Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word – it sets you free. Have you ever noticed how many things the devil tries to bind you with? Secret here… tries to. The devil has no power over you. Even what he tries against you he needs permission if you have given your life to Christ, and are walking with God. If you’re not, if you choose darkness, that’s the devil’s dominion, his legal jurisdiction, and he’s free to do whatever. Stuff happens. But stuff happens more if you allow it. Praise God, in Christ we have victory over the schemes, traps, and chains of the devil. God gives us grace to say “No,” it’s just up to you to say it. Resist the devil and he will flee from you! Don’t resist him, and he’ll hang around. And if you are hanging around his crowd, you’ll be swept along with them... just a caution God gives us. Don’t go near the path of the wicked, stay far from it, go on your way, take level paths for your feet, only ways that are firm, and you’ll leave devil’s schemes, traps, and chains behind. Have you ever noticed a sneaky one? There are some things that the devil tries to trap you with, that are not obvious, they’re sneaky. They seem right and honorable, but can be misused, or misunderstood... he loves those things. Someone said, the greatest enemy of progress is perfection. There may be some truth to that. The self-imposed standard of perfection, can keep you from even trying. If you’re not perfect, why bother trying, you’ll never make it, you’ll just screw up again… that’s page six, right out of the devils playbook. Praise God, His Word of Truth, is the sword that you use to break free from bondage. It’s what Jesus did, “It is written.” “It is written.” “It is written.” The only One perfect is Jesus. That’s why He could die for your sins, so you could live forever with God in heaven. But perfection is never a standard that God called us to. What about – “Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect.” That word in Matthew 5:48 – Telios means complete, not flawless. It means “start out on a course with a target in mind,” it doesn’t mean you have to be there already, the definition is - ‘start out on” – you’re obviously not there yet. And the target is being complete – fully hearing, fully obeying, fully trusting, fully committed, not flawless. If you were perfect you wouldn’t need Jesus, you’d qualify for heaven on your own. But since you never were, you need Jesus to help you make progress, not be perfect. That train has already left the station. Diligence is different from perfectionism. Some people don’t even try because they can’t be perfect. But God said we are to be diligent, the precious possession of a man or woman is diligence. Paul exhorted Timothy to continue doing these things… so everyone can see your progress. Praying that you’ll review the PRISM Topic – Progress. What God’s Word says. Some people use perfectionism as an excuse for laziness, or giving up. God wants you to overcome – not so you will be perfect, but so you will make progress. He wants to take you from Glory to Glory. Where you are right now, to where He wants you next! Praying that you will do the big three today. PiVAT to get His plans for you (just ask him right now if you missed PiVAT before dinner last night). Be sure you’re doing what He has assigned you to do today, not the long list of PiVAT Maybe’s that you think you gotta do. Then Chose PRISM time, over leisure time. Those five thing you can do in His Word – it will give you strength, healing, encouragement, vision, hope and joy. And then, overcome with your testimony. If you don’t have a Daily Call Partner right now, just call a friend and ask them those four PIVAT Questions, so God can reveal what they need most from God, what He told them to do, and when, and remember their testimony – that God is doing for them – so they can overcome with it. You could help someone walk in victory today – that wouldn’t have unless you called. Praying that perfection is never your goal, just humble obedience. So your progress will be seen by everyone! And your life will be a huge encouragement to others! Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. Its truth and life, instruction and warning, and examples. The good bad and the ugly throughout history – those who faced the same decisions you are. Slightly different circumstances, but the same decisions. This one goes back a long way. Abraham, though He didn’t have to, gave his nephew Lot, the first choice of land since their herds were growing too large to co-exist, and their servants were fighting. So Lot selfishly chose the plain, with the rich fertile ground, leaving Abraham with the rocky hills. This proved to be the least wise choice of his life. The plain was great, but Sodom and Gomorrah was there. Be careful what choice you make now, you’ll reap a harvest later. What seems good, isn’t always good. Finally when the stench of the sin of Sodom tipped God’s hand to destruction, the days of Lots life as He knew it were numbered. God sent angels to bring Lot and his family out before sending fire from heaven to consume them. The vile men of the city tried to attack the visitors – who just blinded them. Lot’s daughter’s husbands wouldn’t come, and finally the men grabbed Lot and His family by the