Love you all, praying for you, for God’s people, and this nation…
I just love God’s Word. It's real. It applies today, as much as it did a thousand years ago – through every generation. Truth passes the test of time. God’s truth is immutable, unchangeable. It doesn’t matter who agrees or disagrees. God determines truth, His laws are righteous. His Word is the last word. The wicked will be vexed, but God’s truth remains. Yet in human history, God’s laws have been perverted, and ignored – resulting in great injustice, human suffering, and death. That’s why God’s Word says. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. The nation who’s laws reflect God’s law – will be blessed, they will prosper. That truth has been proven throughout history. The governments who have become a god unto themselves – or who have worshiped false gods – have resulted in the greatest human suffering and death toll in human history. No generation is immune from injustice. In God’s written Word (both His commands, principles and instructions as well as the historic account of His involvement in human history), there is recorded fifty-three times the phrase “How long?” Sometimes it’s God speaking. How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws, how long will this people provoke me, how long before these people believe me? How long shall I put up with this wicked generation?, or God challenging his servant. How long will you keep mourning over Saul seeing that I have rejected him as king over Israel. Other times it was God’s messengers… “How long will you put off going in and possessing the land that the LORD, the God of your fathers has given you?” Or to a later generation “How long will you waver between two opinions… if the LORD is God, follow him, if Baal is god, serve him. But the people didn’t say a word.” Sometimes David asked God, “How long ‘til you save me?” How long will you hide your face from me?” And one that applies to so many generations and nations… How long will the wicked prosper? How long will injustice remain? How long will these lying prophets prophesy lies from the delusions of their own minds? And the last mention, the cry of the martyrs… Revelation 6:9 - When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?” How Long? Yesterday was a significant day in the history of America. When I was eight years old, the Supreme Court of the United States created a new law of the land. Despite the Constitution clearly stating that laws must come from the legislature of duly elected representatives of the people. At the very outset it violated the separation of powers that our founding Fathers wisely instituted to protect this nation from tyranny. Lacking any precedent, Roe v Wade rendered through blatantly flawed logic the most egregious misinterpretation of the US Constitution in American History. It made the next generation falsely believe that the murder of an unborn child was now a “Constitutional Right?” Despite the obvious – that the text of the US Constitution never gives anyone the right to kill another person. Without codification – the responsibility of the legislature, the Supreme Court in essence falsely codified the new legality for a mother to kill her own child - as long as they haven’t been born yet, or have fully exited the birthing canal. This egregious evil and legal fallacy stood for 49 years – until yesterday – resulting in the loss of 60 million innocent lives. Have you ever found yourself in the twilight zone? The aftermath of yesterday’s decision was just that… I saw some women hugging and weeping with joy at the righting of this great wrong – that for some of them they have been fighting for, their entire lifetimes. Yet I also saw other women – angry and upset – decrying injustice because they could no longer kill their babies without penalty of murder. (…while that isn’t true – it merely puts the decision to the State Legislatures to decide if baby-murder is legal or illegal). The juxtaposition of reactions was shocking to the conscience. Sometimes it’s good to just step back. You mean you are actually upset that an innocent child will be allowed to live? That makes you angry? Something is wrong with you. In an online post – someone shared the story of a woman years ago, who at age 32 woke up in the night with her right leg swollen like a balloon. Rushed to the hospital, the doctors told her that a baby in her womb was causing pressure on her right leg. Given the dire threat of blood clot, stroke, heart attack, or death (also considering she already had three children, 14, 12, and 10 years old) that she had to abort this baby for the sake of her own life. This could legitimately qualify as the ‘health of the mother.’ Yet this woman at the clear risk of her own life, brought that child to term, a beautiful healthy daughter – who was now writing this post. What a stark dichotomy of mothers. The ones who risk their very life to give birth to a new life… and the ones who insist on murdering the life that might bring inconvenience to theirs. It reminded me of Solomon facing a judicial decision between two mothers who insisted the live child was theirs, and the dead child was their opponent’s. When he ordered the child split in two and shared equally – one mother said “That’s fair” and the other begged the judge to spare it’s life and just give it to the other woman… Those are the two women who are in America today. The women that stand for life, and the women who insist on death. Solomon immediately gave the child to it’s true mother. How Long, O LORD, will injustice remain? God is the God of justice, He does Justice, and loves mercy. He hates injustice. And know for sure – God will establish justice for His people, and will bring the wicked to account. This Supreme Court Decision was weak, and dishonorable. What the court unjustly determined years ago, they had an opportunity to rectify, but they didn’t. If Roe v Wade could legalize murder for 49 years, this court could at least have forbidden it – ending the greatest stain in our countries history. But they didn’t - they didn’t reverse the damage, they just punted to the States. “But that’s all they could do! The 10th amendment says anything not expressly forbidden in the constitution must go back to the states to decide." They forgot the first few words of the entire US Constitution – each person is – endowed by their Creator with these unalienable rights LIFE… liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Sixty million innocent lives brutally murdered, yet they wouldn’t truly reverse the damage their institution unjustly created. They allowed it to remain… States deciding on their own whether murder is legal or not? Like they did with slavery… God said. Thou shalt not kill. It is not your right to end the life of someone else. My body my choice? The great lie of a generation. You can do with your body whatever you want, but you may not kill another – that’s murder, not a Constitutional right. The battle has just begun. And the forces in this nation are lining up with their father against each other – the Father of Life, and the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning. Like the two women before Solomon, the final verdict is yet to be rendered, by State. Pray that God would save the lives of the innocent, that He would save America – a nation which has long forsaken justice, God’s Word, and God’s Ways. Yesterday’s Supreme Court Decision is a significant step, but for justice to roll down in this country – we need God to remove the wicked from power, and raise up righteous rulers, who will rule in righteousness. With freedom and justice of all. How will that happen? If my people, called by name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land. Humble yourself, pray, seek his face, and turn from your sin, so God can show mercy on this nation. Pray for the lives of the innocent. And pray for the millions of babies that will now be born, that their lives will be free! Not indoctrinated by evil, but truly free. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Pray that they will know the God of truth, the God who saves them. So this nation can turn back to the LORD. Thank you, God, for your faithfulness, for this first step. We ask You to bring justice and mercy for this nation, that we will be a nation whose God is the LORD... that we will truly be, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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