Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word, nothing like it that brings success. In fact, success is not possible without it. Without truth, you cannot succeed. It’s not called the word of life for nothing. God has abundant life for you, and it always comes through His Word. What He said, what He promised, what He instructed. Follow His Plan, and His ways, and you’ll walk in the abundance that He has for you! Have you ever been on a long trip – that you had a time you had to be there? Some trips are casual, you’re just going for the journey, not the destination. No commitments, you can stop and see the sights along the way. These are wandering trips, but for destination trips. Have you noticed what impacts your timely arrival the most? I first thought it was speed. If you drive seventy-five miles an hour instead of sixty-five, on a 10 hour drive day, that’s a hundred miles further in the same day! That cuts at least an hour and a half of your travel time! But then I realized, something more important than the speed you travel. How often you stop and how long it takes you to get going again - is more important than the speed in which you travel. It’s the TH Principle, the tortoise and the hare. Have you ever been on a trip and been passed by the same car several times. You’re the tortoise, they’re the hare. They just haven’t learned that principle yet. Another thing that’s quite detrimental to arrival time, is a speeding ticket. While you’re sitting there, every single car is passing you by… like you’re standing still. Because you are. And it’s expensive. But the thing I found that is the most important? The greatest danger to timely arrival on any destination trip? Taking a wrong turn. There is nothing that sucks worse than that. You could drive an hour in the wrong direction! That sign said east, not west, north, not south. Hopefully you’ll catch it in an exit or two, but however long it takes for you to realize, you have to double that time, just to get back to where you were! That’s why PiVAT before dinner is the most important thing on your life trip. You need God’s plan for you today! A wrong turn, will get you lost, backwards, or stuck in a ditch. His plans for you are perfect and His pace is the best. Don’t run ahead of him, you’ll get stopped. Don’t go your own way, that won’t get you where you want to be, much less on time. Stay in His Word, so you enjoy the journey, and be at peace with His pace. Even traffic jams, He’s got a purpose in it. He’s as concerned with your DNA as He is with the destination, with how you get there, and what you become in getting there, not just when. You can trust Him. His Trip plan for your life, is to the best place, the best way, and the best time. And take someone with you. Go on this journey together. Overcome together, be encouraged together. If you follow His plan, you’ll go places. You’ll see sights, you’ll avoid ditches, and you’ll arrive on time, with joy, a better person than when you started. Let God drive, you just follow. So what’s the TH Principle? God’s Tortoise and Hare Principle on the life trip He has for you? Steady Plodding beats speed. So in your life trip? First Don’t leave home without Him. Let Him Drive, Get His plan, let Him set the course, so you don’t take a wrong turn. Second, Let him set the speed, don’t run ahead of Him, He knows what He’s doing, He doesn’t want to get you there faster, He wants to get you there better! Third, Don’t keep stopping, keep going! Fourth, Enjoy the Journey (See the sights He want you to see). And fifth, Travel with someone, your Daily Call, sharpen each other. If you let Him drive, He will always lead you to good! Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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