hand and fled the city immediately. Run (for your lives) they said, before the destruction of God consumes this place, and they gave one more warning. “Don’t look back!” In your life, the mercy of God has brought you out of some places that would have led to your destruction, whether locations, associations, or relationships. Sometimes God changed your plans, that you thought for sure were good, even from Him, but it was not, or became not. You aren’t the only one with choices. Everyone makes choices of their own. Bosses, friends, organizations, cities, governments. Some people have a hard time escaping what once held them. Lot tried to negotiate, “Can we not leave completely? Can we just go to that town over there. So they allowed it, but they said, you must go now, and don’t look back! When God delivers you from something, don’t stop at the nearest town – keep going! Leave completely. You might not fully understand, you might not even fully agree, but God’s plans are for your best, not your preference. He said my grace is sufficient for you. Don’t look back. Lot’s wife did. Why did she do that? Because her heart was there, most people are in bondage because there’s a part of them addicted to it. They know it's dysfunctional, they know it won’t get better, they may even know it can’t end in good, but they just have to turn back, because there heart is there, not with God. And instantly she was turned into a pillar of salt. Praying that you will leave behind, what God has moved you on from. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking things might change, or could get better. If God pulled you out – don’t look back. Keep going. Start this journey on His path. Let Him take you to places He has in store for your good. Old habits only die hard, if you keep looking back. God sets you free, and keeps you free, but whether you stay free, and reach new and better destinations, sometimes… is up to you. God delivers you – you decide from there. Praying that you won’t look back. Keep going – you can’t even imagine the good that He has for you! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word – it contains the secrets of life. Proverbs 27:7 – He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet. If you’re full of something else, you wont desire honey. Because you OD’d on chocolate. Have you ever seen the kid that stuffed himself with snacks all afternoon, and then when dinnertime came, that wonderful meal, he was too full to eat? His little belly was hurting - so over stuffed with twizzlers that he missed the meal… He lost the opportunity to get the nutrients that would have helped him grow. Do you do that? What are you full of? And what are you hungry for? Are you so overstuffed with the meaningless that you’ve lost interest in the important? the crucial? Are you hungry for God’s Word? His truth, His success? Or are you full of worldly things, that taste good, but are completely void of any real nutrients? That box of Krispy Crèmes, could ruin your appetite. What do you soak in all day? Top 40? Sports Talk? TikTok? The cheap trinkets the world offers? Or do you hunger for the richness that God has... the feast that He’s preparing for you? God’s got honey for you, but even if He had bitter… God’s bitter is sweeter than the world’s sweet. How do you stay hungry for the real thing? the real food? Stop eating junk. Stop eating other things! Stop eating junk food, and you’ll be able to eat the real food, the food that God gives – you’ll be hungry for it. The only way to increase your hunger for the real, is stop eating the fake. God has better. Steak & Salmon not twizzlers and cheese puffs. That’s not even food! Praying that you’ll decline junk, and get a taste for the real… Praying that You’ll Do PRISM today – those five things you can do in His Word. Praying that you’ll ask Him what PRISM Topic God wants to fill your mind, heart and spirit with – the wisdom, hope, faith, and joy that He wants to become your DNA. Praying that you’ll turn from the junk, and consume the real. So your strength can grow! So your health can grow, so your wisdom and faith can grow, so you produce gold, not dust. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you, for God’s people, and this nation…
I just love God’s Word. It's real. It applies today, as much as it did a thousand years ago – through every generation. Truth passes the test of time. God’s truth is immutable, unchangeable. It doesn’t matter who agrees or disagrees. God determines truth, His laws are righteous. His Word is the last word. The wicked will be vexed, but God’s truth remains. Yet in human history, God’s laws have been perverted, and ignored – resulting in great injustice, human suffering, and death. That’s why God’s Word says. