Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word – it is the standard by which you can evaluate everything. Truth and part truth, no truth, deception. How do you know which is which? Praying that you will always use your New Information Filter. 1) Is it true? 2) Where is the Evidence? 3) What’s in it for them? and 4) What Does God say? The real filter is the Word of God. Some people say things that seem good, that seem wise or helpful. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer…” Really? Sounds aggressive, maybe smart, but doesn’t quite smell right. It’s not in the Bible. God says, "Love your enemies..." but don’t keep them close to keep an eye on them. He’ll take care of your enemies, you just keep doing what He tells you – and He’ll go before you, surround you, and be your rear guard. When it comes to discerning between wisdom and pretend wisdom, the more you soak in God’s Word the more you will recognize counterfeit. PRISM every day – don’t miss out! Those five things you can do in His Word will not only transform your mind, it will get wisdom in you! And you need it. I:Insight From The Word – that Proverbs chapter, your daily dose of wisdom for today. Praying that it will become a part of your DNA so your words and response, flows from the mind of Christ. Remember the purpose for using God’s Word to filter things – is to find truth and walk in it. Not to reject everything that people say. All truth is God’s truth. Some people discover it by God’s grace, even though they might not be fully committed followers of God or Christ. Anything that works well in life – is probably based on the truth of God. Then why do the wicked succeed? Because some things are evil, that only seem to work well, or work for a season. In the end God’s truth always prevails. Better to align with it as soon as possible. God gives it for everyone to use. You don’t have to sign in with a password to read the Bible, and you don’t know the password. God gives it freely to everyone. Actually, you really do need a password. The Holy Spirit – to interpret if for you. So you can rightly divide the Word of truth, not get it confused or twisted. The devil uses God’s word often to deceive with it. To cast doubt on it, to mislead, or misinterpret it. But If you have given your life to Christ, and received the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. He will save you, He promised, and He will lead you into all truth – He promised. Here’s a quote recently from Donald Trump – “Remember, we get no credit for the incredible things we do. If we don’t talk about it, nobody will.” Is that true? Yes, it is. No one gives Donald Trump credit for all the good things He did, only the things they didn’t like. So that’s true... "If we don’t talk about it, no one will." That could be true also. No one will talk about the good things that He did – it’s human nature, and definitely our society. But just because there’s some truth to it, does it mean we should use that as a standard for our own life or behavior? Probably not. It is true – It’s not what you do, it’s what people know that you do – that measures you in their eyes. Don’t toot your own horn, but people need to know what you’ve done in order for them to understand the value you provide. That’s just good business. Don’t lie or exaggerate, but it’s always a benefit, not just to you, but to them, to recognize the value you have provided. People always feel good about being honored and cared for, and they always feel good about making good financial decisions – if what you’ve done for them is part of the services your company provides, or even part of the good job you’re doing at work. But when it comes to talking… be careful. This requires discernment. God’s Word says this. "Let another praise you, not your own mouth, someone else, not your own lips." The most powerful proponent of you is others not you. Some people constantly talk about themselves, and how good they are, or how talented they are, or how good they did something... One pundit mentioned disappointment with Doc Rivers who defended himself recently, and his coaching record. Informing everyone of how good he did with limited talent on a former team he coached. It probably didn’t come across as he hoped it would… it probably didn’t make the members of that former team feel good - kind of a slight, which I’m sure he didn’t intend. Be careful when it comes to talking about yourself. God’s Word is clear. Listen much, talk little, be quick to give credit, not seek honor for yourself. If you celebrate others and their success, not flatter, but honor where earned; others will be encouraged to continue to pursue excellence. And God will take care of you – just be diligent and always give more value than you get paid for . God sees - even if no one else does. And people are watching. God provides not you, give to others, and God will make sure you receive what you need. No need to ‘let me tell you about me,’ let them tell you about them… Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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