Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It keeps you from being consumed with the unimportant, and it’s how you know what is most important. Folklore in business is the 80/20 Rule. People usually spend 80% of their time on what yields just 20% of the result… And only 20% of their time on what brings 80% of that result. Those who are successful are those who learn to focus on the most important, who don’t spend their time on things that are unimportant – because time is limited. You only have so much. Have you ever thought about, what is the most important thing? What is the most important thing in your life? Not even close - Obedience. Now there is a pre-requisite… Salvation, and the Filling of the Holy Spirit – without them, you can’t even get to the most important thing. You can’t even understand what it is, what to do, or how to do it… because you don’t have the relationship that’s required. But if you are Saved for Eternity, your sin forgiven, it no longer condemns you. And if you are filled with the Holy Spirit – who leads you into all truth, and gives you the power to choose what’s right over what’s wrong, what’s important over what’s not... Then that leaves the one most important thing. Obedience. The devil tries to pervert it, he’ll do anything to keep you from walking in that truth. He uses ungodly earthly examples whose selfishness or cruelty makes obedience distasteful. He stirs that sin nature in you which wants to do things your own way, instead of God’s Way (which is better for you as high as the heavens are above the earth). Obeying someone on earth – is always for their benefit – there is always some fallen human being wanting to lord it over you, whether a bully, a boss, or a government. But obeying God is always for your benefit, not His. He doesn’t need you, He loves you. He even gave His own Son to die in your place, what good thing would He withhold from you? Nothing. He even said so! Without question, The Most Important Thing – is to obey. It’s what love for God is – your affection and obedience. It brings Joy! It brings success, It brings reward for eternity, it protects you from harm and ruin and destruction, it perpetually moves you forward in His good. Obedience is a path not a list – and there’s always joy there! It’s not always fun, but joy is deeper than fun, it lasts longer, it’s permanent. God’s plan for you is the adventure of a lifetime, why wouldn’t you obey? Anything else, isn’t even a cheap imitation. It cannot compare in any way to God’s plans for you! If you will learn to obey. If you will walk in the path of His Good - you will walk in your very best life. The things to obey in? Time – Give Him your schedule, you can’t serve Him without it. Mind – Consume His Word – to transform it. Money – Give an account, know where it is and ask Him what to do with it. He’ll tell you. Testimony – God said exhort one other daily. Your Daily Call is that iron sharpening iron commanded for your victory. So how do you know that obedience is the most important thing? Because that’s what Jesus did, and it’s what He said. That’s all He did, and He said if you love me, you will obey. It’s how you lay down your life for Him, so you can live the unimaginable life of good, for which He laid down His life for you. Jesus said, if you abide in me and I abide in you – you will bear much fruit, without me you can do nothing. He then tells you what abide means. He said specifically what made him abide in His Father – was obedience. “If you obey my commands you will remain in my love, just as I obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in His Love. He wants you to walk in what He tells you, just like He walked in what His Father told him. He made it clear –the most important thing is Obedience. It’s what guarantees success for you in this life, and it’s the guarantee of reward for eternity. Praying that you will review the Topics – Obedience, Obey, Love is Obey, and Love Is Obey Verses. The only way you will keep doing the most important thing – is if you remind yourself of it. It’s the best journey you could ever have! What if you in your life – did the most important thing – every day? What could God do? You can’t even imagine! It’s better than you could dream! Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It’s the proof of God’s love for you – in His own words. It tells of who He is and what He has done, and what He promised. He was faithful to Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob, David, Jonah, Elijah and generations of others. He is faithful in your generation. He has been faithful to you! Praying that you will spend time before the year is out, remembering the testimony of what He has done for you this year. Just go back through your PiVAT Journals. You’ll be amazed! How easy it is to forget... if we don’t remember. Everything you needed, He provided! Praying that you will take the time to remember, to thank Him, to praise Him, so your faith grows, so your testimony can encourage others, and so you can overcome with it. This year might have been setbacks or comebacks, a desert, or a mountaintop. Chances are you might have had all of them. God has been faithful through each one. Praying that once you remember, and remember to thank Him, you will seek him for PiVAT Yearly for the coming year! He has plans for you! They’re Good! He can’t wait to tell you, and show you. He loves to tell you things in advance, it just encourage you all the more when you see Him do it! Praying that you will just spend an hour with God before this year is done – filling out your testimony for this year, and seeking Him for this coming year. What you need most from Him, The Top 3 Things He Wants you to do this year, and when. You won’t fill out the Testimony yet, that will happen day by day. But He will reveal His plans for you – if you ask Him. He’ll give you some of the timeline now, He’ll fill in some of the details now, and the rest He’ll fill in later. But asking Him for His plan for this year – will set your heart and mind, it will establish your course, it will build your faith, and jumpstart your year, you will hit the ground running. The only other alternative, is not to. Praying that you will spend time with the LORD thanking Him for this year, and asking Him for next. Are you facing a decision right now? is your life at a crossroads? While you’re asking Him about His plans for you for this coming year. Just ask Him, about this choice you now face, whether urgent or immanent. Your PiVAT Decision Tool will really help! He has good for you. He has strength, and peace and joy for you. He knows the plans He has for you, plans to prosper you, it’s more than just money, to give you hope and a future. You can trust Him. He’ll tell you, if you ask Him. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells you were created for a purpose. God has already set the number of days you will live on the earth. Have you ever thought about things you have no time for? Something that isn’t for you, no matter how easy, or how tempting, or how natural, or how many other people do it? What do you definitely have no time for? Here’s one… Regret. Regret is just the devil’s reminder of what you shouldn’t have done, or what you should have done better, or what other people did to you. Regret is the toilet bowl that leads to confusion, grief and despair. Some things you are tempted to regret are on you… “If you have made a decision – stick with it. (Oops, that’s not in the Bible. Is that God’s wisdom? Or good advice? not always. Some decisions need to be reversed, it doesn’t matter what they cost you, or what other people think. If you are going to please God – sometimes it may require you to turn around mis-stream. That was your plan, not God’s plan for you… Sometimes God tells you to cut the losses. Like the king who questioned the man of God. What about all the money I paid them? It doesn’t matter. Sometimes the loss already sustained is far better than the loss that would continue. He hired mercenaries, rather than putting his faith in God. And the man of God encouraged him… – “God is able to give you much more than that.” Regret is getting consumed with disappointment, shame or wishing something wouldn’t have happened. But that is never God’s plan for you. If you made a mistake, fix it. Is God telling you to turn around? If it’s an unfixable mistake, if it’s already past… then move on. If you need forgiveness? Ask Him for it, and He will forgive you. Learn a lesson yes, choose wisdom next time, ask God next time, wait on Him next time, even if you have to wait longer than you want to for His clear answer. But don’t regret – that toilet bowl is hard to climb out of. Instead - Move On. Leave the past to God. He can restore what the locusts have eaten. Don’t waste a moment of time on regret. It’s not what God has for you. Move forward from here. Ask Him for His plans for you, and do them immediately, completely, and joyfully. He can take care of your past. Praying that you won’t waste a moment on regret. You don’t have time for it. Every thought of regret, keeps you from the thoughts that He has planned for you right now! That will bring you to the good He has for you. Thoughts of praise, thoughts of His promise, thoughts to serve others, and thoughts that help you fully obey what He is calling you to - today. Praying that your only backwards thoughts will be testimony and praise - not regret, and your forward thoughts will move you forward – in His perfect plans for you. If you think what He thinks, He can fulfill His purpose in you. He will, and it’s Good - He promised. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word, it doesn’t sugar coat. It doesn’t scrub history to make people look better. It tells what happened, the good, the bad and the ugly. In life - there is good, better, and best. And we often are responsible for choosing between them. Just like God permissible will, and God’s perfect will. (I Cor 10:23) Something each of us must face: Will you insist on what you think is good? Will you do what you want to do? Or will you wait for God’s best, and do what He wants you to do. Balaam begged and begged God to allow him to go to the king of the Moab (who promised a reward for putting a curse on the Israelites who were entering the promised land.) Finally God allowed him, but told him “Only say what I tell you to say.” On the way God’s anger burned against Balaam, and he was almost killed by the angel of the LORD. Balaam was not allowed to curse Israel, He was only allowed to bless him, but he advised the king of Moab to seduce the Israelites to sin, eating food sacrificed to idols, worshiping the gods of baal and peor, and committing adultery with the women of Moab. (Rev 2:14)… It brought God’s judgment on Israel, twenty-four thousand died in a plague until Phineas stopped it, and when they finally did conquer Moab, Balaam and his family were destroyed with them. When you insist on what you want to do, when you refuse to wait, or be sure that this is what God wants at this time, nothing good results in the end, there is always loss associated with it. Sarah came up with the brilliant idea of suggesting Abraham sleep with her servant girl, and have a child through her. Rather than waiting on God’s best, or even asking God again to make sure this was His plan, not just a stupid idea, Abraham just chose the lesser, and caused untold damage. Not only did he end up banishing his son and his baby mama, this boy’s descendants even today thousands of years later, remain the enemy of God’s promise, and the conflict in the Middle East that still rages today – is the result of that foolish decision. What seems good, isn’t. Settling for what you think is good, will have you miss out on God’s best, and brings consequence that you don’t need. The Israelites grumbled and complained about the manna they were given to eat – when they were in a desert and would have starved without it. God provided food from the sky, but they wanted meat, so they whined and complained, and even accused Moses of trying to kill them. So God finally sent meat for them to eat, but a wasting disease came with it. It always does… Every time you don’t wait on the LORD, or confuse what you think is good, with God’s best, and insist on what you think is good, instead of waiting, or yielding to God’s best… There is always a wasting disease that comes with it. There is always a waste, a huge loss. God’s best in God’s best time - you forfeit for something worth far less – sometimes nothing at all. Samson’s parents begged Samson to find a wife from among God’s people, but he insisted on going to Timnah to chase Delilah, the woman who betrayed him (three times – you’d think He would have gotten the message by the first two), who bound him, and eventually turned him over to his enemies – who gouged out his eyes, abused him for sport, making him a spectacle of ridicule among his bitter enemies who paraded him around. It cost him His life. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, insisted on wives of many nations, when God commanded them not to. They turned his heart away from God, and set up temples to other God’s in the promised land of Israel. It led to the exile of the nation. Saul wouldn’t wait on the LORD, he insisted on offering incense himself – and even consulted a medium, a witch… he engaged with the occult, dark powers – which God said was an abomination – and the kingdom was torn from him, he and his sons were killed in battle, and God raised up one who would do everything God wanted him to do. Jonah didn’t want God’s best, He wanted Tarsus instead. Sometimes Gods best isn’t what you want to do, because your thinking is in error – just like Jonah and Balaam’s. Praying that you will not settle for what seems good, but do God’s best. Praying that you won’t get in your mind something you want to do, but confirm with God what is the best that He has chosen for you, It might be a good thing, or even the best, but not at this time. It might just seem like a good thing, but God has way better. Part of trusting is waiting, part of waiting is trusting. And the biggest part of obeying is listening, and then doing what God says to do, at the time He appointed. Praying that your life will not be good or better, but always God’s best – so nothing is wasted, nothing that God has for you is forfeited, so you learn to wait on the LORD, trust in His plan, count this trial a joy, and determine that no matter what comes – you will follow where He leads you, even if He says – just wait right here for a minute. The question is, will you wait on God’s best, will you do what he says, or will you insist on doing what you want to do, that you think is best. If you ask Him, He’ll tell you, if you don’t know what He’s saying, just wait, He will make it clear. And whatever He tells you, you can trust Him. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you what happened, and what will happen. Can you imagine what the first Christmas Eve was like? They were cold, they had been travelling for days, there was no Southwest Airlines, No Greyhound, No Tesla’s, no interstate highways, it was a donkey, and Mary was nine months pregnant. The government on a whim decided there would be a new tax, money they didn’t have… The neighbors already were talking, you can’t hide a baby bump after six months, so the last few months were filled with whispers and finger pointing. While at least the Angel appeared and told Joseph “It’s not what it looks like,” it had to still be a little weird, he was just rolling with it. They finally got to Bethlehem, tried to check in to the Comfort Inn, not a room left, even Motel 6 was full. Not one place to stay, they didn’t know anybody, finally the Innkeeper said they could sleep in the barn. Not the way Mary dreamed of starting motherhood. They had no idea, that one day would change everything, for everyone in the world, forever. Praying that today, in the midst of your last day of work before Christmas, the last-minute shopping, the meal planning and cooking, the Christmas present wrapping, and the children’s anticipation… that you won’t forget what really happened, that changed the world forever. This baby wasn’t like other babies, He is the Son of God, sent to take on himself the sins of the world. Your sin. Without Him, there would be no heaven for you, we are all disqualified, but for His grace. Praying that this Christmas Eve, and the day tomorrow that changed human history, that you will remember, and tell your children, the greatest story ever told. The greatest Christmas gift ever given, His life for yours. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you that God loves you! So much that He sent His own Son to die in your place, so your sins that kept you from Him, are paid for, so you can now by faith in Jesus Christ – forever live with God in heaven, rather than apart from Him for eternity. Most people think about what they love. Chocolate, Presents, a good cup of coffee, a warm summer day… But have you ever thought about what God loves? #1 God loves to save you. He longs to. (John 3:16) Anyone who comes to Him, who calls on His Name, who believes in Him and His Son Jesus – He will surely save. Even the vilest sinner who truly believes, who repents of their sin, and turns from their ways… He will wipe their record clean. That’s justice? No, it’s mercy. The same mercy that He gave you. It triumphs over justice, it fulfills it. #2 God Loves To prosper you. He delights in the prosperity of his people (Psalms 35:27). That’s why he wants you to obey – simply cause and effect. Obedience is not a list, it’s a path, it’s a relationship. When you obey what He tells you, His plans, His way, it positions you for Him to prosper you. He loves when His children prosper. He loves to prosper you! #3 God loves when you give. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). He loves when His kids are like him. He loves to give, and when you ask Him what He wants you to give, you are loving Him, more than money. When you give, you will receive. That’s why He loves when you give, because He can give you more. #4 He loves when you obey. I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, he will do everything I want him to do. (Acts 13:22) God loves when you obey, because that’s how He can fully bless you with the good that He has. He has someone whom He can trust, and use to accomplish His good on the earth. So heaven comes down – Him working through you – to draw others to the good that He has for them. #5 He loves when you believe. He loves faith, because it enables Him to move, it gives Him the opportunity to reward you! (Hebrews 11:6) He loves when you demonstrate faith, the measure He has given you – all that you need. It’s like a muscle, the more you use it, the bigger it grows. #6 He loves when you pray. In the Spirit, and in English. In the Spirit. Because He gets to pray His perfect will for you, through your own voice, untainted by your own limited natural thoughts (Romans 8:26-27). He gets to speak His will into your prayer – which He can then completely fulfill. He loves when you pray in the understanding, in English, when you bring your requests before Him (I Cor 14:14-15). So He can take your burdens, set you free, give you wisdom, and strength, and peace, and joy and everything He wants to give you – everything good. #7 He loves when you serve… when you wash others’ feet, when you follow the example of Jesus, when you serve others, preferring them above yourself. This is the heart of God, the kingdom of God, and the desire of God for you. To be like Jesus, to abide in him, just like he did with His Father. God loves when your serve like Jesus did. #8 He loves when you delight in Him, when you worship Him. So He can reveal more of Himself to you, His love for you, His comfort for you, His wisdom for you, His heart towards you. So He can give you the desires of your heart. (Psalms 