Love you all, praying for you.
I just love God’s Word. It tells you the truth about natural and spiritual. Natural seems right. Spiritual is right. Natural is temporary, Spiritual is eternal. Lasts forever. Natural affects spiritual. What you do down here, affects where and how you will life up there. Life doesn’t end with death of the body. Your soul and spirit never die, they are eternal from the moment God breathed life into you. You will live forever with Him in heaven, or forever separate from Him in the lake of fire. It comes down to one thing. What did you do with Jesus? His Son that He sent to die in your place, to cover the penalty of your sin, so you don’t have to. Did you receive Him? Or reject Him? The answer to that question determines your destination for eternity. It doesn’t matter what people think, their opinion of the afterlife – of which they are completely ignorant. God tells us spiritual reality. It's eternal, there is no sin that can co-exist with God, He hates it – and you’re a sinner, so you need a Savior. Jesus is that Savior. It cost Him His life, and it will cost you yours. No longer your life, your life is now lived for, and directed by Him. The best exchange ever! He’ll help you fulfill your purpose! You’ll love it! Because that’s what you were created for! So what’s this four letter word? Holy. It means set apart, separate from the common, vile or profane. God said, “Be Holy as I am Holy.” You are set apart. You are called to live by the spirit, not the flesh. If you have put your faith in Jesus death in your place, to save you. It saves you from sin – the control of sin in your life here on earth. And it saves you from separation – from God for eternity, a place called the lake of fire, reserved for the devil and his demons (once angels) and all who reject the Son of God. Jesus whom He sent to save you! If you believe in Him, you’re saved, and if you are filled with His Spirit, you have the power to overcome sin, and live a Holy Life, a set apart life – for God’s purpose, and His purpose for you! That you couldn’t live by yourself, on your own, by your own strength – you need His - and He’ll give it. The first lie about Holy is that it’s not fun. That’s a lie. God created everything good, to be enjoyed. The fun that the old nature desires, is only fun for a season, but then it comes with a venereal disease. Money doesn’t last forever, it can be gone in a minute, fame is fleeting. Friends you thought were, are not. Like the prodigal son learned. Holy is not unfun. It sets you up for joy, and joy eternally, and the fun that God gives you along the way – so far surpasses the cheap trinkets, the fake fun of the world that it can’t even be compared. God has good for you, Holy is worth it! He gives wealth and adds no trouble to it, He gives contentment and joy, and peace, and purpose, and grace – that’s power, and forgiveness if you ever need it. His joy is unspeakable. That means – there’s no words for it, you couldn’t find them if you tried. His way is a highway, not a ditch. His love is eternal, His purpose for you – is what you were designed for. You wouldn’t want anything other than that anyway. Praying that you will desire, and long to be Holy – Set apart, dedicated, removed from anything common, vile or profane. So that God can use you mightily, so He can fill you, fulfill your purpose, and bring fruit from your life that will last forever. You were called to be Holy. It’s not unfun, it's the most fun you could ever have! Is there anything in your life, that does not reflect the Holiness of God? Turn from it! Whatever you leave behind, you’ll never regret, it’s just keeping you from God’s best. Holy is what you were made for! It’s worth it, He’ll help you! Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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