Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It contains wisdom – that if you will apply it will change your life and your legacy forever. I’m so thankful for that wisdom book – Proverbs – and PRISM (those five things you can do in God’s Word every day) that keeps me coming back to it every day. Praying that your PRISM time is your priority so God can change your thoughts to His thoughts which are so much higher. I’m so thankful for extracts – not just a verse in your PRISM time that God can reveal His insights, but even an extract from a chapter – that short list of takeaways that can be so powerful when applied as action steps. Proverbs 15 is one of those chapters that is great for extracts. Several verses speak of the tongue, and it’s power. Surely, what you say is what you get, and if there ever was anything to invest wisely, it’s your tongue. Proverbs 15 tells you what you should invest your tongue in, it tells you how to employ it wisely. Proverbs 15:1 – A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Are your words gentle or harsh? Invest wisely. Verse 2 – the tongue of the wise commends knowledge. Commend, to speak in favor of, to recommend, to represent as worthy of notice or regard. Your tongue should always advance knowledge. And it can only do that if you are faithful in your PRISM time in God’s Word every day. That’s why its best to Do PRISM out loud. What you say is more important than what God says. Not heresy, practicality. It doesn’t matter what God says, you believe and do what you say. That’s why it’s so important to invest your tongue – to speak out loud what God says – so you grow to believe it and do it. Train your tongue so your tongue trains you. And God’s Word is always the best training. #3 - verse 4, the tongue that brings healing is a tree of life… Do the words out of your mouth make people feel better? Do they bring healing? It’s a wise investment. #4 – verse 5 - a fool spurns his father’s discipline, but whoever heeds correction shows prudence. You heed correction with your tongue. That’s why if you have children, it is crucial to train them to respond with, Yes Mommy, Yes Daddy, Yes Sir, I will obey. Your tongue is the rudder of your body. If you teach a child’s tongue to activate their obedience – it will pay dividends for the rest of their life. You heed correction with your tongue – before and after. David said “I will obey your word.” He said it before the correction or instruction came, and when it does come – He says the same. Your tongue activates your obedience - a wise investment. #5 – verse 8 - The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him. The wise invest their tongue in prayer. Praying the heart of God is a wise investment. Ask Him, He will lead you. And be sure choose the fear of the LORD, why cancel your prayers. #6 Investment verse 15 All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. The wise invest their tongue in thanksgiving. It is the verbal expression of a cheerful heart. If you make this a habit, you will always be feasting! #7 Tongue Investment - What not to invest in. A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. Most invest their tongue in venting, critigue or criticism. A wise man’s tongue investment – is knowing when not to invest. Save your cash until the market drops. Don’t invest in complaining, or disagreement. Keep your tongue still. Sometimes the best investment is the one you don’t make. #8 The wise invest their tongue in asking for counsel – first from the Holy Spirit and then from others. Verse 22 - Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Rather than talking (which limits your capacity to learn new things), they ask for advice from Godly counselors and area experts and sift it through Word of God by the Holy Spirit. #9 The right word at the right time. A wise tongue investment comes from seeking God’s truth and God’s timing. Verse 23 - A man finds joy in giving an apt reply – and how good is a timely word. Verse 28 – The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of a fool gushes folly. Wait before you speak. It’s how you give an apt reply. If you ask first, the Holy Spirit will lead your replies. You’ll get the joy of the perfect response, and a timely word. And the more you soak in God’s Word through your PRISM time with Him, the more ready you are to give that accurate, helpful, wise, and timely word to someone who really needs it. God will use you to share his truth and life with them. Be humble, stay in God’s Word, and let the Holy Spirit – guide your tongue investments into others – that’s the healing and life that God wants to give! #10 Redirect your thoughts – invest your tongue to redirect your thoughts, if they are straying from purity of motive, or intent. Verse 26 – the LORD detests the thoughts of the wicked, but those of the pure are pleasing to him. Invest your tongue to keep your thoughts pure towards God, and others. Your tongue controls your thoughts. It can stop a wrong direction or thought-path in its tracks – and move it onto the highway that God has for your mind. The highway of righteousness in your thought-life so your heart is filled with His Word and your thoughts stay on His track. And #11 – tongue investment verse 30 – A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. A wise tongue invests in sharing good news. You should always be the bearer of good news. Speak it to yourself and others. Invest your tongue in your testimony – of what God did, invest your tongue in His promise – of what He will surely do. And everyone will love to see you coming – because your words are always health and life and joy – wherever you go. Your words create your life – Praying that you will invest wisely. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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