Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It gives you plans, and hope, and steps! You can’t get from here to there in one step. That journey of a thousand miles starts with step one. Have you ever thought about the purpose of December? It’s the last month of the year. An opportunity to celebrate the faithfulness of God. He has been so faithful to you this year! Whether a year of ease, or a year of great hardship, He was there for you. He carried you most of the way – whether you noticed or weren’t paying attention, He was paying attention to you. He was protecting you, and guiding you and helping you. He was faithful, whether you were as faithful as you hoped to be, or not. December is also a time to celebrate the greatest gift ever given, and remember the greatest story ever told. Emmanuel. God with us. The God of the universe coming into the world, as a human baby, so he could save the people that he loved, who were lost in sin, disqualified for heaven, destined for eternity apart from Him in outer darkness, and had no way to save themselves. But December has another purpose. It’s the grace note for the coming year. Why wait til January to start the new year? Just like that promotion that you are preparing for. The most successful candidates for promotion are the ones doing most of the job already, with diligence and excellence. What if you asked God to help you live in December, what He’s calling you to become in this coming year? What if you had a month of practice before the clock started? Praying that you will take some time with your Heavenly Father – who loves you and has the very best planned for you! And seek His face – so He can reveal to you His plans for you this month of December. Your last PiVAT Monthly for this year. What if you walked in victory and began operating at the level of your new promotion. Years ago, the book Dress For Success encouraged people to dress like the position they sought promotion to… What if you started living this month, the way God has planned for you to live this coming year? What if you got a head start? an extra quarter of the game, before the game started... You would hit the ground running! Praying that you will seek God for PiVAT Monthly for December, and praying that you will ask Him who to invite for a 3-Day-Challenge. What if you consistently did PIVAT before dinner this month – for just 30 days. To Get His plans for you – before the new day begins, and finish strong everything He put in your heart for today? What if you did PRISM throughout the day - those five things you can do in God's Word – making His thoughts for you, through His Word for you, the priority of your day. Important enough to keep coming back to… And what if you obeyed his command to Exhort One Other Daily – so you could overcome with your testimony, and overcome the adversary, to get victory through that iron sharpening iron, so the deceitfulness of sin, would lose all its effect on you. Praying that this month you will seek His face, so you can walk at the level He is calling you in this new year. Praying that if you don’t have a Daily Call right now, you would ask God to bring you the one He has chosen, and assigned for you to walk with, so you eat overcoming for breakfast, so God can sharpen you, and lead you, and bless you at next year’s level, so you can hit the ground running. So you can grow exponentially, and see His power at work in your life. So God can prune you – getting rid of old ways, and old thinking, so you can bear fruit that He chose you, and appointed you for – fruit that will last. Can’t wait to hear the testimony that God has for you for December! What He does, as you just simply hear and obey. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
November 2024
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