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. The nation who’s laws reflect God’s law – will be blessed, they will prosper. That truth has been proven throughout history. The governments who have become a god unto themselves – or who have worshiped false gods – have resulted in the greatest human suffering and death toll in human history. No generation is immune from injustice. In God’s written Word (both His commands, principles and instructions as well as the historic account of His involvement in human history), there is recorded fifty-three times the phrase “How long?” Sometimes it’s God speaking. How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws, how long will this people provoke me, how long before these people believe me? How long shall I put up with this wicked generation?, or God challenging his servant. How long will you keep mourning over Saul seeing that I have rejected him as king over Israel. Other times it was God’s messengers… “How long will you put off going in and possessing the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers has given you?” Or to a later generation “How long will you waver between two opinions… if the LORD is God, follow him, if Baal is god, serve him. But the people didn’t say a word.” Sometimes David asked God, “How long ‘til you save me?” How long will you hide your face from me?” And one that applies to so many generations and nations… How long will the wicked prosper? How long will injustice remain? How long will these lying prophets prophesy lies from the delusions of their own minds? And the last mention, the cry of the martyrs… Revelation 6:9 - When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” How Long? Yesterday was a significant day in the history of America. When I was eight years old, the Supreme Court of the United States created a new law of the land. Despite the Constitution clearly stating that laws must come from the legislature of duly elected representatives of the people. At the very outset it violated the separation of powers that our founding Fathers wisely instituted to protect this nation from tyranny. Lacking any precedent, Roe v Wade rendered through blatantly flawed logic the most egregious misinterpretation of the US Constitution in American History. It made the next generation falsely believe that the murder of an unborn child was now a “Constitutional Right?” Despite the obvious – that the text of the US Constitution never gives anyone the right to kill another person. Without codification – the responsibility of the legislature, the Supreme Court in essence falsely codified the new legality for a mother to kill her own child - as long as they haven’t been born yet, or have fully exited the birthing canal. This egregious evil and legal fallacy stood for 49 years – until yesterday – resulting in the loss of 60 million innocent lives. Have you ever found yourself in the twilight zone? The aftermath of yesterday’s decision was just that… I saw some women hugging and weeping with joy at the righting of this great wrong – that for some of them they have been fighting for, their entire lifetimes. Yet I also saw other women – angry and upset – decrying injustice because they could no longer kill their babies without penalty of murder. (…while that isn’t true – it merely puts the decision to the State Legislatures to decide if baby-murder is legal or illegal). The juxtaposition of reactions was shocking to the conscience. Sometimes it’s good to just step back. You mean you are actually upset that an innocent child will be allowed to live? That makes you angry? Something is wrong with you. In an online post – someone shared the story of a woman years ago, who at age 32 woke up in the night with her right leg swollen like a balloon. Rushed to the hospital, the doctors told her that a baby in her womb was causing pressure on her right leg. Given the dire threat of blood clot, stroke, heart attack, or death (also considering she already had three children, 14, 12, and 10 years old) that she had to abort this baby for the sake of her own life. This could legitimately qualify as the ‘health of the mother.’ Yet this woman at the clear risk of her own life, brought that child to term, a beautiful healthy daughter – who was now writing this post. What a stark dichotomy of mothers. The ones who risk their very life to give birth to a new life… and the ones who insist on murdering the life that might bring inconvenience to theirs. It reminded me of Solomon facing a judicial decision between two mothers who insisted the live child was theirs, and the dead child was their opponent’s. When he ordered the child split in two and shared equally – one mother said “That’s fair” and the other begged the judge to spare it’s life and just give it to the other woman… Those are the two women who are in America today. The women that stand for life, and the women who insist on death. Solomon immediately gave the child to it’s true mother. How Long, O LORD, will injustice remain? God is the God of justice, He does Justice, and loves mercy. He hates injustice. And know for sure – God will establish justice for His people, and will bring the wicked to account. This Supreme Court Decision was weak, and dishonorable. What the court unjustly determined years ago, they had an opportunity to rectify, but they didn’t. If Roe v Wade could legalize murder for 49 years, this court could at least have forbidden it – ending the greatest stain in our countries history. But they didn’t - they didn’t reverse the damage, they just punted to the States. “But that’s all they could do! The 10th amendment says anything not expressly forbidden in the constitution must go back to the states to decide." They forgot the first few words of the entire US Constitution – each person is – endowed