Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. Some verses are DNA verses - that if you have ears to hear, and a heart to obey, it will change your life forever. It will shift the balance of power. Psalms 8:2 – From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Wow. God is talking about warfare here, and He’s telling you how to win. He’s giving you a weapon to overcome with. The first weapon is His Word. "It is written, It is written." (It’s why PRISM is so important) The second weapon is faith – it’s what gives you the victory! (I John 5:4). The third weapon is your testimony (and they overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. That’s why your Daily Call is so important. And this verse talks about the fourth weapon. God ordained it for you since the time you were a baby. God ordained praise. It’s not a suggestion, it was purposely created as a weapon – to win battles. When the disciples were shooing away the children, Jesus said, “No, let them come – for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." God uses childlike faith – because it results in obedience. They have no alternate philosophies, or ulterior motives, they just hear and obey with childlike faith. This is the kind of Praise God has ordained for you – childlike praise. And why did He ordain it? Because of the enemy – this is warfare. The enemy comes first with a voice. The first battle ever – Eve heard a voice – a perverse voice – a false voice. A voice that made her question what God said, His love for her, and His desire to do her good. He lied, she bought it - hook line and sinker – and destruction followed. We are still suffering today because of it. When you are hearing voices, or listening to the wrong voice. God has ordained a weapon for you to silence it. He ordained it because of the enemy to silence the foe. Your praise silences the enemy’s voice – it shuts him up! It’s a weapon of war – it is what brings victory. The key to the kingdom is hear and obey. Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice, another shepherd they will not follow." Your Praise – was a weapon God ordained for your victory. Some people are skilled with their weapon, others barely pick it up, it’s buried in a closet or in storage somewhere. Praying that you’ll sharpen your weapon today, it sharpens with use. Praying that you will use it like your victory depends on it. It does! Start with the RELATIONSHIP Topic – Praise the Names of God, or Praise The Jehovah Names of God. Use the weapon of praise – to silence the enemy. All he can do is talk, your words will either speak what he says, or what God says. Listen to him, and you will believe a lie – you’ll always be struggling with failure and defeat. But believe and speak what God says – and you will overcome. Praying that you will use your weapon of Praise today – so you silence the enemy, and exalt the LORD! He’s got victory for you today! Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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