Love you all, praying for you,
This will take a little while, I pray that you’ll stay with me, for the Love of God, the Love of Country, the love of your children and grandchildren, and for the love of your friends and neighbors and all those of good faith who want Freedom to be restored. I just love God’s Word. It tells people how to become free, and how to live – so they can remain free. And it tells nations the very same thing. Have you ever noticed how history is rewritten by the godless? Thanksgiving for example is a holiday to offer gratitude and thankfulness for the Divine Providence of a Benevolent and Almighty God. Even our nation’s United States Constitution is based on the unalienable rights endowed upon men, not by their government, but by their Creator. Thanksgiving Day is a day to thank God like the Pilgrims did. But school children are now taught that the pilgrims thanked the Indians? How utterly absurd. Ronald Reagan understood the danger of a society of people bequeathed freedom by the sacrifice of the prior generation who believed in God… but these now reject Him, turning from those very things that enabled the freedoms they enjoy to even exist. He said this – “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.” One party has removed God from their platform. We are a nation half-way under. He also offered this. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will end our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Abraham Lincoln gave the same warning - that the enemy to fear is not one that would cross the oceans, but the enemy within – those who forsake the God Given principles of freedom that this nation was founded upon. Slavery wasn’t one of them (that was the democrats being democrats). All men are created equal. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness applies equally to everyone. But if you prefer one over another, and pit one group of people against another. Both Unity and Freedoms will vanish from this land. Today freedom in America is hanging in the balance. The government takes your money, inflates the currency by foolish spending - stealing the life savings of its citizenry. They foolishly continue massive money giveaways to their friends, hopeful constituents, illegal immigrants and foreign nations. While refusing to secure a border, they give billions of taxpayers dollars to other nations for their borders. They shut down an energy rich nation’s energy independence, instead preferring to beg our enemies to increase production, while citizens suffer under triple the cost for gas and food. They force people to wear masks scientifically proven to be ineffective and to take vaccines which despite 3 boosters are only 80% effective, with adverse effects that kill and cripple and maim. Forcing genetic altering vaccines on children with less than one tenth of one percent chance of dying from Covid. They try to take the guns of law abiding citizens, while letting criminals walk free to continue their reign of terror in urban cities across America – enslaving helpless unarmed marginalized communities to be victims of fear, crime and violence. They shut down economies to force government dependence. They promote Marxism and Socialism which has been the most freedom crushing form of government ever created, other than Fascism or Caliphates. They ignore or pass election laws to promote inflated ballot elections, and pure fraud. They censure, ridicule or criminalize the love of country, and the love of freedom. They say you can choose to kill your baby, but cannot choose to decline a useless mask or a crippling or fatal vaccine. They inspire hate against police officers and those in authority, hate between races and classes. They purge the military of freedom loving Americans, until all that will be left are socialists who believe anyone standing for freedom in America are the new terrorists. They always offer supposed solutions to problems that don’t even exist while refusing to address the obvious cause of true problems destroying this nation. They let some citizens burn down cities and assault people with no fear of punishment, while arresting those who believe in free and fair elections or education that doesn’t indoctrinate. We have rejected God, Truth, Justice, Fairness, Kindness, Civility, and Tolerance, except for lawbreakers, anarchists, and corrupt politicians who get away with sedition in collusion with the false media. They have fact checkers who promote lies, they silence the truth, and even attempt a ministry of truth – to silence and eventually arrest any dissenting opinion to socialism, race or class warfare. They celebrate those who attack politicians of one party, while imprisoning, and putting parents on terrorist watchlists who merely question the other, or demand that our schools be for education not indoctrination of our children. This is the State of the Union of this once great country. Inflation is out of control, threatening the lifestyle and survival of average American Citizens. It is a State of Disunion, an economic disaster, we are already in recession with depression sure to follow if we continue on this path. We are now at a point that short of returning to the founding principles of Godly civility