by their Creator with these unalienable rights LIFE… liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sixty million innocent lives brutally murdered, yet they wouldn’t truly reverse the damage their institution unjustly created. They allowed it to remain… States deciding on their own whether murder is legal or not? Like they did with slavery… God said. Thou shalt not kill. It is not your right to end the life of someone else. My body my choice? The great lie of a generation. You can do with your body whatever you want, but you may not kill another – that’s murder, not a Constitutional right. The battle has just begun. And the forces in this nation are lining up with their father against each other – the Father of Life, and the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning. Like the two women before Solomon, the final verdict is yet to be rendered, by State. Pray that God would save the lives of the innocent, that He would save America – a nation which has long forsaken justice, God’s Word, and God’s Ways. Yesterday’s Supreme Court Decision is a significant step, but for justice to roll down in this country – we need God to remove the wicked from power, and raise up righteous rulers, who will rule in righteousness. With freedom and justice of all. How will that happen? If my people, called by name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land. Humble yourself, pray, seek his face, and turn from your sin, so God can show mercy on this nation. Pray for the lives of the innocent. And pray for the millions of babies that will now be born, that their lives will be free! Not indoctrinated by evil, but truly free. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Pray that they will know the God of truth, the God who saves them. So this nation can turn back to the LORD. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness, for this first step. We ask You to bring justice and mercy for this nation, that we will be a nation whose God is the LORD... that we will truly be, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. Logos and Rhema. God prompted my heart recently… There have been some really good Daily Huddles… You should go back and re-read some... I do. That’s kinda weird. No it’s not. That’s not me speaking, I can’t come up with that, that’s the Holy Spirit. I have no idea what Daily Huddle is going to be today. I just ask God and He tells me. If He doesn’t tell me, there’s no Huddle that day. And that’s OK, just re-read an old one. There are years’ worth to choose from. Reminders never lose their value. God’s Word has no shelf-life, no expiration date. Praying that you’ll review one of your old PiVAT Journals when you get a chance, from a few months or even years ago - as God leads you. Remember your PiVAT for that day some time ago. What God told you to do, and what He did when you did it. What He did for your Daily Call Partner – as you prayed and obeyed together and got sharpened and amazed at the answers He gave. Remember what He told you that day in your PRISM time – that you came back to, when you didn’t really want to, but did it anyway… And He blessed you again, with new revelation, new insight, affirmation, correction, or encouragement. Praying that you will learn to love the reminders. God’s Word calls it Recounting what God did. To remember and recount in detail, telling all the particulars. God said recount our blessings, recount what God did. Tell it to yourself again – out loud! Praying that you will go back in your PiVAT Journal, and recount, remember, and make sure you’re still walking in what He told you. You might need to just remember the bind you were in, and how He loosed you! Praying that you will go back to some Daily Huddles from a while ago. Praying that you’ll spend some time in a PRISM Topic that you haven’t reviewed in a while, just the power of God’s Word on a single subject. So you don’t just hear – but you keep saying and keep doing what He revealed. Change your mind, change your life, renew your mind, renew your life. Recounting is the fuel of perseverance. You remember why you’re doing this! Sometimes it's good to go back and remember, to review again, so you can be refreshed anew with what He refreshed you with. God has new treasures for you as well as old. God’s truth for you yesterday, may have new application for today. That’s why God said His Word never returns void. It never comes up empty, it never fails to yield a good result, no matter how many times you go back to the well. It’s truth and life for you! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word, it gives timely reminders. What do you love most? Some people love chocolate, their new car, their dog, their latest crush, but most people love money the most. What about their spouse? No, if they loved their spouse the most, there wouldn’t be any cheating, or prenups, or income requirements to marry someone. Most people love money the most. It’s what they spend the most time on – either doing or thinking about… God reminds us of His clear and simple warning. Proverbs 23:4 – “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” Do not wear yourself out for money. Your mind or your labor… The love of it, the concern of it, the perceived need for it, the time spent on it. If you set your eyes on riches – money will fly away, like an eagle to the sky. But if you set your eyes on Jesus – all these things will be added – what you need, and when you need it, with enough to share. You will either be stingy or liberal, tight-fisted, or open handed, miserly or magnanimous (elevated of mind and soul, delighting in benevolence, (joyfully liberal in giving) willing to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of noble pursuit). Wisdom shows restraint of seeking riches. Wisdom does not desire money, it realizes the uncertainty of wealth, and the certainty of Godliness – a heart submitted and committed, to God’s Word and God’s Ways and God’s plans for you. Praying that you love God more. You can’t love God and money – the more you love money, the less you love God. The more you love God, the less you love money. Just obey with it. Be faithful with it. Know where it is so you can do what He tells you to do with it. Don’t let your money decisions be out of greed or fear. Ask God for wisdom, believe that He will give it, know God’s Word on Money, (read The Money Packet), seek Godly counsel, and do what God tells you financially. You can trust Him. Money isn’t something to attain, or measure yourself by, just something to obey with. It reveals your heart. Praying that your heart is fully and exclusively for Him. That you would love God first and most. Money will follow – instead of you chasing it. Praying that you would walk in the wisdom that He supplies. You’ll know… God’s Peace comes with it. Love you all, dad Hove you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It changes your thinking. It helps you see things from a right perspective instead of wrong perspective. There may be few things worse than wrong thinking. You cannot escape it. You’re stuck in a rut of misbelief or wrong belief or false belief. If you can’t see what’s in front of you – you keep bumping your head against a wall. If you don’t understand what God is trying to tell you or show you, you keep failing, and wrong thinking perpetuates repeated failing. Hebrews 12:7 – Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. Where does hardship come from? Hardship from God – David said “In faithfulness you afflicted me.” Or hardship from yourself - from our own foolishness. Step on a rake, despite your father’s warning - there will be consequence. You’ll get a lump on your forehead. Are you going through hardship right now? God can use it as discipline. Discipline is correction and training. Discipline is both of these. Correction to change your course, and training to establish you in the right course… His course for you. Both are painful, but welcome them as discipline – because God is treating you as sons. He is demonstrating His love for you. If He didn’t care, He wouldn’t bother disciplining. It takes effort to discipline children consistently. It takes time to train children, steady plodding, never faltering or missing. Discipline isn’t occasional, it’s perpetual. So welcome hardship – whatever hardship you are facing… as an opportunity for God’s discipline to correct you and then train you, to establish you! Be quick to change course if He is trying to get your attention. Ask Him, if it’s not obvious to you. And once you turn, welcome the training to establish your course in His way and His plan for you. If you haven’t done it before, or done it in a while, it will take a learning curve. Like the first morning run… It’ll get easier as you go, but put in the hard work of hardship. Rejoice that you are a son, be thankful that He loves you enough to discipline you – correct you and train you. Take joy in the discipline, and even the correction. He loves you. He’s proving it. Seek Him and His heart for you – it is only love and only good. You can trust him. Humble yourself, and in every hardship you will get closer to Him, or further from Him – that choice is yours. If you will humble yourself, hardship will lead to His blessing. That’s the Good that He always longs to give you. If you will let Him lead you – He’ll take you to the good. It’s coming – because He promised. And even the hardship – is good in progress. Worship, Praise, Thank Him, Soak in His Word, Get His Plan and follow it completely. Walk with someone, overcome with your testimony – as God turns hardship into blessing. If you understand the love of his discipline, his correction and training, then even the hardship becomes a blessing. You should thank Him for it. His Word will change your thinking. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word! It tilts your perspective. Do you know a great question to ask, every time you encounter someone? “Me or You?” Your choice will completely change the encounter. Have you ever noticed there are two kinds of people. People who are about me, and people who are about you. Some people are focused solely on the ‘me’ in their life, themselves. Completely consumed by their own needs and struggles, and challenges, or their own dreams and goals and ambitions. They are all about ‘me.’ And others – other people, are habitually asking, and listening, and hearing, and loving You… People other than themselves. Their focus when it comes to themselves or others is always You, not me. It’s what Jesus did. His focus was you, not himself. He only did what God told Him to do, and it was always about the you’s in his life – not the me of his life – himself. It’s so easy to become wrapped up in ‘me.’ What I need, what I’m going through, what I’m struggling with, or hoping for… that we can become blind to the people around us, the ‘you’s’ in our life, which is everybody other than me. Who are easily facing more than we are, carrying burdens far heavier than we are. Are you about ‘you’ or me? The You’s in your life, or the me? Others or yourself? What do you talk about most? Your own problems or struggles? Or the love of Jesus for them, who knows their need, and is there to meet it! The power of the Holy Spirit – that can set them free in their life! The Word of God that can establish them, and bring the goodness of God to change it completely! Have you ever asked the question – “Me or You? And chosen the You’s in your life, over the me? Have you ever set your own problems aside, and asked questions that can usher you into the lives of others, their needs, their struggles. You know the God who loves them, who can bring victory for them and change them entirely, and work even their trials for their good! Do you love them enough to ask and listen, or do you only tell them what you are facing? No matter what you are going through, God’s got it. He’s already worked it out. You don’t have to worry about “me” He’s got you. His power is supreme, and His love is never ending. He’s got this, no matter what you are going through – He is going through it with you, and He is bringing you through it, He already has victory declared for you. How will you come out? Believing and Praising, unaffected by the wind and waves, or worrying, struggling, doubting, complaining, and consumed. When you see someone today? Do you ask the Me or You” question? And do you choose to get past the me… and be about them? God says we should consider others as more important than ourselves. Their needs, their struggles – more than our needs and our struggles. Sometimes in your deepest need, is when God can use you the most… to help someone else. If nothing else, but to listen, and help them discover their testimony, what God has done for them, and is doing right now in their life, whether they can see it or not. You could help them see it! It will stir their faith, and raise their hope. God can use you to do it! If you’ll forget the me, and be about the You’s in your life. God will bring them to you. In fact, what you’re going through and have been through - qualifies you. It makes you more sensitive to them, if you will think ‘you’ over ‘me.’ Praying that every time you see someone today, you will ask this question. “Me or You.” God’s got the me. He knows what you are going through, and is already bringing you through it! But He wants to get you outside of “me-thinking” and start “you-thinking” He wants to use you to help them. The same God that has been so faithful to you… wants to use you to shine light on how faithful He has been to them. Even if they don’t know Him yet, He has been leading them to this place, maybe even this conversation with you. Praying that you’ll always ask The Best Question Ever. What do you need most from God today? That question has absolutely nothing to do with the ‘me’ in your life. It’s all about them – and it leads to what God has for them! There’s something powerful about getting past ‘me,’ to ‘you.’ Getting beyond me, and mine, and my, to you and yours. God has good for them. Your ‘me’ – He has already taken care of – He has already declared victory for you. So the ‘me’ you’re worried about is already covered. You can move past it – to You- the people around you, the person in front of you! The person He brings across your path to love with the love of Jesus. There’s something freeing about ‘being about the you’s in your life,’ everyone other than the ‘me’ in your life. Praying that you will always live for others, and not for yourself. That’s how you live for God, living for others, and God will lead you to them. Praise – and you’ll always be ready, He can work through it… Pray in the Spirit, and He’ll lead you, you’ll grow to recognize His prompting… And Keep coming back to His Word, and you’ll be prepared. Praying that you will leave the ‘me’ behind, and be about the You – in every conversation you have today. That’s how you live for God, like Jesus did. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word, it gives secrets. God reminded me of a secret recently. The importance of faith, and a way to lock it in. God is impressed by faith. In fact, it may be one of the few things that impresses Him, that and obedience. Jesus always commended those who demonstrated it, and He always rewarded it. Some people that He didn’t even intend to heal, (not that He didn’t want to, but His purpose was something else) got healed simply because they had faith. Praying that you’ll review the PRISM Topic – Faith. If God thinks its impressive, it’s probably pretty important. Without faith it is impossible to please God. How do you get faith? (You don't get it, you grow it - you already it. God said He gave every person a measure of faith). So how do you grow faith? Read His Word – faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. That