Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It is the instruction manual for success. Have you ever wished you could get a promotion? A move from a lower place to a higher place? More responsibility and the compensation that goes with it? Have you ever wished you could get to a higher level? How do you get promoted? What is the secret to promotion? There is one key ingredient to promotion - Humility. It’s seems opposite. Most people who want to be promoted think they need to promote themselves. God’s way – as usual – is just the opposite. Go lower, and you’ll go higher, Give more and you’ll get more. Take the low place and God will give you the high place. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. If you are humble, promotion is coming. Not only does humble work harder, humble treats others better. No one from the north, south, east, or west can exalt a man… Promotion comes from the LORD. God gives promotion, God exalts a man, and He brings others low. God exalts the humble, the proud he brings low. To get promoted, requires humility. An interesting observation about humility. Humility always comes with obedience. Obedience is the demonstration of humility. If you’re humble you will obey. If you’re not humble you won’t. God’s way is the best way! Not everyone agrees – some prefer their way. But God’s Way is the best way for you. He’s trying to show you how to be promoted. He delights in your prosperity, the prosperity of His people. He wants you to succeed, He’s trying to show you how, so that by obeying you will do it, and it will position you to be promoted. Decide in your heart – that God’s Word is true, not what makes sense to you. Decide in your heart that God’s way is the best way, and give up your way for His way. Jesus humbled himself, and obeyed. He became obedient unto death, even death on a cross, and God exalted him to the highest place – that at the Name of Jesus every knee will bow. Humility produces obedience. If you’re having a hard time obeying, it’s probably because you lack humility. No wonder things aren’t working for you, God opposes the proud, He gives grace (Divine Power and Favor) to the humble. That means He puts a wind at your back. The world’s greatest track athletes – in order to establish a world record there is a wind-limit. To be the world’s fastest man, you can’t have a wind-aided time, it doesn’t count. But God’s Grace is God sending a wind at your back every time you run your race. You always win more races that way. Flight Time from Cincinnati to LA is 4 hours, 11 minutes. Flight time from Los Angeles to Cincinnati is 3 hours, 42 minutes? Why is that? The Jet Stream. What’s the Jet Stream? Grace. Wind-aided flight is always faster than wind opposed flight. Humility, demonstrated by obedience, brings promotion. Get good at obeying, and He’ll put a wind at your back. The second key to promotion – Patience. Some people want promotion – for what they get, not for what they will be able to give. There’s nothing stopping you from operating at the next level, before you get the actual title, and paycheck. If you desire promotion for what you can give, not what you can get, promotion will find you faster, and you will be patient because it doesn’t matter if you have to wait a little longer, it just gives you more opportunity to operate at that next level, so when you do get there you will succeed in it. God doesn’t just want to get you there, He wants you to succeed there! The third secret to promotion is Diligence. If you are not the hardest worker, you won’t likely be promoted. They would rather promote the ones who work the hardest. Doesn’t mean you don’t work smart, doesn’t mean you live an out-of-balance life. Diligence is not just effort, it’s effort with wisdom. It’s effort with excellence. Concise. Working hard at the things that bring the greatest result. Ask God He’ll show you – that’s why PiVAT and PRISM are so important, what you do today, and how you think today. The fourth secret to promotion - Add Value. Always be worth more than you are being paid (the principle of giving and receiving) and you will always be working on a raise, and a promotion! Know who you work for. You work for God, not this company, not your boss. Your Heavenly Father will make sure you are not underpaid forever. But no matter what your income or promotion, you will always be worth more than they are paying you. That’s your job – if you work for God not man. Always look for ways to increase the value you bring to this job and this company, ask God to show you how and He will. The most successful companies have people who think like owners not employees. When you always add value, it goes beyond what you deliver, it’s the culture you create that will always bring promotion – faithful with little becomes faithful with much. The fifth secret to promotion: Love People. Value Them. You cannot succeed without others, the more they succeed, the more you succeed. You can’t honor people, and treat them truly well, if you don’t love them. The secret to that is to see them as God sees them. Then you can love them like God loves them. People can sense when someone is just treating them nicely to get something, or when someone is helping them because they want the very best for them. They can tell someone who wants them to succeed, and is willing to sacrifice personal gain, for their betterment. Just like people buy from people they like. People who honor others – are the ones who get promoted. How do people feel when they are with you? How do you make them feel? (About themselves, not about you) Those who get promoted, are the ones who are about others, more than they are about themselves, who want them to succeed more than they want to succeed. Who celebrate others’ success, and even consider it as part of their own… Praying that you will humble yourself, so God can promote you in due time, that you will let patience complete it’s perfect work, that you will operate at a higher level, long before it becomes official. Praying that you will be diligent, that you will set the standard and set the example, of the precious possession of a man – diligence. Praying that you will ask God how to add value every day, and always be worth more than you are being paid. And finally, praying that the love of God for others will be your love for them, so that any promotion that God gives you, will just enable you to love others better. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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