and government – this nation will never remain the United States of America. So what can we do before Memorial Day – is not remembering those fallen soldiers who preserved our freedoms, but longingly and wistfully remembering the freedoms now long gone, that once were America… Eleven Things To Save America. Eleven things to preserve our freedoms. If America is ever to remain free – with the rights and privileges that our founding fathers risked their life and everything they owned for… If we are ever to return to the pursuit of a more perfect union. It will require fundamental changes from the path we are currently on which can only lead to this nation’s destruction. Anytime a nation and its people reject God, and His Word, His principles that our founding fathers formed this nation and this constitution on... Only misery, corruption, lawlessness, slavery, demagoguery and financial ruin will result. If America is ever to remain a free and prosperous nation. We must do these eleven things. But before we can even talk about what steps need to be taken, we must address the permanent heart condition that most requires change. We must return to God. We must humble ourselves, forsake our sin, return to God, so He can bless this nation once again. Every nation in History that abandoned God came to nothing. Great empires that no longer exist. And those nations built on false gods, or the false religion of government whether socialist, fascist, or religious – will fall into the ash heap of history – as will we if we don’t repent and return to God and His ways which alone produce freedom and justice for all. Nations rise and fall – but for thousands of years - God’s Word remains. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Those who reject God – by their very choice – reject freedom. It will never remain. By the time they realize that the ‘better freedom’ promised by opposing the US Constitution was slavery and demagoguery in disguise… it will be too late. Our freedoms will be gone. And those in power will never surrender it, they will have secured absolute power for the next generations or longer. And an unarmed citizenry whose votes are controlled, and whose information flow is government sanctioned will suffer under a slave state for generations – unless God intervenes. We must repent and return to God. We must change our ways. If my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land. Repent yourself, change your ways, Return to God, and then… Pray that God will remove the wicked from power, and raise up the righteous, to rule in righteousness, justice and fairness for all. So that this nation can be saved. To preserve our Freedoms and to save this once great nation of America. We must do these ELEVEN THINGS TO SAVE AMERICA! #1 Fix Corrupt Elections. Only Citizens may vote, only with valid ID, only on election Day. No Mail-In ballots – ripe with opportunity to commit fraud, no electronic adjudication – where partisan adjudicators in a one-party exclusive Board of Elections office - can decide who you ‘really wanted to vote for.’ No fractional vote assigning from corrupt programing of machines (it’s one vote for, or one vote against, period.) No counting of votes without paper ballots preserved. And no counting of votes without a signed chain of custody in place with a representative of both parties with those ballots at all times. No ballots counted after election day. No ballot harvesting, or ballot trafficking, no special interest group given access to state voter rolls and registrations, no millionaires funding ballot boxes, and paying partisan operatives creating interference and undue advantage in elections. Every public official at any level, guilty of manipulating elections, double counting votes, counting illegal votes, destroying legal votes, modifying votes in any way must be swiftly prosecuted and convicted and in my humble opinion serve a five to ten year minimum sentence. (How important is a free nation?) What should the penalty for attempting to overthrow a government by the people (a crime of treason) actually be? Any politician or activist knowingly being deceptive with the American Public regarding votes, must be removed from office, prosecuted for perjury, treason or both, and incarcerated at the very least. God’s Word says: “If a king listens to lies, all of his officials become corrupt.” If a nation where the people are king – listen to lies (of politicians or media or both) all of it’s officials become corrupt. They will codify election theft. If this stands – it will become permanent, just like third world dictatorships. There is nothing more physically important to the American Experiment – than free and fair elections. And when liars – decry ‘voter suppression’ – when a simple photo ID and signature match is required, they have exposed themselves for what they are – fraud lovers. They don’t want fair elections, they want fraud. They are not worried about voter suppression, they know it’s a lie. They are worried about fraud prevention, that would expose them, and hold them to account. The number one physical thing we need in this nation to preserve Freedom is Free and Fair Elections. #2 School Choice. The only hope of America is to teach the next