37:4) #9 He loves when you defend the defenseless. When you stand up for those who have no voice, who cannot stand up for themselves. (Isa 1:17-19). #10 - He loves when you fear Him. (Ps 147:11) He loves when you turn from evil, fully obey, say nothing harmful. (Prov 8:13) The rewards He has for those who fear Him are endless. It’s what positions you for His blessing. #11 He loves when you win souls - to Salvation and Obedience. He said the one who wins souls is wise (Prov 11:30). And He longs for everyone even the most wicked, to turn and repent. (I Peter 3:9) He wants everyone to be saved from the judgment that is coming, He wants not one to be lost. Praying that you will remember what He loves. Every time you do the things He loves, you’re loving Him. Praying that you will establish as habits in your life, the things that God loves, so the good that He longs to give you is unhindered, un-delayed, overflowing, and unstoppable. Love you all dad Love you all, praying for you,
Is there a website that you visit every day? Tik Tok? Twitter? Bank Site? Work Site? News Site? YouTube? Netflix? Why do you visit that website every day? Entertainment? Curiosity? Is it required of you for your job? There is a site, that’s not required, but I am praying that you will visit every day. Why? Because it’s your website? No, it’s because of what God’s Word will give you – His plans for you and His thoughts toward you. They are so good! Why visit every day? #1) Daily Huddle – it’s encouragement to obey today! So important, so worth it! That’s the key that unlocks your destiny. #2) PRISM Topics and Packets – God’s Word on a single subject – It’s the overdose you need! It will transform your mind, and change your life. And #3) Hear Well Done Tools – that help you hear God’s Voice, so you know His plans for you. PiVAT before dinner– God’s plan for you today. The only reason people don’t know, is they don’t ask, so they’re stuck with theirs. PRISM – those five things you can do in God’s Word every day – so you learn to think like God thinks. 4C’s – “Know the condition of your flock.” Know where God’s money is, so you can do what He tells you to do with it. It’s how you love God, not money. Daily Call – the secret to your success. It’s built-in counsel and accountability, it’s iron sharpening iron, it’s how you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. It’s what God specifically told you to do.. Exhort another person daily. (Hebrews 3:13) Praying that you will always keep a PiVAT Journal. (Not your ideas, but God’s ideas for you. It’s where you write down what God told you, PiVAT, PRISM, and every conversation with God, yourself or others. What you don’t write down, you won’t remember, and what God tells you is important! And the testimony that comes when you simply obey is worth remembering – you might need it again someday! Praying that you will use the Inserts for your PiVAT Journal – Insert #1 – The PRISM Topic or Packet that God wants you to take with you today, so His Word is always on your mind, and in your mouth – for you and others! Insert Insert #2 Your Monthly Insert – Tools that will help you obey what God has planned for you before this month is over. And Insert #3 Your Yearly Insert - PiVAT for the Year – God’s plans for you that He will reveal in part right now if you ask Him… And PiVAT Monthly for each month – So what God has planned for you this month – you can know for sure, and do it completely! Praying that is a daily habit for you. His plans for you better than you could ever imagine. His Word is critical to your success. He loves you more than you can imagine. Praying that you will hear His voice, and follow His plans. so He can fulfill every good purpose He has for you. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives warnings. I don’t like warnings, they are uncomfortable, but they are necessary. What parent doesn’t warn their child? God loves you, that’s why He warns you. It doesn’t matter if you want to hear it or not. Genesis - the first three chapters tells of the wonderful world God created, and how quickly man screwed it up. Genesis 3:11 – Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from? “We heard you coming and we were afraid because we were naked.” Do you welcome God’s presence, or hide from it? Do you want to talk to him? Or avoid it? What separates you from God? Sin or deception. Sin will always separate you from God. It’s worse than the sin itself which is always bad, but the separation is worse. Sin is never worth it. A side lesson: Who told you that? What you say determines what you believe or will believe. Whatever comes out of your mouth indicates what you believe, or are starting to believe. What do you put your faith in? What do you believe is true? Who told you that? If you disobey God’s commands, warnings or instructions – loss will occur. If you think God is keeping something good from you – you just got duped by the devil. Deception separates you from God, just like sin