, etc.) and Government which ensures justice – Police and Courts – the Judicial system that ensures the personal safety, security and prosperity of it’s citizenry. Which punishes and removes evil doers who encroach upon the safety and security of others. This system of justice, the protecting of the innocent from the encroachment on their personal safety, security and prosperity by criminals - is disappearing in some parts of this country. Justice is determined by laws – either imposed by a monarch, or passed by a legislature, whose policies and restrictions the public accepts to be governed by. Justice does not need government. In the old days the sheriff (appointed or elected), and their deputies (volunteers or paid) enforced either written law, or commonly accepted law – called ‘Common Law.’ And if a court system existed, it brought to bear the commonly accepted penalty for infractions or encroachments of one citizen upon another. When law enforcement was absent, people enforced their own law. And law breakers were kept somewhat in check by those armed and able to defend themselves or others, to ensure the equitable treatment of everyone. But in reality in society, even a democratic republic such as ours. Laws don’t matter as much as those enforcing the laws. Laws can exist that those in power chose not to enforce, while choosing other laws to enforce fully. Additionally, those in power can also pursue justice for some people, and not for others. This by definition is injustice. But that is the downside of government. The only social entity that can legally take your money without your consent, and put you in prison at their discretion. McDonalds can’t do that… Laws don’t govern people. Governmental Officials, Prosecutors, and Judges govern people. They can pick and choose which laws to enforce or ignore, which people get prosecuted and which people don’t, and the extent of punishments handed down for actual or perceived offenses. No Government or Judicial system is perfect. Up until now, the American System of Justice seems to be the most equitable in human history, providing the greatest fairness and freedoms for it’s citizens. But that is changing. And only time will reveal if this remains to be the case. The story is told that upon exiting the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government the delegates had created? His answer was immediate. “A republic, if you can keep it.” What was once created, must be maintained. The consent of the governed to this Constitution could easily be hijacked by alternate political philosophies which do not hold to freedom of speech or assembly, the right to bear arms, or the right of it’s citizens to select their leaders. A government exists only until it is replaced. No matter what kind of government it is. And once an increase of power is transferred to the powerholders – they will not easily nor readily relinquish their gains. So when it comes to the arena of human politics and government… What does God instruct for his people? God’s Word has three principles that direct Christians regarding politics. #1) Pray #2) Know #3) Work First, God says, you’re a temporary citizen here, your real home is heaven, you belong to another Kingdom. But… as a citizen of the United States of America, and therefore a joint steward of this country... as believers in God, we are to occupy with God’s righteousness. Which means love and kindness for others, and justice for evil doers. Any Political conversation you have must be regulated by God’s Word. As his children and his people, we are to Speak the truth in love, Do Not Slander (say nothing harmful, this is the fear of the LORD), and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Pursue Justice for the widow and the orphan. What about Jesus? Was Jesus Political? Yes and No. He declined involvement in the political climate of His day. But Jews didn’t get to vote, so he didn’t neglect his moral duty as a citizen of a republic, they weren’t living in one – it was a Roman occupation at that time. In truth - His Kingdom has no end. He will rule and reign as the head of all governments for all of eternity. This is political and social and spiritual. When He was on earth, the Pharisees tried to trap him in His Words, so they could have him arrested. Sending spies to entrap him (Luke 20:21), they said, “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach what is right, and that you do not show partiality but teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. So tell us, Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" The next verse says – Jesus saw through their duplicity - yet He answered them. Luke 20:24 – “Show me a denarius. Whose image and inscription is on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God. (Jesus didn’t engage in the Jewish Nationalist campaign to rid themselves of the oppression of Rome, even though it was unjust.) He was there for another purpose: To purchase Salvation from sin, for all of mankind. John 6:14 – After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the prophet who is to come into the world.” Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. They weren’t going to force Jesus to be king, they were going to by force rebel against Rome, to establish Jesus as King, when he was there for another purpose. And He didn’t want them or they families to be killed, so he withdrew. He already was King… just wait, you’ll see. John 18:33 – Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Is that your own idea,” Jesus asked, “or did others talk to you about me?” “Am I a Jew?” Pilate replied. “Your own people and chief priests handed you over to me. What is it you have done?” Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place. “You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.” So if Jesus declined to enter the political arena of his day, does that mean Christians should not engage in politics? Praying that you listen to tomorrow’s Daily Huddle. Christians and Politics Part 2. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives timely reminders. I Peter 5:8 – Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. You have one enemy – the enemy of your soul, all other enemies just work for him. God has good for you, He loves you. Your enemy has anything but God’s good for you, anything but God’s promises for you, he hates you. He hates God not you, and God loves you. Your enemy the devil wants to keep you from Gods good in any way that he can do it. Fear is the first way, then any other sin he can trap you with. Anything that would make you fall short of God’s Word and God’s good for you. Your enemy, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion. He isn’t a lion, he roars, but he’s not a lion, he just tries to roar like a lion. There is only one lion, The Lion of Judah – and when He roars the devil and all his demons tremble. Your enemy is just an imposter. He prowls around, looking for weakness, seeking (anyone) whom he may devour. Does the devil really eat anybody? No. He cannot. This is a spiritual warning about what the devil seeks to do. He tries to find someone to devour – ‘cause to fret.’ To worry, to mentally give in to something other than what God said, what God promised, or what God wills for them… His will for you is to be an overcomer! Strong in faith, and hope, and love. Faith which pleases God, hope which comes from God, and love which is obedience to God, His Word, and His ways. Let everything that has breath praise Him. You’re not fretting if you’re praising. Put your hope in God. It’s a direct command. Everyone that is putting their hope in God is not fretting, they are hoping. A sure hope based on the sure promise of The One True, Sovereign, Living, and Loving God. Trust in the LORD with all your heart. If you’re trusting, you’re not fretting, you are leaning fully on His promises, declaring them, speaking them, establishing them in your mind and heart and soul. Not leaning on your own understanding, or prone to be devoured by lies, deception, misunderstanding, or misdirection. The devil is wandering about like a roaring lion seeking whomever is prone to worry or fear, or sin. The Fear of the LORD is to turn from evil, not participate in it, think about it, or in any way be drawn by it... Anything less than God’s Word, His will, His way, or His best. The devil may prowl, but He will never find you. You are seated in heavenly places with God in Christ. (Ephesians 2:6) Praying that you won’t ever be devoured, tempted, and overtaken by the temptation to fret, or fear or worry. God said! And what God says comes to pass, not what your enemy says, he’s a liar. He has no power over anyone unless they do not know Christ, or if they do, only if they give it to him, by giving in to him. You do not need to give in to fret or fear or sin. God has victory for you over your enemy. Victory and overcoming is your birthright, purchased by the blood of Christ. Do not be prone to fret or sin. Be prone to believe and receive from God the victory over every fear, and every sin. It starts with soaking in His Word. Put on the helmet of salvation, put on the belt of truth, and the breastplate of righteousness which has nothing to do with you, but with Jesus who purchased it for you. He is your breastplate of righteousness, your righteousness is in Him living in you, His righteousness is yours. He has made you righteous, in right standing, with complete power for right doing. Take up the shield of faith (which He gave you – the measure that is enough for anything you will ever face, more than you’ll ever need) which will quench – bring to nothing, every fiery dart and arrow of the evil one. And take up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God – your weapon of victory, through the power of the Holy Spirit by which you understand it, and walk in it. Some may be devoured but it won’t be you. You will stand strong in the Spirit, in the Word, in prayer and in faith. Don’t be deceived. Don’t worry with a ‘Dear Lord’, or “Oh Lord” in front of it. Don’t pray in fear, don’t be fretting, and think it’s prayer. Pray the prayer of faith which will heal the sick, deliver the bound, and raise the dead. The power of the God who loves you and saves you, who lives in you, who surrounds you and protects you, is far, far greater than the toothless lion wanna-be who is your enemy. He has power, but only in darkness, and you have been translated, into the kingdom of light, the Son of God’s love. Stand firm then in faith, Stand firm then in hope, and love. The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, (worldly, fleshly, made of paper against a fire…) but they are Mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. (which is simply a pattern of anything less than what God promised, and what God has for you). Stand firm then! You will not be devoured – be caused to fret or sin, you will overcome like the son and daughter of the living God. Through the power of His Word, and the leading of His Holy Spirit. You were made to win! You were born again, anew, and are being conformed to his image daily. Every time you choose Him, His Word, and His Spirit, over any other thought, you are overcoming which is what you were created to do, purchased for, and destined for. Your enemy can prowl all he wants, you are safe in Christ, in the cleft of the rock, under the shadow of His wing. Put on your armor, and you will be hidden, untouchable. God has decreed it, He has established it, He will cause you to walk in it – you need only to choose it. God loves you, He has victory for you, everything that He promised, every good and complete thing. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives truth to put into practice. Have you ever had an opinion? Everybody has one – that’s why they’re not worth much. It might be right, or it might be wrong – it’s an opinion. Are you willing to change your opinion? How quickly do you form one? Is it based on fact, or feeling? principle, or popularity? truth, or something else? When you hear something, or see something, do you form an opinion? How long does it take you? Or do you consider? Some people hear something and form an opinion instantly, they don’t even hear the rest of what is being said. Their opinion is already formed. The Bereans didn’t do that. They didn’t form an opinion of what Paul said, they just listened intently, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out if what He said was true. It takes a standard – to validate an opinion. If you have no standard, or if your standard is faulty, so will your opinion be. The best standard of truth and life is God’s Word. He is truth, and He created life, so His Word is the standard. Any other standard is foolish, proven false every time. We know a young couple who are considering a significant decision. One that will impact their life and family and the lives of others. They are wisely taking the time to seek counsel. And wiser still, they are holding their opinion, until they seek counsel from those in their circle of counsel whom they respect and value, who give Godly input. Most people do not seek counsel, and of the few that do, most seek it after the fact. After they have already made their decision. Or if not having made the decision, have already decided in their mind what they are going to do. In fact, that’s what limits most people’s circle of counsel. Once you have your mind made up, you only seek the counsel of those you think will agree with you. That actually defeats the purpose of counsel, it negates the benefit of it. Just like God says, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. Praying that you will be quick to listen, quick to seek counsel, patient to seek it fully – and slow to form an opinion. Whomever God leads you to seek counsel from (not experts, but obeyers, who are humble, whose lives produce the fruit of repentance, the fruit of righteousness, and humility). That you will be slow to form an opinion, but like the Bereans, search the Scriptures daily to see if what you’re considering is true or best for you at this time. Praying that you will ask God, and trust Him to direct your steps – that you will let Him... That you’ll base your decisions on wisdom, not opinion. God says above all else get wisdom. It’s a process, not a reaction, a searching out, not an opinion. Praying that God will lead you in wisdom. A man’s wisdom gives him patience… (Proverbs 19:11). Not delinquent in decisions, but taking the time to seek out wisdom. Praying that you’ll value wisdom more than opinion. That the Holy Spirit will give you discernment, and the patience that wisdom requires. So you walk in the light of His Word, the counsel of the Holy Spirit, and the exact purpose that God has for you. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It separates things. Psalms 116:5-7 – The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The LORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me.” Praise the LORD! He is gracious – He is forgiving, He forgives... for the n’th time. We clearly don’t deserve it, we’ve used all of our chances. He still forgives, because he is gracious – undeserved but He still forgives. He is righteous. He is holy, without sin. He does what is right and just and good, there is no shadow of turning, no false, evil or selfish motive in Him. He is pure and righteous or He couldn’t forgive – he’d be in the same boat as we were – sinned…stained…prone to it. But He’s not – He can forgive because He is sinless. He is full of compassion. He knows we are but dust. He knew any sin was coming, even before you were born. Even though in the moment, He lovingly provided a way out, but we kept going, choosing sin over Him. (No, you don’t have to say that – hold your tongue.) But you did it anyway. Pride, arrogance, greed, grumbling, slander, unbelief, whatever). He still forgives because He is gracious and righteous and full of compassion, and He gives grace to overcome the next time! The LORD protects the simplehearted. Simplehearted He protects, simpleminded he warns and rebukes. Simplehearted are single-hearted, humble of heart. Simply trusting in Him, believing His Word and His promise of good to those who fear Him. No matter what it looks like right now – His good is coming…He promised. Simplehearted are single of heart, single of faith, single of praise, of thanksgiving, of gratitude, single of trust, of hope. Simply believing God - simplehearted. Simple minded chose sin over Him. Ignorant of sin, ignorant of consequence, fleshly, unspiritual, weak minded, controlled by the fleshly nature, selfish, lacking self-control, lacking the Holy Spirit – or rejecting Him. When I was in great need, He saved me. He does this for the simplehearted, and even for the simpleminded, all who call on Him, He forgives. But don’t be either… sometimes one, and sometimes the other. Be the one – you will suffer less consequences and less scars. Love Him first, love Him most, be simple hearted. Walk in the grace that He gives - single of heart, not simple minded - returning to folly. Walk in the Spirit and you’ll walk in your new nature, not the old. Pray in the Spirit, and you’ll walk in the Spirit, Soak in His Word, and you’ll walk in the Spirit, it’s what the Holy Spirit points you to. Praying that you’ll be simplehearted, single of heart. So He can protect you, and promote you. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells you what needs to come first – so you can get what comes next. Have you ever noticed in all the things we ask God for, we forget to ask for the thing that brings the thing? Everyone wants wisdom, not everyone wants to learn the Fear of the LORD – which is the beginning of it. Everyone wants wealth, honor and life, but not everyone wants the humility and the Fear of the LORD that brings it. Everyone wants friends that are a positive influence in their life, and will be there for them. But not everyone wants to show themselves friendly, or be there for someone else, or make the positive word choices, and honorable life choices, that make them the friend that’s the positive influence for others. Everyone wants faith, but not everyone wants the actions that prove it. Everyone wants strength, the not everyone wants to count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds. So the joy of the LORD is your strength. Everyone wants God to deliver them and save them, but not everyone wants to run to Him first as their refuge, they’d rather take a crack at it themselves for a while. Everyone wants hope, but not everyone is willing to put their hope in God. Everyone wants faith, not everyone wants the trials that grow it. Everyone wants a job, a promotion, or a bigger paycheck, but not everyone wants to develop the diligence those things require. Everyone wants to find the perfect spouse – who is kind, and considerate, that will make them happy and always put them first. But not everyone wants to put in the work right now, or be willing to change, so they can become that perfect spouse – for the one they will marry. Everyone wants God’s blessing, not everyone wants his commands and precepts that enable His blessing to flow. Praying that you will pray for what you need, that you will know what you really need, because you ask Him. That you will pray for the thing that brings the thing. That you will put your trust and your hope fully in Him. That you will Fear the LORD, Love His Word, be filled with His Spirit and walk in Him daily. That you would pray without ceasing, praise like He’s worth it, believe like it will surely happen, and rejoice like you have it already. So you get what you need first, so God can give you what you want… So God can bless you and use you to make His Name great! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It’s truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It’s where the rubber meets the road. Have you ever thought of this? Can you ever out give God? Yep. But I thought the Bible said “You can never out give God.” That’s not in the Bible, someone just said that. How can you out give God? Anytime you give when He didn’t say to, you out give God. The Pharisees gave a lot… they used small coins – that made a lot of clinking sound – so people would hear and be impressed. They just out gave God. They gave to be recognized by man. Jesus said “They have received their reward in full.” (Matthew 6:2). God said don’t give gifts to the rich. (Proverbs 22:16) So if you do, you’re outgiving God. He didn’t tell you to do that. Some people give, but it’s not really giving. It’s buying, swapping, bartering or bribing. That’s not God, you’re out giving God. Give when God says to give. Not grudgingly, or pressured by others, but cheerfully, whatever God told you, that you choose to do beforehand, for God loves a cheerful giver. (I Cor 9:7) Let your giving be done in secret, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. What you do in secret, God will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:3-4) But don’t give in secret when He tells you otherwise. Isn’t that a contradiction? No, it’s discernment. David gave an enormous amount. His whole 401k… It’s recorded in the Bible. ( I Chronicles 29:3) David said in front of all the people that He gave His own personal treasury. God used his transparency to call the whole nation to faithfulness. Zacchaeus said, “Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone I will pay back four times what I stole.” (Luke 19:8 That’s not bragging, that’s the fruit of repentance. Sometimes God wants you to give in secret, sometimes God wants you to give as a testimony to others, to call them higher. God decides, not you. If God doesn’t say to, you’re out giving God. He doesn’t need your money – He can take it from anywhere He chooses – it's all His. He needs your obedience. He doesn’t even need that – you need it! Praying that you will test all quotes to see if they hold fully true. Just because a quote isn’t 100% applicable all the time, doesn’t mean it’s a bad quote… just recognize it for what it is. Not the Word of God, just a cute saying that reminds you of good intent. And praying that you will never out give God. Just give as He directs. That you will always ask Him what He wants you to give, and give willingly. Not generously, just obediently. You’re not generous - He is. The owner is generous, not the bookkeeper. Praying that you will give willingly, joyfully, but most importantly – out of obedience. It’s God’s money – He directs it. So God gets the glory – and you get the blessing, and others get the testimony so you both can overcome! Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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