generation the truth, the truth of God, and the truth of American History (which up until this point – has been the most free and fair governmental system that has ever existed in all of Human History – providing more freedom and prosperity for every citizen than any government since civilization began. Without school choice where the funds follow the child - the public schools will indoctrinate our children with hate, division, debauchery, and ignorance. You will have (like already is today) a significant percentage of the population that will believe the lie of socialism, that has brought untold suffering in every nation that it has been tried. This socialism lie, which has been buried in the trash heap of history, could actually be resurrected in America by an ignorant generation. It will destroy this country, and the freedoms we hold dear. People will suffer under brutal oppression for decades, and the only way to throw it off, would be another revolutionary war to preserve the freedoms our founders risked their lives for. Abraham Lincoln warned, the enemy to fear, is the enemy within, not all the enemies from abroad. And when those in power - either media power or governmental power - try to bully people who merely want free and fair elections – calling them insurrectionists, terrorists, or enemies of the state. These projectors are the real enemies from within, not the ones who merely want fairness. They have just exposed themselves as the real enemy. Liars are the first to call the truth a lie. This is a war of truth against deception. Someone once said, “In war, the first casualty is truth.” History seems to agree. #3 Remove Liability Exemption for Social Media or other Companies that infringe on the constitutional rights of the citizenry. Any Company or Government Agency allowed to steal US Citizen’s 1st Amendment rights – will destroy the foundational pillars of this nation: freedom of speech and assembly. (Not freedom to riot and burn down cities – but freedom to legally and peacefully assemble, and share their ideas and concerns in the marketplace of public opinion and discourse, and with elected lawmakers, and appointed officials. No public funding should go to schools or universities which enforce socialist same-think, and refuse people of another political party or viewpoint to have equal opportunity to speak or share their views. Every government takeover in human history started with propaganda - the deliberate distribution of disinformation, and the silencing of any opposing views (which they call… you guessed it, “disinformation.”) This is textbook ‘Projection.’ (The mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds, what they themselves do). Rejecting truth, and promoting lies. Anytime the self-called ‘fact checkers” ‘jump on something’ it’s a dead giveaway, there’s something they must stomp out. Those that censor to deceive - consider truth and the search for it – a cancer. They cannot allow it to metastasize. They will lose their power if the truth comes out. But you can’t keep truth down. Truth and the search for it, is not the cancer, those who suppress it are. The first thing the “ministry of propaganda” or the ‘ministry of truth’ does in every country in history – is to call truth, or honest questions – misinformation, or disinformation. A twisting of justice, an exchange of good for evil. God’s Word warns against it. For America to survive there must be legal recourse within the judicial system to protect civilians from censure merely for opposing socialism – which until 5-15 years ago – was almost unanimously opposed by the American people. Until the schools started lying about history, and gullible children grew into ignorant activist adults… Media companies that steal first amendment rights must be prosecuted in at least civil if not criminal court for violating the rights of US Citizens. A nation cannot survive without freedom of speech for it’s citizens without fear of intimidation, persecution, or incarceration. #4 Removal of Corrupt Officials - Judges, Prosecutors and Politicians. In American history – the power has always been in legislation - the law. But no longer. Laws do not matter! Only laws that are enforced, matter. When corrupt administrations, judges, and prosecutors – turn a blind eye – and choose not to prosecute and convict law-breakers – because they prefer some laws, and disagree with others. A nation will be lost. That’s what dictators do. In America laws are to be determined by representatives of the people, not administrations who refuse to enforce certain ones. Now in America our elected legislators are usurped by those who control the legal system. If no indictments are made, if no grand jury is convened, resulting in laws not enforced – the representatives of the people –(and therefore the voice and the will of the people) become null and void. And prosecutors, judges or appointed government officials become legislators in and of themselves - a complete destruction of the balance of power our founders wisely put in place to secure freedom. There must be legal remedy and recourse to remove corrupt judges, prosecutors, attorney generals, and appointed government officials. An impeachment and removal process must be in place