Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It exposes thinking, it’s the antidote for deception. God’s way and man’s way – they are very different. Have you ever heard people state something that they do, that they are borderline or overtly proud of - in such a way that defends it, and themselves, and reveals they deem that behavior a value or a virtue? And the more they rationalize it, the more they think it’s a becoming trait, rather than what it really is – a mis-priority, or a detriment to respectability? Something they are proud of that’s not that much to be proud about. Some say, “I just speak my mind.” As if that’s a good idea. Considering the source, maybe… you shouldn’t. It’s just rude, and suspect when it comes to truth, wisdom or understanding. Just cause it comes to mind, doesn’t mean it should come out of your mouth. Check yourself. Wisdom teaches you that. God said, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. ‘Those who pride themselves on ‘speaking their mind’ are quick to speak, slow to listen, so easily deceived, and easily angered. God’s way, man’s way. Another thing people say that they do, that they consider towards the top of the list of positive traits. “I’m just spontaneous. I’m not bound by tradition or stuck in the mundane, I’m spontaneous! It’s how I live my life.” Have you ever noticed that some life attributes may be overrated? Especially when out of place or context. There is a time for them, but not every time, not most of the time, not even half the time. They are something you could do, but not something that should define you. Spontaneity may be one of them. When what God gives as a change of pace, becomes pace, you lose. When the unexpected becomes the norm, it could keep you from the expectations that excellence requires. There’s a time to be spontaneous, but not during planting or harvest. Without regularity, means hardly ever. Other factors contribute certainly, talent and ability, etc., but the most successful people have the best habits, with rare exception if any. Do you think Lebron or Steph Curry got to their level of consistent greatness by working out spontaneously - every time the mood hit them? There are many days you don’t feel like doing what you have to do. You don’t want to run that mile, or head to the gym, or even make your bed. You’d rather watch a movie, than self-study that builds your skill. You’d rather chill than skill. “Habit prevails where motivation fails.” It's not that you lack habits, you just have unprofitable ones. That’s why it’s so important to have the right habits. Spontaneity is great for the times you have open. And every once in a while – you might re-arrange your daily just for something fun and spontaneous. God may lead you to do just that – His timing is perfect. He knows what you need, what’s best for you, and a blessing to others. But when it comes to lasting success in life – success is not spontaneous it’s sustainable. It’s what you do daily, not what you do spontaneously. Success doesn’t happen once in a while, spontaneous does. Sometimes what we think is one thing is really something else. Speak your mind, may just be rude and arrogant, an absence of humility and the lack of listening. Spontaneous may be impetuous. One can be helpful to reenergize you in the things you must do, the other just keeps you from them, a lack of self-control. It’s funny how two very different things can be confused. Freedom and bondage can be often misunderstood, switched. Spontaneous at the right time, can be freeing. Impetuous is at the wrong time, can be bondage. So what about you? Are you spontaneous, or impetuous, are you scattered, or successful. Successful can enable your spontaneity (successful people have time and resources), but spontaneity rarely enables success - if it’s all you have, you can’t be. Spontaneity is the off-speed pitch to keep them guessing, not the fastball or slider that’s your go to. You might stumble on an idea by accident, but bringing that idea to fruition will never happen through spontaneity. It will be diligent work in the right priority and perseverance when the mood has left you. Praying that you’ll be more steady than spontaneous, spontaneous not impetuous, that you will walk in the Spirit – who isn’t spontaneous, He only reveals the will of your Heavenly Father. But sometimes His will for you is to do some spontaneous things, to change your pace, refresh your mind, bless others, and re-energize you for the purpose and calling that you are walking in consistently. These are just a couple of overrated examples. But what about you? Overrated is a good thing to consider. Is there anything you do, that you’ve talked yourself into, that’s become a habit, a behavior, a thinking, or communication, that’s not the value or the virtue you think it is? Ask God to reveal it. Ask a friend who walks in God’s truth, if there is a blind spot they see in one of your characteristics, that is not the caliber you esteem it to be. And then don’t get mad if they tell you. Bring it before the LORD. Be willing to change and be grateful that God is changing you! He loves you, that’s why! Love you all, dad
Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word – it is overcoming. It tells you of temptation, and God’s plan for you in it. Temptation is the gift of suffering. God said Jesus suffered when He was tempted. So temptation is a form of suffering. The Bible says Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered. Was this the crucifixion? No, it couldn’t be, because if it was, He wouldn’t have learned obedience, until after his death. But we know He fully obeyed long before Passion Week. He obeyed his whole life? He was sinless, or He couldn’t have been our Savior. He learned obedience (demonstrated it, through suffering, hardship, persecution, and temptation). Praise God, we now have a High Priest who suffered temptation like we do, but far more than we ever will. And His victory over temptation can now be yours. Temptation – is a God-given opportunity to evict the devil. The temptation is not a gift from God, He doesn’t tempt us, but the opportunity to overcome and the power to do so is God’s gift. The purpose of it is so you can get the crown of life! You can overcome temptation by choosing grace! God promised no temptation will overtake you that is not common to man, and God is faithful He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. God gives grace to say no to temptation – the desires and lusts of the flesh. You resist the devil by turning – from every appearance of evil. Choose Grace, Move your feet! Praise God for the way out He promised, and declare that you will take it. Then move your feet to what you should be doing right now. You resist the devil with your mouth and your feet, and returning to obedience of what He told you to do in this hour. “God, I thank you for the law of righteousness that now controls me! That is far more powerful than the law of sin that used to control me. I choose righteousness, I choose God’s grace to say no to (xyz) – whatever temptation arose. God I praise you for victory – I will speak your Word of victory, I will never go back to sin, I move my feet right now, I will obey right now your assignment for me this hour. I choose praise, and not complain, I choose peace not anger, I choose blessing not cursing, humility, not pride, I choose purity, not lust, I choose faith not doubt, I choose contentment not greed, I choose patience not impatience, I choose wisdom not foolishness, I chose belief and not fear. I will choose You Holy Spirit who gives me victory and leads me in victory… God is my strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble. He answers when I call – He delivers me! He’s answering right now, and I’m taking it! He is my fortress, I will obey His Word, and Praise His Name, I will never be shaken. He brings me from glory to glory. I will never go back! I’m free from sin in Jesus’ Name! Thank you Jesus! As you recognize temptation, Choose grace, and move your feet, declaring that you will obey, that God’s power is greater, and move your feet right now – to what God called you to do in this hour… The devil has to flee, God said. He has to try again at a more opportune time which will never come because you are growing in grace, from glory to glory. But… if your heart is set on things below, rather than things above. Then it will be a magnet that continually draws temptation to you. James 1:12-15 – Blessed is the man (male or female) who endures temptation (who perseveres under trial) because, when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised those who obey him, (who love him). When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. If you’re struggling with temptation, if you’re getting a lot of it… it’s probably because the devil knows you’re easy pickings. Low hanging fruit. I always thought temptation enticed you, it doesn’t. It’s just an opportunity presented by the devil, a suggestion. Read the verse - your own evil desire drags you away to the place you get enticed. Your evil desire drags you away to where you are prone to fall. Your heart has become a magnet for temptation, if you allow evil desires to remain in your heart. You either fill it with God’s Word, and reject the evil desires of the flesh, and replace them… or those evil desires remain, and constantly drag you away, where you are easy prey to temptation. So temptation is always at your door. Gen 4:7 – If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. (Subdue it and be its master). Temptation isn’t enticement – it is suffering, but for a purpose, the opportunity to overcome so you receive the crown of life. This is easy! Or this is not easy. If your heart is full of evil desires, rather than the Word of truth and life and changed desires, then temptation has a standing invitation in your life, and enticement is inevitable. You are dragged away by those desires, you are easy prey. V15 – Then, after desire has conceived it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown gives birth to death. Sin leads to death, no exception. Doesn’t matter if you’re not saved, or you are saved. Sin causes separation – and leads to death. Desire is what gives birth to sin, temptation is just the opportunity taken by the devil to activate it. If you are going to avoid sin, it’s more than just resisting the devil time and time again, it’s changing the evil desire of your heart that drags you away, where you’re easily enticed. Changing the evil desire that conceives and gives birth to sin that brings death and becomes the standing invitation to perpetual temptation. Your mouth is the key – Speak His Word with your mouth into your heart. Ask God to Change your heart, to change your desires, so you love him more than sin. Give no place to the devil, give no place to sin, don’t let the devil have the least smallest foothold, demolish it. Declare that You believe God’s Word and will obey His Word. David said, “I have inclined my heart to obey God’s Word.” David understood the power of the heart regarding temptation, and the power of his words to fill his heart, and change it’s desires. David was overcoming temptation by his own words, by his own declarations – even before any temptation came! You gain victory over temptation, not just in the throws