Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It’s uncomfortable. Not that I like uncomfortable, just that it’s necessary sometimes if you are ever going to know the truth, and be set free by it. Have you ever avoided a conversation or subject because of the opposition it will cause? I have. (This Daily Huddle could be one of them) I’ve avoided some conversations - hopefully, not out of fear… It’s wise to pick your battles, but most importantly only say what and when the Holy Spirit prompts you. Casting pearls before swine, only gets you rended… Sometimes, it’s not the time to say anything. Other times it is – and it will take courage. So how do you know? God’s Word seems contradictory sometimes, but it’s not. “Do not answer a fool according to his folly or you will be like him.” And then it says, “Answer a fool according to his folly or he will be wise in his own eyes.” So which is it? Depends on the fool… This is only known by discernment, as the Holy Spirit leads you. There is a time for everything – be sure you know what time it is, and what time it’s not. It’s always time for humility. Pray, ask the Holy Spirit. Don’t rush into ‘setup’ conversations unprompted by the Holy Spirit, and don’t ignore the prompting when His nudge is directing you. Pray in the Spirit and you’ll walk in the Spirit - stay in the flesh and you’ll respond in the flesh. It’s helpful to realize that ungodly people always look for an opportunity to cancel, slander, shame or accuse God, God’s Word, people who believe in God or the righteous standards of God. That’s why if you ever say anything that God says (especially about sin), that godless people do - or want to do – they will come after you. They have to justify their sin… You will be called an ist or a phobe. A racist, misogynist, homophobe, xenophobe… all the favorite made-up words coined by unintelligent people to bully anyone who doesn’t agree with their sin or their socialist religion. And socialism’s opportunity is created by economic or social chaos which is initially bred from pitting people against each other. Race against race, party against party, men against women, boys against girls, privileged against underprivileged, and they’ll decide who gets what label. They’ll even make up new genders if they have to, to create more privileged and underprivileged groups, to divide people… class against class, rich against poor, or region against region. A new generation of utopian socialists are being created by a state-run education system at every level - that is merely a propaganda factory which selects, twists or deletes history… imparting religion not education; decrying spiritual religion while propagating an even stronger social religion. Despite the fact that socialism has been an abject failure in every government attempt in human history. It unanimously results in shortages, inflation, poverty and misery in every instance, and the loss of freedom for all citizens, except for the leftists in power. It always results in the eventual mass murder of its citizens (anyone who does not agree with the socialists.) They become the fascists they decried at the start. So until they succeed in their desire to replace the US Constitution with a Socialist Manifesto – they will take every opportunity to bully people with made up shame terms, when facts, truth, logic nor history are on their side – which is almost always. Unintelligent? Isn’t that just reciprocally name-calling? No, that’s not a made-up term, it’s a forthright and accurate description based on the definition of the word. Intelligent - “Endowed with the faculty of reason.” Why are they unintelligent? Because intelligence realizes that facts and evidence are what proves truth, not volume, popularity, opinion, or terms which label people you disagree with. Have you ever heard someone attempt to excuse what God calls sin by saying “we’re all God’s children?” As if that justifies what God clearly calls sin… Or “God says you shouldn’t judge others.” - their favorite verse. When God’s Word really says – don’t judge people, but when it comes to actions, make righteous judgments! In truth, we are not all God’s children. We are all His creation, but not all His children. How do you know that’s true, when some say the opposite is true? Because of what God said. John 1:12 – “But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become the children of God.” God said that. So you weren’t born as His child, you become his child through faith in His Son Jesus – his death in your place to cover the penalty for your sin. I John 3:10 - This is how we know who the children of God are, and who the children of the devil are. Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love his brother and sister. For anyone intelligent, that begs the obvious question – what is right? And what is love? Not telling the truth isn’t love, excusing sin isn’t love, if they are in danger, love warns them! Regarding right and wrong, moral and immoral, an intelligent person quickly recognizes if two people claim opposite things are right - whose standard do we go by? Well, if the question at hand is who is God’s child, the intelligent person would go by God’s definition as to who His child is, over someone else’s opinion who merely claim they are His child. You don’t have to be religious to accept or understand that, just intelligent – endowed with the faculty of reason. Clearly using made up terms, labels whose definitions are derived on a sliding scale depending on the day or week by a declining culture, to bully people, maligning their character, and shaming them… This clearly is not love which God says defines His children… These are slander and accusation, not love. That’s not loving your brother and sister, that’s accusing them of things you don’t have evidence for, just opinion about. They do what their father does, the accuser of the brethren, the father of lies, and a murderer from the beginning. That’s why socialism is their god, not the One True God. That’s why they will accuse anyone who doesn’t accept their deception as truth, as being either anti-constitutional, or since the US Constitution itself unilaterally opposes their views, they will accuse that person of being immoral based on their revised definition of morality. It is a false morality based on labels, the opinions and desires of men, not the Truth of God. So what should the children of God do in the fierce spiritual battle to destroy America with socialism? Love, not accuse. Don’t slander, God hates it. Don’t argue or debate, pray and speak the truth in love. Ask God when to say or not say, when to stand for truth in words, and when to stand for truth in prayer, and how to love even the unlovely. The goal isn’t to win the argument, it’s to win them to Christ. Not to win them to your position, but to win them to God’s provision – and wisdom comes from God, you can’t find it apart from Him. Praying that you will increase your prayer life. You need it, our nation needs it. Clearly people who are lost need it. Love your brother and sister, love your neighbor, even your enemies. If you increase in prayer and God’s Word – He will lead you to fruitful conversations, and fruit bearing opportunities. Let God lead you – things are not as they seem, or as they appear. God is working behind the scenes. And He wants to bring you on the scene, in His perfect timing – with love that conquers all, truth that sets people free, and words like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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