to remove corruption at all levels up to and including the Executive Branch and the Supreme Court of the United States… To remove any and all who deny people their constitutional rights, who twist laws to restrict freedoms, and render corrupt verdicts based on skin color, the lie of social justice. That is an oxymoron, what justice isn’t social? You cannot make up for injustice of the past, with more injustice now. That’s merely racism in disguise, and Marxist dogma rather than working to preserve the freedoms guaranteed to each and every citizen by the Constitution of the United States of America. The biggest lie of BLM is if black lives don’t matter, all lives won’t matter. When the exact opposite is the truth. If all lives don’t matter, black lives won’t matter – or any other kind of life. (Case in point – just look at the killing fields of the womb in America, or the streets of Chicago – black lives still don’t matter because all lives don’t matter). Corrupt Politician Removal - any politician whose views and actions are anti-American (not anti-leftist), but anti-freedom, unconstitutional, or based on any other world view, than the Constitution of these United States of America… they must be removed from office by remedy. Those who lie and mislead, who use the vast powers of the Military, the Justice Department, DHS, and the FBI – to tip the scale during campaigns, or to persecute voters who support another candidate, must be removed from office, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is treason. And then incarcerated at the very least - as a deterrent for future would-be seditionist criminals. Any elected or appointed officials or administrations that refuse to uphold the current laws of the United States – that they don’t agree with, and select which laws they will enforce – must by remedy be removed from Office in a swift and fair recall by the citizenry and where applicable, legal action be fully taken against them. This administration is betraying their oath of office. Illegal immigration is illegal. The President of the United States is to uphold the law of the land. If you don’t like it, then elect legislators who will change the laws to what you do like. But if a President buses and flies illegal immigrants across the country to American cities in clear violation of current law, they have disqualified themselves for office, they have forsaken their oath to defend and protect, and should be impeached and prosecuted both civilly and criminally. Any politician that knowingly deceives the American people regarding false accusation against an opposing candidate… must be removed from office, and prosecuted for liable or treason or both. Any politician, party or company profiting from foreign influence must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Most politicians have gotten rich from their influence peddling, another politician has lost net worth. You can tell the motive by the money. If there is no remedy to remove corrupt politicians and appointed officials – the corruption will only continue. There will be no end. #5 Medical Autonomy of US Citizens. Health is an individual and personal choice in America – if we are truly a free country. A person’s health choices are between that person and their doctor. It is the choice of US Citizens to participate in remedies for their health, based on due diligence and what they feel is best for them, given the risks. Any Government that tries to force citizens into medical procedures against their will, and/or prevents adverse effects from being reported and published - violates the Nuremberg Code. It is not the right of government to dictate medical practice to its citizens, at least not in a free country. Any Government, technology, or media enterprise that is caught sequestering, or removing potential evidence that exposes risk, alternate scientific theory, or the questioning of current practice, must be removed from their position, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any government officials receiving financial gain by promoting medical practice should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They should do prison time. The government entities responsible for holding Medical companies accountable, if it should be found – are benefiting financially, or withholding evidence of malpractice, injury, or unintended consequence… the leadership should all lose their jobs and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any government agency or company that promotes or mandates medical procedures that are known to harm otherwise healthy people, without disclaimer… or who hide evidence which shows harm, or who prevented legal recourse of those citizens against those companies or government officials who perpetuated what harmed them - should be removed from their job, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If you don’t have freedom over your own health choices – this is not a free country. #6 Build the Wall. Close the Border, and remove those who have entered this country illegally. They should apply and be accepted based on merit, according to whatever laws are currently in place – or the legislature can change them. This is how the American system of justice is designed