of it, you gain victory over temptation before it comes. Change your heart. His Word will change your desires. Ask God to change your desires by His Word, resist the devil, and as your desires change, because God’s power through His Word is changing them… then resisting the devil will be easier, and he will become an infrequent visitor instead of a never leaving guest. If you experience wave after wave of temptation, it’s because you haven’t changed your heart, and you haven’t resisted the devil, so he doesn’t flee, he just comes at you more. He knows you’ll cave. But if you ask God to change your evil desires into his righteous desires, and as you Speak God’s Word into your heart, which lets God do that work, then you will learn to resist immediately, and when the devil comes with a bigger wave, you just resist again, which makes you stronger, you get momentum of victory over him, you get praising and obeying, and move your feet to God’s will for you in this hour, instead of the sin the devil wants you to consider... And the devil and sin are left behind, temptation becomes an overcoming habit, you get a crown of life, the joy of obedience, and the momentum of victory for the next time. Learn to celebrate victory over temptation. Let God remove the evil desires that drag you away to be enticed - by His Word planted in your heart with your own mouth, and your instant obedience habit. And victory over temptation will be your norm. The law of righteousness far more powerful than the law of sin that once enslaved you. God has victory for you – it’s your birthright of your new birth in Christ. You are a child of the King, New Kingdom, New Rules, Greater power. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells of function and malfunction. Since God’s way and man’s way are so very different, sometimes we think we know - when in reality – we’re upside down. There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. If it didn’t seem right, we wouldn’t do it. And if it seems right to us, we usually insist on it whether it’s right or not. God tells us and warns us – His Word – is the measure. Opinions are measured by His Word, not the other way around. God shares a truth through Paul. About God’s gift to every human - the conscience. A healthy conscience – commends you when you are doing right and condemns you when you are doing wrong. This is to convict you and cause you to turn. People know what is right and wrong by their conscience – that God built into us to know right from wrong. But this powerful tool called a conscience whose function is to lead us to Godliness and the blessing of God, can also malfunction. It can be stunted or hijacked. An unhealthy conscience is either seared or weak. If your conscience warns you and you intentionally override your conscience, that which God gave you as a guard rail; if you ignore it, override it, roll over it, run through it, and do that thing anyway – eventually your conscience doesn’t have an effect on you anymore. God calls it a seared conscience – when you disobey intentionally – you sear your conscience and it doesn’t stop you anymore, like a broken-down fence. That’s why people can do the most evil things and not even think twice. That’s why the adulteress can wipe her mouth and say, “I’ve done nothing wrong.” Sin willfully and you are in danger of a seared conscience. The other malfunction of conscience is a weak conscience. If people don’t ignore their conscience, they often add to it. Paul gives the example of meat offered to idols. Paul said I’m free in Christ – but just because I’m free, doesn’t mean I should use my freedom if it could cause others to stumble. Some people add to their conscience – they re-program it, they add things to their conscience list, that God never put there. Like the Pharisees… They were so upset that Jesus healed on the Sabbath, or that the disciples picked grain as they walked on the Sabbath. The Pharisees made a long list that they decided was righteous, and if anyone violated their list - they were sinning. Jesus exposed the fallacy of it – the traditions of men, instead of the law of God - insisting on the littlest things while ignoring the most important thing. Paul says regarding meat offered to idols. Idols are false, there is no such thing as an idol, there is only one God, anything trying to be or considered to be – isn’t! So anything offered to idols – doesn’t matter – they have no power. So I’m free to eat meat anytime if I am eating out of thanksgiving to God. But the person – that has a weak conscience – that has the longer list of do’s and don’ts… They are not true, that’s not what God said. But if that’s what they believe since their conscience is weak, if you eat and cause them to think they can too – and they violate their conscience – they are sinning. And so are you by causing them to. Better not to eat meat (even though you are free in Christ) than cause someone to violate their conscience (even if it’s a weak one). Praying that you wouldn’t cause anyone to stumble, by your freedom. But also, that you would check your freedom, to be sure that it’s not just a seared conscience. We are free in Christ – but not free to sin. We’re free from sin! The question is – Is this what God said, or what man says? Praying that your conscience will be healthy – that you maintain it by God’s Word. How do you fix a seared conscience? Repent, it’s not ok to grieve God by sinning. Did his brutal suffering on the cross, for you! mean nothing to you? Ask Him to heal your conscience – make it work again, and then obey it’s warning. How to strengthen a weak conscience. Ask God to reveal error – any man made stuff that