does, that’s why the devil does it. Deception is often why people sin, it causes them to excuse it, believing something else. God gives warnings for a reason. Eve’s problem was she didn’t shut down the other voice – she entertained it. Rather than telling him to shut up, and going to God with Adam, to upgrade the serpent they were given… to remove the offender from the garden, she ended up getting removed herself. What is the serpent in your life right now? Do you even notice? Will you cut off its head, or listen to its lies? Either you banish it, or you will get banished. The serpent came unawares. She wasn’t prepared or ready. What will you do when you hear a word other than God’s Word? That disagrees with it, or calls it into question? Do you have your armor on? Or did you leave the house again today armor-less? Are you ready for the battle? Will you take action, or allow yourself to be taken? Praying that you will remove every ‘other voice’ influence in your life. Whether a person, or a habit, or environment, your life depends on it! Don’t play with fire, it will get out of control. You will pay a price far more than you think, far more than it’s worth. Praying that you will remove yourself from conversations with the serpent, that you will go back to God, and get someone to go with you. You have no business talking to or engaging with deception. It will never end well for you. If it’s someone you love that has been deceived, plead the blood of Jesus over them, and ask God to help you speak the truth in love. James 5:20 – whoever turns a sinner from the error of his ways, saves a soul from death, and covers over a multitude of sins. Sometimes God will have you confront them in love – and tell them straight up, you’re wrong on this one, and here’s why. I love you enough to tell you. Other times it might just be a question God has you ask them, to jar them into reality, and awaken them from their naïve stupor. That’s what Adam should have done, first eject the serpent from talking to his wife, and second, if she already fell, take her to God and beg His forgiveness, God could have worked it out somehow. It was his job to protect his wife, not join in the deception. Praying that you will grow in your discernment, and recognize the serpent in your life. Anything that could lead you away from God. Praying that you will remove the serpent in your life, whatever door, person or activity that it is trying to enter in. So you will remain blameless before God, so your children can grow up in Eden, not East St. Louis. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word – sometimes it says something you wouldn’t think of, or come up with, other times it establishes an entire framework for your thinking – that is completely opposite of what everyone else thinks, or what you have thought your whole life. “Then Do This.” God used this phrase to clearly distinguish between two opposite ways of thinking. This was God’s instruction for someone who got themselves into trouble, because of their ignorance of God’s Way instead of man’s way. This instruction – was in regard to money. “Then do this my son, to free yourself…” God didn’t just say what not to do – financially, He gave an entire mindset reset… a completely different way of thinking and doing and living - so the result for His children - would be freedom financially – not bondage. God made it clear. The first five verses in Proverbs Chapter 6 - is how the world thinks and operates financially. The next six verses are completely the opposite, it’s how God wants His children to think and operate financially. Here is perhaps the difference. Most people pay tomorrow for what they spend today. God says – pay today for what you will spend tomorrow. It’s called ‘saving.’ Save first, spend later, not spend first, pay later. This is completely opposite – as the heavens are higher than the earth. People will even argue for the way of slavery – as if it somehow makes financial sense, they’ll probably talk about interest, and OPM, (other people’s money) as if it is to your advantage. No, anytime you use other people’s money, they make money off of the risk you take. If you lose it, their guarantee is you! You have no guarantee. Other People’s Money – indicates they have it, you don’t – and if you use their money – they’ll always get more, you won’t. God said He wants you to use His money at His direction to be a giver and a lender, not a borrower. The difference between a master and a slave. God even gave a simple example – the ant – to demonstrate what He was talking about. The biggest money question is - Will you obey with it? Do you even realize it’s God’s money not yours? And if you do, will you obey? Praying that you will review The Money Packet. To learn and remember what His Word so clearly teaches. What did God say about money? Here’s God’s Money Six-Pack #1) The first 10% belongs to him. It’s called the tithe. You don’t even start managing – until you get down to 90% of what you just