to work, fairly and equitably for all people - according to the will of the people. This will keep criminals and drugs from pouring into this country. Good people – want to come legally. Reward those who follow the legal process. The stay in Mexico policy should be enforced without exception. Why not open the doors to America through the legal process? You can only do that – if the border is secure. Then we can let in as many people as we want – based on laws that protect American Citizens (including them when they come and become citizens). We can welcome those who commit to the laws and Constitution of this nation – so they can work hard for a better future, not live off socialist benefits intended to fundamentally change the voter block – disenfranchising US Citizens for unvetted invaders. Where is your compassion? We want those who believe in this nation’s ideals of hard work, justice, saving for the future, and chasing dreams, not living off of government benefits. Compassion is – let these people come legally so they can become citizens. We’re all immigrants! We need to help people come legally, reward those with integrity, and become stronger as a nation – with people who can realize the American Dream of hard work, service to others, saving for the future, sacrificing temporal pleasures for future rewards for themselves and their children, and showing honor and respect for fellow citizens. #7 A Balanced Budget. No spending by government should be lawful above annual revenue. It is unsustainable! Any 6th grader can figure that out. An immediate 10% cut of bloated government. And 10% of the budget annually earmarked for debt reduction until it is entirely removed. We need to return to being a lender nation, not a slave nation. God’s Word says – The borrower is slave to the lender. We went from the greatest lender nation in human history - to the greatest debtor nation in one generation. The only end to this is economic collapse. One party today of economic incompetents – actually states that increased monetary flow grows economies, and gives people hope. Not only are they liars, they are butt stupid. That doesn’t give people hope. They see gas prices skyrocketing, they can’t afford meat at the grocery story, they can’t afford a used car, and can’t get products delivered to them. This political party of people - are incompetent economically. This is just printing money – which in all of human history has devalued and destroyed a lifetime of savings by its citizenry, and leads to rampant inflation. The liars say it’s ‘transitory.’ It is not. Just like the liars said – two weeks to control the virus, now they say it’s going to be with us forever. When people are misinformed by the government, who persecutes and silences truth tellers, or questioners, it results in the masses being stupefied by a level of ignorance that knows no bounds, and will ultimately seal their fate. Slavery of an entire nation is the result – from that party of slavery. History makes no exceptions. #8 Energy Independence. We must stop the complete fabrication of global warming – now called climate change. Natural climate events have occurred every 100 years. Years ago, Al Gore claimed there would be no ice left in the north pole in 5 years. Now some young girl, and AOC are peddling the same lies. Their solution a Paris Climate Accord – which in actuality is mis-equal commitments of countries. Some commit to exactly what they have been doing so far – which is nothing, while other countries, the naïve and utterly stupid, like America when the democrats are in power - commit to measures that destroy business and industry and it’s own economy. While the rest of the nations continue to belch out pollutants as we buy their oil, instead of producing it cleanly ourselves. How ironic. If we in the US stop all emissions, and China, Russia, India, and the world – continue belching pollutants into the earth’s atmosphere. Our measures will yield zero net effect on ‘climate change’ and will only result in destroying our economy and a standard of living unequaled in human history – but so easily lost, never to be regained. A sixth grader could figure this out in a minute, yet those in power continue to peddle this propaganda among the naïve. We need legislation in America which demands we use American Energy first, rather than begging foreign governments to lower their oil prices – this is treasonous. Even Electric Cars need electricity – which is created by fossil fuels. Anytime man tries to interfere with free market forces, natural resources, and supply and demand, it only ends in the destruction of economies, not the saving of the environment. #9 Enshrine the Second Amendment. Every time there is a school shooting the wicked cry for more gun control, which defies both logic and wisdom. If that were the answer – Chicago would be the safest place in the country. Yet more murders occur there in a weekend than any school shooting in America. One host on a TV Show said perhaps the stupidest thing ever uttered on national television This week. Amidst the horror of another school shooting – these lemmings pound the table for gun control. “Why do we let 18 year olds buy a gun!” One almost starts laughing at the stupidity. The greatest generation were all 18 year olds, we gave them all guns, they crossed the ocean and saved the world from Hitler. 