God didn’t say, but you thought He did. Get into God’s Word, so you know and walk in the freedom of God in Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit – to help you discern between God’s way and man’s way. Relationship with Him, versus man’s religion. And Let the Holy Spirit show you by His Word, how to reassemble your conscience, and leave behind the deception. Conscience is a gift. But it’s just a guard rail. God never said walk in your conscience, He said walk in the Spirit. Your conscience can trick you. Paul said just because my conscience is clear doesn’t mean I’m without sin. God said walk in the Spirit and you won’t fulfill the desires of your old nature. The Holy Spirit will never tell you anything that is not true. Just like you can sear your conscience, you can quench the Holy Spirit. But if you humbly accept the Word planted in you, and if you pray in the Spirit, doing what He leads, turning from evil in the fear of the LORD, and obeying fully what the Holy Spirit leads you to do – PiVAT every day… God’s gift of the Holy Spirit far exceeds the conscience as a guide. The Holy Spirit leads you, your conscience just checks you. His Holy Spirit will lead you in all truth, and in the way you should go, the way chosen for you! Praying that your conscience will be healthy, but even more that your walk in the Spirit will be healthy – as He reveals God’s perfect will for you, so you can walk in the abundance of peace and joy that God gives. Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives you truth that directs your life, that saves you from going in the wrong direction. One little revelation can save you years of misplaced focus. It could save you from unrecognized distraction that could steal weeks or months of your life. Instead it can turn you around, re-focus you, give you your peace back. What do you desire? Status, Success, Money, Wealth? Freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want to, with no thought of the cost? Many fall into that trap. God warned clearly. In the last days, men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money… lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. (2 Tim 3:2-5) He cautioned against falling into the trap: “Those who desire riches fall into temptation (not could fall, they do fall) and a snare and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in ruin and destruction.” What is valued among men, is not valued by God. Not worth a cent in eternity, just temporal gain for the mist that is life on earth. God gave some wisdom to Solomon who shared uncommon wisdom for desire. Proverbs 22:1 – A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Esteemed by whom? God. Who else matters? If you are esteemed by God, you will be rich for eternity, live in full safety and provision down here, and be esteemed by men whose caliber and character is worth esteem from. Do you want money? or a good name? If you could choose, what would you choose? You can choose. Do you want to be esteemed by God (and if that, then others), or do you want silver and gold to do what you want, when you want? What will you spend your life, your thoughts, your time and energy, your mental preoccupation, pursuing? What is a good name? Good is God – everything good comes from Him, nothing good exists apart from Him. He is good – that is His nature and character – He can do and give no other but good. There is nothing good outside of Him and His will for you. His plans for you are good! A Name is power, authority, reputation, renown, everything you did, do, or will do. That’s why God’s Name is above every other name. A Good Name – is God determining and leading what you do, and what you will do. He has covered your past. He’s working on a new name for you. A name that reflects and represents His Name. Grow your name. Grow your praise, your prayer, and your obedience, and you’ll grow your name. A good name is not necessarily a famous name. The poor widow received recognition of her good name from Jesus himself. It’s not how much money you have, it’s how you obey with what you have, and how you obey with what God told you to do next. Time is more valuable than money. Money can go, and you can get it back, time you can’t. God can bring money if you are doing what He tells you. He’s got it, don’t worry about it, just do what He called you to do. Find out! PiVAT before dinner – no exception, it’s a joy, not a task, it’s a blessing not a burden, it’s a conversation, not just a command. Seek first the Kingdom of God, that’s God being the bossa you. Follow His plans for you and the King will have dominion. His kingdom will be what you walk in. Take joy, be content with your wages. He will not let his children be underpaid forever. And inheritance is never earned, it’s what your Father earned. He’ll give you your wages, and He’ll give you the inheritance. A good Name is His Name in you. His plans for you, His words coming out of you, His thoughts consuming you, His kindness and mercy, truth and love flowing through you. His Name is how your name becomes good. And then your name just adds to His Name, if you let him run the ship, and run the table. Praying that you will desire a good name more than a good income, or net worth. His Name in you is His plans for you, His thoughts for you, His desires for you, His love through you to others. That is a good name. Ask God to change your desire for a good name, not silver or gold. Ask Him for His plans every day before dinner, ask Him to help you take joy in His presence, and in every smallest step of obedience. Ask Him to give you a heart to run to the battle, with the weapon of praise, the shield of faith, sword