Love you all, praying for you.
Has God ever revealed something to you, and He came back the next day and revealed even more, clarified it, added to your understanding of it, reinforced it? What He says is important. Sometimes He says it again. Yesterday’s Daily Huddle, Weeds. Today, just a little more. Have you ever had a weed problem? Weeds will absolutely take over, if you don’t stop them. If you don’t pull them early, remove them, and prevent them, they’ll destroy a yard, a garden, a flowerbed or a field. And they will choke out what was planted. How do you stop weeds? Thick grass. That’s the best weed prevention. The second best weed prevention is daily removal. If you get the sprouts, they will never be able to take root and grow. If they do, and you pull them later, they will remove large chunks of dirt with them, and even uproot the plants along with it. Thick grass in your yard gives the weeds no place to sprout, take root and grow. And pulling them every day before or after work, before you come in the house. Your yard and flower beds will be weed-free, and the flowers and plants will be able to grow, get stronger and bring beauty for all to see. So what are the weeds in your life and heart? Sin. The weeds of thought, the weeds of word, which become the weeds of deed, of action. These are all sin, missing the mark, a falling short of God’s will, God’s way, and God’s best. The best way to guard against weeds in your life, is the Word of God – that’s the thick grass. Any other seed is quickly recognized as foreign and you can reject it. You are too busy reading, studying and speaking God’s Word of truth and wisdom into the soil of your heart and life. That’s how any other seed you can easily recognize and reject instead of think about and give credibility to and a place for in your heart, by giving thought and words to it. Reject it immediately and it can never grow into actions that displease God and distance you in your relationship with Him, and which separate you from success. Weeds of thought, Weeds of Word, and Weeds of Deed. First weeds of thought - Perversity – is a contemplation of anything other than immediate obedience. Considering any other alternative to obeying what God said. God hates a perverse heart. Always turning it over in your mind until you rationalize doing the opposite of what He said. That’s a perverse heart that God hates. It is the weed of thought. Another weed of thought is considering the pleasures of sin. Thinking about what it would gain you, how fun or pleasurable it would be if you did it. Letting other voices keep talking - who are trying to draw you in. Sin is pleasurable or no one would commit it. Its just that the pleasure is cheap and temporary, and the curse that goes with it is disproportional. It’s never worth it. That’s why when Amnon let his thoughts obsess with the beauty of his half-sister, deceptively got her alone, and despite her pleading with him to just get married, when he raped her instead, he instantly felt the curse, and immediately despised and hated her in his heart, when he was the evil one. His brother Absalom killed him for it. Sin never ends well. Balaam started contemplating the reward that the messengers of the King of Moab sent to him, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. And he ended up going with them. Instead of shutting the door in their face, he listened to them, started imagining, and he allowed the weed of thought, the lust for money and wealth and fame lure him. After thinking, He started rationalizing, the perversity of contemplating something other than obedience. “I’ll just go and talk to the king…” and the thought of pleasure, the perverse thought of what he could do, became the action that led to his demise. God was angry. His donkey smashed his foot against the wall, the Angel of the LORD almost killed him, if not for his donkey. But in the end, though he couldn’t curse the Israelites, but ended up blessing them instead… He was the one who informed the King of Moab to lure the Israelites into sin with the women of the land,. And ultimately Balaam and his whole family were destroyed with all the other Moabites. Rahab joined the Israelites, with her family. Balaam and his entire family were executed. If you allow those weeds of thought, you will eventually lose everything. Once the weeds get so tall, Jesus told the parable, just let them be, or you’ll pull out the plants as well. At harvest the Master will take care of it, the harvest will be brought in but the weeds will be thrown into the fire. Don’t let the weeds get too far. Pull them daily while they are sprouts. God said – Don’t harbor this evil thought in your heart. “It’s almost the seventh year” – when all debts are cancelled. He warned against the weed of thought, a hard heart in lending to a brother in need. PRISM is your thick grass. If the Word of God isn’t in you, you won’t be able to reject other words, you won’t recognize them, you’ll give way to them, and they will take over. The loss will be severe. PRISM is your thick grass. And Prayer and Repentance is your weed pulling. Search me O God and know my heart, see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Pull those weeds every day. Ask God to reveal any weed of thought, word, or action that tried to creep in today, so you can repent and reject them. If you get them every day, they won’t even be able to take root. Ignore them, and they will take over, to your ultimate destruction. PIVAT before dinner is your thick grass. The foolish young man didn’t do PiVAT before dinner so after work today He didn’t know what God called him to do… Instead at dusk he was heading down the road near her house. He knew that’s where she was, and he had entertained those weeds of thought in his mind all day - the pleasures of sin. And now he was walking headlong into a trap that would soon destroy him. Like a bird walking toward a net, or a Lion walking toward a concealed pit – there is no escape. Weeds of thought – contemplating the pleasures of sin, instead of Fearing God and turning from them instantly like a putrid smell. Finally Joseph when cornered by sin, a perfect opportunity, no one around to see, and a willing participant – knew that God sees, and the Word of God that was such thick Grass in his heart – made it impossible for him to contemplate or consider. How could he dishonor his boss, and dishonor God – unthinkable. He chose never to think about it. So when it cornered him, he rejected it outright. And when ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,’ landed him in prison, he didn’t grumble or complain or entertain the common thought invitation that comes to every generation…Is Godliness even worth it? – why even bother if I just end up in prison? He rejected outright – that weed thought as well. And in the end – God took care of it. Even then another test was waiting, the test of taking revenge, or of believing and obeying what God said… Vengeance is mine saith the LORD. Can you imagine Christmas Party of Pharoah’s Court, the first time Joseph attended – as everyone’s boss. Officially introduced to all the staff and their spouses as the supreme authority in all of Egypt next only to Pharoah himself? You don’t think Potiphar not to mention his wife were sweating bullets. And everyone knew what had happened. Joseph’s thick grass – never allowed weeds, so the habits that protected him from little sins, now were able to protect him from the big ones. The Israelites soon started grumbling and complaining. Those weeds of word – they even started saying “We were better off in Egypt – at least there we had fresh fruits and vegetables.” Are you kidding me? Did you possibly say anything that stupid? You were slaves, you sent your wife and children out to find your own straw to make bricks and meet the same quota - getting beaten for any infraction. Did you just repeat something that stupid? Weeds of Word – those stupid thoughts that you give words to – will eventually be your undoing. That whole generation of ungrateful, unbelieving slaves – set free, but preferring slavery – died in the desert without ever seeing the promised land. Weeds will keep you from the good land God has promised, His purpose for your life. Praying that PiVAT before dinner and PRISM in His Word, and your Daily Call of overcoming testimony - will be your thick grass – blocking any weeds. That you will be busy about God’s plans for you today – not walking down the road near her house. That you would transform your mind constantly with His Word – so you recognize any weed seed and evict it. That you overcome with your testimony with another obeyer sharpening one another daily. That you will ask God like David – if any weed sprouts have shot up today. So that if there be any wicked way in me – that God will cleanse it and remove it so you will grow unhindered, unimpeded to be prepared for the palace. Even if this season seems like a prison. Weeds are not from God, not weeds of thought, or of word, or of deed. They are never worth it. Prevent them, and reject them, get rid of them early. He has a harvest for you if you will pluck the weeds and plant the seed, so your grass will be thick, so your thoughts, words, and mind is secure. He will bring you victory after victory, you will get stronger, and the future He has for you – will surpass even your wildest imagination. His thoughts and His Words and His ways – are that much higher. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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