Love you all, praying for you,
I just love God’s Word. It tells you the good, the bad and the ugly. What will bring blessing, what will bring curse, and what will lead to destruction. I love that it not only tells you what, it tells you what for. Two interesting words. What – the subject of conversation. What are we talking about? And For – designating receivership, a present for Mommy. But when used together – they pertain to purpose, the reason. What for? One very important thing in your life is faith. The evidence of things unseen, the substance of things hoped for. So what do you need faith for? #1 To please God. Without faith it is impossible to please him. (Heb 11:6) You need faith to please God. #2 To believe that He exists. You can see the evidence all around you, it’s undeniable, but you need faith to believe that He exists, and #3 That He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. That it’s worth it, that in seeking Him, you will find him, and that finding Him is worth it. So what do you need faith for? #4 To move mountains. They won’t move without faith. God moves them, but He uses your faith to do it. “According to your faith, be it unto you.” (Matt 9:29) If you want to live a life beyond the natural, beyond human limitations, if you want to see in your life – the supernatural invade the natural. You gotta have faith. You need faith to move mountains. #5 You need faith to obey. Obeying is love for God. Jesus said, if you love me, you will obey what I tell you. (John 14:15) The Bible says, This is love for God to obey what He tells you. (I John 5:3) That’s what His commands are – what He tells you. You have to have faith to obey. You have to have faith that He said it, that He means it, that when you ask Him, He will tell you, that what He told you – was really Him, and that if you do it, it will be worth it. Without faith it is impossible to please God, because you can’t obey without it. And without obeying what He says, you won’t be able to see what He can do. You need faith to obey. [The first step of obeying - is to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and your LORD. Savior means His Sacrifice covers your sin, and makes you holy in His sight. How else will you live in heaven for eternity? Nothing less than Holy will be in heaven, it’s impossible, God is sinless, there is no darkness in Him. And you are Holy only through Jesus. No darkness can be in His presence. That’s why He said, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, except through me. He is the doorway to eternity in heaven, to live with God forever, you have no chance without Him. That’s receiving Him as Savior, but also to receive Him as LORD – the ‘boss-a-me.’ You have to let Him take over, He gets the driver’s seat in your life from now on, you move over. He directs your life, not you. He can’t be Savior without being LORD. That’s why if you confess with your mouth – Jesus is LORD – that’s a commitment, not a recitation, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved! That means eternity in heaven, and a supernatural life of God’s good – right here on earth. The second step of obeying – is to receive the gift the Father promised. The Gift of the Holy Spirit – so you get the power you need to overcome sin that comes so naturally. It’s the secret super-power to lead the supernatural life that He has for you. The third thing you need to obey, is to know His plans for you today. PiVAT will help you. How else will you know what to do, what He told you? Unless you ask? It’s the conversation before dinner with Him that reveals His plans for you, so you can walk by faith, because you know where to walk.] What is faith for? To please God, to believe He exists and that He rewards those who diligently seek him, you need faith to move mountains and you need faith to obey, which is love for Him. So if that’s the What For of faith, how do you get faith? First the good news. You already have it. You don’t need more, you just need to use what God gave you. He said He has given every person a measure of faith. Your measure, not someone else’s. He’s given you what you need for your life – your measure of faith. Enough for everything you will ever face. Now - you just have to use it. You aren’t lacking faith, it’s just that your faith is small. Have you ever seen pictures of a body builder before they started lifting weights? They looked like a ninety pound weakling, all skin and bones, or just a little fat kid, all fat, and no muscle. They didn’t get a new body, or another body, the body they had just started to change, it started to grow – until it got ripped. It grew because they fed it and exercised it! Just like your faith. How do you get faith? Feed it. #1) God’s Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) PRISM keeps you in His Word – so your faith gets buff. Then speak it! What you say you get, if you hear the word of faith and speak it out of your mouth, you hear it again, but you establish it in the atmosphere, and establish it in your life. How do you get faith? #2) Pray in the Spirit. God said build yourselves up in your most holy faith – praying in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 1:20) It’s how you grow your faith. This is a wonderful irony. The very thing that you choose to do, pray in the Spirit (in your heavenly language) It requires faith to believe that what you are doing, that the sounds that are coming out of your mouth, which your natural mind doesn’t understand, is really having an impact), that the Holy Spirit will really take over and pray the will of your Father in Heaven - through your own voice – even though your mind doesn’t understand. What takes faith to even choose to do and continue doing, is the very thing that builds your faith. #3) Obey – Obey gets you faith (it gets your faith bigger). If you don’t obey you won’t see what God will do. Every time you obey, and see what God does, it builds your faith, because what you have faith for, you see come to pass. That just builds your faith for next time. Every time you obey you are exercising your faith. First, faith that that’s what He told you, Faith, that it was really him, not just your brain, Faith that you heard Him correctly, Faith that if you do it, it will bring results, that it will make a difference). Obeying is using your faith, and obeying increases it even more. #4 Testimony. Every time you give your testimony, of what God did when you obeyed, it grows your faith. God said, Tell somebody! It’s more for you than it is for them! It’s how you overcome, it’s how your faith grows. And #5 Get a Daily Call – It starts your every day with the testimony you overcome with, and when you hear their testimony – of what God did when they obeyed, it only grows your faith even more. Praying that you review the PRISM Topic – Faith. It’s important – that’s the Word of faith that comes by hearing it… Praying that you will remember what for – when it comes to faith. That you will believe, and obey, so you see mountains move, so you please God. Praying that you will remember when it comes to faith – you already got some! All that you need. You just need to work out. To build your faith. Praying that you will Read God’s Word, Pray in the Spirit, Obey what He tells you, Give your testimony, and Walk with another – so you overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. So your faith can grow! So God can do those things in you which He has ordained to come by faith. Praying that the what for – will help you get more. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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