got. #2) Give an Account - know the condition of your flock - know where God’s money is so you can ask Him what to Do with it. You need a good tool to do this. Ask God, and if He tells you, call us, we will give you the 4C’s Tool free of charge, set it up for you, and help you use it. It works! Peace comes, not from more money, but being fully obedient with what you have. #3) Work for the LORD, not for money, but if you don’t work, you shouldn’t eat. #4) Save for the future, don’t spend whatever you get That’s what the fool does. #5) Do not borrow. Don’t sign! not for your car or someone else’s - you’re on the hook either way… God says it’s lacking judgment, He says its slavery, presuming upon tomorrow. If you don’t have it, don’t spend it. Save for it. #6) Give. Give God what’s His, give to the poor, you’ll be lending to the LORD. Give and it will be given to you. The measure you give with is the measure you receive with. These are totally opposite of what the world thinks. The world thinks if you don’t give, you’ll keep more, God says “Give, and you’ll get more.” God’s Money Six-Pack. 1)Tithe, 2)Account For, 3)Work for, 4)Save for, 5)Never borrow, 5)Give. Praying that you will know and remember what God says about money, and do it. And if you ever starting thinking something is smart with money – that goes against God’s six-pack – don’t do it. God clearly warns, what seems smart, is really… stupid. Like the man who strikes hands in pledge. Praying that you will be content with what you have, not greedy for more. Praying that you will be faithful with whatever God gives you, as you work for Him, not man, or money, or stuff – that He already promised to give to those who obey Him. Praying that you will Give whatever He tells you, and buy whatever He tells you, that you saved for… Not pay later for what you bought even though you didn’t have the money yet. Praying that your joy will be in the LORD and His Word, and doing what He says, not thinking you need more. It won’t make you happy, getting more will just make you want more. Better to be content with what you have, willing to give, and faithful with what you get. God’s way is better, way better, always better. Because Joy comes with it! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you what is true, and it tells you what to do. I Timothy 4:9 – This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. What is a trustworthy saying? For what should we labor and strive? What have we put our hope in? The living God who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. (Especially here, doesn’t mean primarily, more than others, it means principally, specifically, pertaining to a single person or thing; not general; designating a single thing by way of distinction – having something that eminently distinguishes one from others - to those who believe. He saves those who believe – He delivers (rescues) those who believe. This is a trustworthy saying. This is what we put our hope and trust in, this is why we labor (fatigue ourselves) and this is why we are persecuted, reviled, and suffer reproach… Because we put our hope in the Living God, who is the Savior of all men – particularly, specifically, we are those who believe. He is the Savior of the whole world, he came to save everybody – who believes. God saves and delivers those who believe. Faith is a requirement. For Salvation, and for Deliverance. He saves you for eternity, and He delivers you from infirmity, any infirm place, the place of danger or threat or risk. So what do we labor and strive for? Not his love, or His acceptance, Jesus’ death proved that. We work at our belief. We work at believing what He has promised, what He has said, and what He has for us next. Put your hope in the Living God – who delivers and saves – those specifically who believe. If you’re going to work on something – work on your hope, work on your faith, work on your belief – you do it by your words declaring His Word. He will save you. Do you believe He will save you? this time? deliver you? show you what you are to do? He said He would if we call on His Name, if we ask and believe. Don’t be like the waves tossed here and there by the wind – that man should not think he will receive anything from the LORD – He is a double-minded man – unstable in all his ways. Be done with doubt. Work on your faith, work on your hope. Put your hope in God, believe that He loves you, Believe that He saves you, Believe that He will deliver you – again! Put your hope in God. Praying that you will fully accept His trustworthy saying, that God will save, and heal and deliver, and set free those who believe. Praying that you will work on your belief. It starts with His Word, and it grows when your words reflect His. Praying that you will believe everything He said, and everything He says to you. Praying that you will rejoice in His promise. He saves those who believe. Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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