Love you all, praying for you,
Have you ever wished for the sake of our country that someone would just end racism? What could that mean to this nation, or any nation if racism were ended? Can you imagine the unity that would result, and the power that would come from that unity? That nation would be unstoppable – everyone would want to live there. Recently racism raised it’s ugly head, and it was so obvious that the ones who were there, should have done something about it! But no one did. I was watching on a Sunday afternoon, a football game of the National Football League. This organization has taken the lead in fighting racism, committing over ninety million dollars to try and end it. But strangely, if anyone were to try and make a case that racism was ending, or at least progressing in the right direction… they would likely point to this organization as proof. The vast majority of it’s players are minority, averaging millions of dollars in salaries, if ever the argument could be made that racism could be ending, or at least improving, this could be it. But what I noticed on that TV broadcast was both teams on the field in clear view of the End Zone. On the outside edge of the endzone painted on the field was a banner within the boundary line. That banner said, End Racism. Immediately I thought – let’s do it! I wondered what would happen if someone (like the lady in New York City) just went and painted over End Racism on the field. If they just saw it, and rose up to do something about it, rather than just have the conversation… No doubt they would be tackled and arrested and prosecuted probably for a hate crime… when they were only trying to end racism. They saw it right there in front of everybody, and immediately sprung into action to end it, to erase it. But the fact that they would be tackled, arrested, and deemed a racist – leaves any rational thinker with only one inescapable conclusion. Some people really - don’t want to end racism. They want to make sure it continues. Who are these people? (Profiteers, Politicians, and Anarchists) Those who profit from it (the race baiters) those who gain power, or retain power by it (the politicians), and those intent on destroying the Constitution and this country – deeming it to be racist (the anarchists). And these prefer Marxism in it’s place? (That bastion of freedom and utopia – that has utterly failed in every attempt in human history - ending in mass murder of innocent civilians? I know, that’s where our family came from, that’s who murdered my grandfather). In fact the NFL – whose teams are comprised of players who are 80% black, paid millions of dollars with money from their fans – who are 80% white, is perhaps the star witness, that racism could have a chance to improve in this country. Unfortunately, their ninety million dollars to end racism is often given to organizations that do not end racism, but in actually – promote it – who teach it - in order to perpetuate it to separate and divide people. Anytime you teach people that one pigment color is racist. Any time you trumpet ‘White Supremacy,’ then the fundamental principle needed to convince people of the existence of white supremacy (when no current laws discriminate by color) you have to believe that one pigment is superior to another to create advantage. That means if you accept that as a problem, you are agreeing with its premise. Which also means if one pigment is superior, then another pigment is inferior. How insulting… that’s racist. By decrying white supremacy, you inherently believe in black or brown inferiority. Which is as patently false, as the former. God said we are all created in His image. Every one of us. God said people from every tribe and tongue and nation one day will stand before His Throne in Heaven. Pigment contains zero difference, zero advantage or disadvantage, unless the person with that pigment sees everyone by race and treats one person differently than another because of it. That is racism. But God said every race, is the human race - created in God’s image, loved by Him eternally. Any time you paint End Racism on a ball field of a national audience. You permanently enshrine it – even if it could eventually become long past and forgotten about. The primary racism that exists today – is the racism that is perpetuated by the NFL and other organizations like Education, Entertainment, and Government who constantly refer to it. In fact, “Racism will never end as long as we keep mentioning it.” Who said that? Not some white supremacist, it was Morgan Freeman. Did you get that? Morgan Free-man. His name defines him. He’s free. Those who think they are victim to a victimless crime, become crimeless victims. We’re not talking about real crimes… bringing physical or financial harm to another person. In every case by case, arrest them, and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law… But for people, whatever your skin color, never teach your children that they are victims. And never teach them that they are oppressors. Never let anyone teach your children that their skin color determines their future, or their character or gives them any advantage or disadvantage. If you do, you are teaching them to be racist. Instead, teach them what God says, that love conquers hate. Teach them that you are what you do, not your skin color. Teach them to be kind, to honor others above themselves, to give to the poor, they will be lending to the LORD, and He will repay them. Teach them to serve those less fortunate, and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Teach them to work hard, to believe that anything is possible if they work hard, and treat others with kindness, honor and respect. Teach them that if they bring value to others, they will be compensated. If they work hard, they will be rewarded. If not by man, then surely by God, if not in this life, then surely in the life to come. But to teach them that they are oppressed, or an oppressor – because of the pigment of their skin? It is scientific foolishness, a complete lie – meant to divide and destroy. It’s what the devil does, he’s a liar from the beginning. Lies that are perpetuated with no current evidence to support them, are just ploys of control. The party of slavery – always perpetuates slavery, if not with chains of the body, then with chains of the mind. And anyone who calls someone racist, who just questions the fallacy – merely proves the point – that they themselves remain enchained. Should we ignore the sins and injustice of the past, of course not, we need to remember, or history will repeat itself. But eventually, until society realizes that they have been duped, and deceived, when will be ever move forward? Until we finally move forward from the past, and determine to prevent it by not by perpetuating the lie that pigment contains advantage or disadvantage, but by doing things that honor and value every person no matter what the pigment of their skin… then racism, or the false accusation of racism will never cease to exist. Who benefits from that? Those who seek power, not the people who are subject under it. I love what Ye West said recently. “Cancel Black History month… I want black future month, black possibility month.” And if we just could get there… where Ye is… from where we are right now as a nation, then maybe we could even get to the next step. Where there is a future month not a history month, that includes every color… An American Future Month. Where if you were born in this country, or come here by the laws which govern it. If you follow it’s laws, and value it’s hopes, and commit to it’s principles of freedom and fairness for all, you too can have a future of possibilities – because everyone is treated equally, based on the quality of their character, not the color of their skin. If we love people, because God loves them, we will respect one another because God tells us to. And if we learn to live at peace with one another as God commands - every person in this nation can prosper – as long as God’s hand is upon this nation, and His grace is given to this land - the land of the free, and the home of the brave. We will never cease to be the land of the free, unless we cease to be the home of the brave. Freedoms are granted or usurped by governments. But liberty is a human right, ordained by God for every person, for every nation, for every color, and every human. May God Himself remove the deception, and bring truth to this nation. If you are blinded to truth, you will never be free, but if you know the truth – it will set you free. May God destroy every force that tries to remove and replace the Constitution of these United States of America - that guarantees the freedoms for every citizen of this nation equally. A Constitution that reflects and protects the human rights that God created for every man, woman and child, (with the exception of the 3/5ths clause, that evil requirement that the Democrat party demanded or they would not sign it. – that had to be negated by amendment). May God restore liberty and freedom to this nation, Freedom from sin which leads to death, so we can enjoy the blessings of life – for every last person, big or small, male or female, black or white, rich or poor. In order to form a more perfect union so we walk in the unity where God commands a blessing. May God forgive our sin, and heal our land. God, we pray that You will Save America – that we will be a light to the world of the good news of your Son, and walk in the freedom that you have purchased for everyone. Praying that you will love and respect every person that God created, so we can in this nation return to forming a more perfect union, that God can bless. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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