of the spirit, and the full armor of God. If you change your diet, He’ll change your desire. His Word – speak it into your heart. And use your words as weapons. Declare what He said, and what you will do. Ask Him to help you. He will. He will give you a good name, and it will just add to His. He chose you to be a part of it. His good name for you, adds to His Great Name. He’s still making His Name great! Love you all, dad Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It’s truth, and history. It reveals people are the same no matter what century they live in. Have you noticed that today we conflate rich and blessed. We view them the same. Do you want to be blessed? You probably mean rich. Do you want to be rich? There are actually three levels of rich. You Tube is full of people teaching what it takes to get rich. They get a lot of views – so they are getting richer by the click. “Ten years of complete focus, over family, over God, over anything, and you can be rich.” No Thanks. What level of rich are you talking about? Money Rich – Happy Rich – or Fruitful Rich? If you are money rich, you may not be happy, but if you’re fruitful, you may not always have money, but you will always be happy. And what you sow will yield a return in this life and the life to come. If you are rich in money, but not happy are you rich? What is poor? Lacking. If you’re poor, you lack something. If you have money but lack happiness are you rich? No, you’re poor, you lack. If you are rich and happy about it, cause you love money and the pleasures it brings. But aren’t fruitful? Are you rich? Fruitful – eternal things – things that will outlast you – that have value beyond this temporal world. So what are those things? Treasures in Heaven. God said he who wins souls is wise. Win them to what? Salvation and Obedience. The only things that matter. Nothing else matters. If you are rich here, and bankrupt in eternity, how does that help you? If you made money, but didn’t know the purpose God created you for – you clearly didn’t fulfill it, and if you didn’t know Jesus, you gained the trinkets of the world, but forfeited your soul. Even on earth, overnight millionaires can lose it overnight, better to become rich over a lifetime of hard work. But even if you do, in a moment you will lose it all. Your life’s savings, all the wealth you amassed, from all the sacrifices you made... It stays here, and you go to a place where you have no savings, nothing stored up. Or even down here… If you learn the rules of making millions, but the game changes. (War, Natural Disaster, Economic failure, Currency Failure, or both). All the rules you learned to make millions in America – in what once was the land of the free – those rules no longer apply under socialism, communism, or feudalism. Different rules now apply, fortunes made are lost, or stolen, and new fortunes are made, or stolen. A nation that allows people to get rich, depends on civil order and the rule of law. Once that disintegrates, the rules change. Those with the guns - get the money. That’s why governments seek power, and people seek government positions to wield power over others. Riches don’t last forever neither is a crown secure to all generations. If money is your goal, and you get it, so what? What then? If your goal is what you can easily lose, that’s not a great goal. Is it really worth a life’s pursuit? If your goal is what you can never lose – treasure in heaven – that is a wiser goal. What is Rich? What is happiness? What is Blessed? God tells us. Blessed – truly happy – rich are those… who put their trust in him (Ps 2:12), who dwell in his house they are always praising Him (Ps 84:4), who maintain justice, who always do what is right (Psalms 106:3), who are undefiled in the way (the road they walk, how they live their life) who walk in the law of the LORD (Psalm 119:1) Truly Happy – Rich, Blessed are those who record his testimonies, (they write them down), who seek Him with their whole heart. (Ps 119:2) Who keep His ways (Prov 8:32) Blessed, rich, truly happy are those who wait for Him (Isaiah 30:18), who are poor in spirit (humble), who mourn for they will be comforted. The meek (humble, superior power, under control), they will inherit the earth. Those who hunger and thirst after righteousness – they will be filled. Who show mercy, they will receive it. who are the peacemakers, who are persecuted for righteousness sake – they will receive the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5) Blessed, rich, truly happy, are the eyes that see, the ears that hear, (Mt 13:16) Those who hunger now, they’ll be filled, who weep now, they will laugh (Luke 6:21), who are hated, reviled and slandered for His Name’s sake. Blessed – truly happy – rich - are those who hear the Word of God and keep it (Luke 11:28) - those servants that the LORD when He comes finds watching for His return (Luke 12:37-38). Blessed, rich, truly happy, are those who have not seen and yet believe. (John 20:29), whose iniquities are forgiven whose sins are covered. Rom 4:7 Blessed, rich - are the dead who die in the LORD. (Rev 14:13). Rev 19:9 - Blessed, truly happy, rich are those who do his commands, (follow his plans, keep his commandments), they will have the right to the tree of life, and will enter though the gates into the (eternal) city. Praying that you will be all three levels of rich – truly happy – blessed – not money rich – you could really be poor. Praying that you will be rich up there, and rich down here, not just money rich, truly rich – Blessed! Love you all, dad |
AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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