18 year olds with guns aren’t the problem. Godless 18 year olds with guns are the problem, and if you have grown up in a school system that promotes the murder of abortion, and rejects the 10 Commandments – they never learn, “Thou shalt not kill.” The second biggest lie in America is gun violence. (What’s the biggest? “My body my choice” (No, you don’t abort your uterus, you abort a baby – not 'my body my choice,' 'their body your choice' – textbook definition of murder... Thou shalt not kill) But the second greatest lie – is gun violence. Guns aren’t violent people are. The greatest deterrent of evil is teaching children moral responsibility, the second is swift and sure legal accountability, but in the absence of those… the greatest deterrent of evil - is a law abiding citizen with a gun, not gun control which takes the means of protection from law abiding citizens. Only the naïve foolish and gullible are stupid enough to believe in the retread lie of gun control - which only the naïve or corrupt promote. An unarmed citizenry will lose their freedoms in a moment. What weapon isn’t an assault weapon if used to assault people? What about car violence? We don’t remove cars from people. Only gun deaths are decried, not the Waukesha racist who drove through a crowd of people. Media – crickets. Biden – missing in action – not in Waukesha, only goes to Texas. The reason we have school shootings. The #1 reason we have mass shootings in schools is we have taken God, and God’s Word out of the school. We are raising a godless generation of kids who have never been taught the 10 Commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill. #2 Lock Downs create monsters. Mental health is affected. #3 Drugs – illegal and prescription are rampant #4 No mental health facilities for people who have exhibited signs of instability. Social Media always gives these people away, but no action is taken. This is not a complete solution, but a good start. #5 Security at Schools is lacking. But The NUMBER 2 Reason mass shootings occur – is because the only gun is in the hand of the shooter. The stupidity of gun control is debunked at the very point of the tragedy. Schools are already gun free zones! Gun Control is already in place! It doesn’t work. The only way for citizens to be protected is to be armed. Police cannot arrive soon enough, and half the time, those that arrive wait around rather than take action… They are paralyzed by fear or democrat policy (How many “Stand down” orders have to be made before we realize those we trust to protect us, aren’t protecting us.) And the Number #1 Reason that mass murders occur is the same reason any murder occurs. No Swift Justice - God said if justice isn’t swiftly carried out, the entire population will become lawbreakers. Capital Punishment is the best deterrent for Murder - not twenty years and twenty appeals later. As soon as a fair trial among their peers can be provided. What about false convictions? If prosecutors and government officials are guilty of framing the innocent, hiding evidence – they should face the same penalty. Then justice would prevail. #10 Abortion Ended. If America is to be saved. We must stop murdering our own children! Their blood is crying out to God from the ground. Babies are human from conception. They have the same rights granted to every US citizen. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Only liars call the unborn ‘not yet human.’ That was the same excuse for the scourge of slavery on this nation – considering them less than human. It is Godless evil… God’s Word the Bible, calls us out. We are all created equal. Abortion is the slavery of this generation and even worse, it is murder 100% of the time. It must be ended, and anyone who provides abortions, who murders innocent children, must face 1st Degree Murder charges, and pay the penalty the law demands. Your rights end where another’s begin. This is not ‘my body my choice’. You are not aborting your body or your uterus, you are aborting another persons body - the textbook definition of murder. A child has the same rights as the mother – they just don’t have a voice. And a nation stays silent while they are murdered by the millions. While the abortion proponents decry a dozen innocent children being killed by someone with a gun, they say nothing about millions being killed by a doctor with a forceps and saline solution. Any parent who murders a child, spends their life in prison, but if the baby is young enough (unborn) – and an industry can make money off of it, murder happens by the millions. How is this justice? You don’t have a choice to kill your three year old. Why do you have a choice to kill your three month old, it doesn’t matter what room they are in (the kitchen or the womb) murder is murder. It must stop. All the arguments for murder of the innocents are red herrings – they don’t stand up. The most egregious legislation in American History is the murder of innocent children. Where is their choice? They wouldn’t choose dismemberment for the convenience of their mother. It is pure evil. Legislation completely without precedent – a miscarriage of justice – in complete violation of the first page of the US Constitution. Every American has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – no matter how small. And no matter what color. Why are abortion clinics most proliferated in urban areas? Why are black babies aborted at a higher rate than other races. 