means read His Word out loud. If you speak it – your hear it more, and more will come by hearing. Faith comes by obeying. If you didn’t have faith, you wouldn’t obey. James said without action faith is dead, Your obedience proves your faith - it will grow it! And Faith comes by Praying in the Spirit – your heavenly language. Building yourselves up in your most holy faith – praying in the Spirit. So to grow your faith, Read His Word out loud! Hear the Word of faith preached, Obey immediately – it proves and improves your faith. And finally Pray in the Spirit – every time you do – your faith grows. Your mind won’t understand it, but your spirit will. So the secret God reminded me of? Thanksgiving. If you believe you have something, you can thank Him for it before you receive it. Do you include thanksgiving as a part of your prayer? Thanking him for the wisdom, or the provision, or the healing that you prayed for – that He promised to give you? Thanksgiving – locks in faith. When you thank Him for what He promised, and what you asked for – it will increase your faith and your joy. And you can rejoice in what’s coming. You can leave the timing to Him. He’s faithful – His timing is always perfect. And if you thank Him for what He promised, you don’t have to sit around waiting or doubting, you can be praising and thanking – so you can get on with it. With what? With the next thing He has for you in the meantime. God said it, I believe it, that settles it. Faith believes in God’s promise. When you have faith, you can sit in the chair, or you can start down the path. Jesus told that man seeking healing for His son, and man seeking healing for his servant. Jesus said, “Your servant, or your son is healed.” Moment of truth. You can go now. If you turn around and go home, you believe what Jesus told you. If you hesitate – why? To ask Him again? He already said “They’re healed.” That’s what Thanksgiving does – it locks in faith, it proves faith. You wouldn’t thank someone for a present they didn’t give you. That’s why thanksgiving demonstrates faith. It’s like turning around and going home. Jesus said your prayer was answered, you can go home now. If you do, you believe him, if you don’t, you don’t. Praise God His promise is true, and when you ask, He said you will receive – and when you thank Him you believe – It locks your faith in. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives warnings. It talks about a perverse heart, something that can come upon you unawares. A slow decline, until it becomes you. Beware, if you are perverse in your thinking… slow to obey, letting the habit of instant and complete obedience, slip a little… know that sin is crouching at your door, it desires to have you, but you must master it. Sin is no joke, it sucks, it will trap you. Grumbling, complaining, pride, slander, greed, anger – it can slip in. When you leave your house, remind yourself of what God says. Review the PRISM Topic – Speak Life, How To Be Humble, Kindness, and How to Treat People, Diligence and any other Topic that the Holy Spirit prompts you. There’s a difference between knowing about God’s Word, and knowing it. Having it planted in your heart, marinating in it, until you can’t think any other way than God’s way. The devil’s deception become obvious, and you can call it out immediately. And declare that your course is different. You resist the devil until he flees from you, and turn to God, in praise and prayer and faith, and obedience. Be sure you fill daily, even moment by moment… the warehouse of your mind and heart – so the shelves are full. Then when any situation arises, God’s Word will get pulled instantly - to overcome with. See pride coming, and choose humility instead. Chose humility every day, and pride will stay away. See grumbling and complaining coming, and choose praise and thanksgiving instead. See slander coming and choose to bless instead, see doubt coming, and choose faith instead. See bitterness coming, and count your blessings instead. Know His promise. First Commit your heart to obey. David said, I have inclined my heart to obey your Word. David told his heart and his mind - "I will obey your word!" Second, Know what His Word says – come back to PRISM constantly, so you soak in His Word and it transforms your mind. How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word. You have to keep his commands in front of you, so you walk in them. Third, Move your feet. Run like Joseph, and you’ll dance like David... If your feet are in the right place, your hands never get dirty. If you’re walking down the street near her house… you will fall. If you keep company with the wicked, you’ll get caught up with them in what they do, and their destruction will come on you. Commit with your mouth, Soak In His Word, and Move your feet. Get on the path that He has for you, with those who want to learn the fear of the LORD. Don’t get caught up in sin that desires to enslave you. Walk in the freedom and the grace that He has for you! Your blessing will increase, your hope will be sure, and your joy will be full! And the fruit of your life will bring testimony that you continually overcome with! Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
November 2024
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