Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It gives truth, it gives secrets and foundations. What’s really important? One of those things is humility. It brings wisdom. Praying that you will review the Topics: Humility, and Humble, and How To Be Humble. It’s Important. It will position you for God’s power and blessing in your life. Proverbs 11:2 – When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Do you need wisdom right now? In this season? In your current situation? I could really screw things up if I do not receive wisdom from God. I need wisdom. But wisdom comes only with humility. How do you walk in humility? How do you begin to make humility a habit and a hallmark in your life? It along with the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. That’s important. It’s what God adds His power to – humility. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Divine power, unmerited favor. It comes with humility. What is humility? Taking the lower place, thinking of God higher, and others higher – and you lower. It’s unnatural in the natural, only natural in the Spirit. So what brings humility – what is the incubator for it, what’s the atmosphere that allows it to grow? What can you do to prepare yourself for it, and keep yourself in it? First, you have to Recognize – your need for God. Admit you don’t know everything, He knows more than you – way more… you have to recognize your limitations and His Limitlessness. Second, you need to Believe that He will give wisdom to you if you ask. You need to believe His promise. God says ask for wisdom and He will give it (no questions asked – not if you deserve it or not) He just said if you ask, He’ll give it. First you need to recognize your need for wisdom, then believe His promise that He will give it. Third, you need to Ask. That’s humility, coming under, recognizing God knows better… Ask Him for the wisdom He promised to give. That means stop trying to figure it out on your own, just recognize your need, believe that He will give it, and ask Him for it. You might as well praise Him and thank Him right away for giving it, while you’re asking… because it’s as good as done. Finally, Obey what He tells you. Humbly obeying, submitting, coming under. Obey immediately, completely, and joyfully whatever He tells you, starting with the first step! That’s humility – that positions you for wisdom. If you don’t humble yourself, pride comes. If you humble yourself – pride is kept at bay. Humility repels pride and invites wisdom. Ask and you will receive. So what brings humility – Recognize that you need it…(your limits and His limitlessness) Believe (that He’ll give wisdom when you ask), Ask for it, and Obey (quickly, completely, with a happy heart). Recognize, Believe, Ask, and Obey… That’s how you receive it. That’s walking in humility towards God - coming under his authority, His thoughts, and His Plans for you. And humility towards others – is to consider them more important than yourself; what they say as more important than what you say. The key to humility before others – is to listen. Seek to listen to others, make room to listen, seek to understand them. Honor them. Humility is taking the lower place, and giving the higher place to someone else. Don’t worry. God will raise you up in due time. Praying that you will Recognize, Believe, Ask and Obey today – so you receive the wisdom that God gives. You receive by obeying, not just a hearer only. Praying that today, you will listen first and talk later, if God leads you. This is humility in practice. Praying that you will always choose the low place, so He can exalt you. So is this wisdom or humility? Asking for Wisdom, is walking in humility. It's recognizing God knows, you don't, Its coming under His Word and His Ways. Asking for wisdom, and walking in it - is humility in practice. Praying that you'll practice today. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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