13% of the population comprise 40% of the abortions… This is the institutional racism in America. The taxpayer funded abortion industry. It is evil – it is murder. God will bring judgment if we do not repent and reverse this evil. Leave it to the states? We did that with slavery and look what happened? A slave is not your possession, every person is created by God – equally endowed with unalienable rights. Slavery is evil. ‘Don’t tell me what I can do with my body’ – is just like ‘Don’t tell me what I can do with my property.” It was legal then, but it was pure evil. A slave is not your property, a baby is not your body. The killing of the innocent must end in America. #11 The Gold Standard. We must return to the gold standard. For a nation to survive economically, it must have stable currency. Fiat money – will just be printed by greedy governments to feed their never ending addiction to spending money they don’t have. Especially when a populous becomes free-loading. And especially when they import illegals by the millions who go on welfare. They will vote for those who give handouts, until all the rich are gone, and only the poor remain. Then you can’t soak the rich anymore – “make them pay their fair share.” 1% already pays 24% of the taxes. There will be none left… they’ll be poor themselves, or will have moved to another country. Without the gold standard, printed money injected into an economy will without fail result in runaway inflation. It will evaporate the life savings of its citizens, and destroy the quality of life and economic viability of any nation. And when currencies and economies fail, lawlessness runs rampant, causing governments to seize power or be overthrown by the new power-hungry. It’s how dictatorships and oppressive governments gain power – through civil unrest. Then revolution, or civil war is the only remedy to return to freedom, or an opportunistic foreign government takeover ends the American experiment forever. Those that seek power – want to destabilize economies – it’s how they retain the power they seek, and increase it. Once it happens – you need a George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and thousands of others like them, to form a new government. But there are no George Washington's anymore, they do not exist in this country. Today we only have socialists, or rinos. The American Revolutionary war was with an army overseas, not a brutal dictator or deceived masses in their midst. How long has it taken for North Korea to oust it’s oppressor? They haven’t, not him, or his father, or his grandfather. How long has it taken the Russians or the Chinese to evict their oppressors – they haven’t. All who tried have been tortured or executed or both. The stable economy, stable currency, and energy independence, of an exporter, lender nation is an absolute requirement for any nation to survive generationally. OR chaos ensues. And in the midst of chaos – demagogues assume power, and when they do, they will never relinquish it. Stable currency is an absolute requirement for a constitutional republic to remain. If the money fails, the country fails. These Eleven Things are must have requirements if America is to be saved, and survive with freedoms intact for future generations. None of these will happen without two things. Wisdom, and Courage. Wisdom to elect Godly Leaders, and the Courage of those Leaders put in place – who will place the freedom and security of this nation – over their personal political ambitions. But even before wisdom, and courage. None of these Eleven even matter - without Repentance. The problems in this nation are Spiritual Not Physical. This is a spiritual problem, not a political problem. Without righteousness, a nation will be destroyed. We have rejected God, and eventually, God will reject us. Our success as a nation unprecedented in human history is because our Constitution and laws have been based on Judeo-Christian values, on the Word of God. This is a Christian Nation – it doesn’t give preference to denominations, but this is a Christian Nation which also allows the free exercise of other religions, or no religion, within the laws that secure human rights. We have rejected God and His Word, and are under great peril of destruction. We celebrate fornication and adultery, we murder innocent babies, we promote what is vile, and indoctrinate our kids. Truth is absent from the public square, only lies, propaganda, and deception. If we do not repent and turn back to God. This nation will be lost. John Adams said – Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” May God have mercy on America. May He grant us grace unto repentance. So revival will come, a restoring of foundations which have been destroyed. So God can bless this nation. May God Save America! He is our only hope. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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