Love you all, praying for you,
What if you had wisdom? What if your life was built on it? I just love God’s Word. It is the book of wisdom, the book of success. It tells you what success is, and what it isn’t - what it takes, and what prevents it. It gives God’s wisdom which brings success. Have you ever noticed, the wise make wise decisions. The foolish make unwise decisions – and their life reflects it – like a mirror. Choices determine your life - infinitely more than factors outside of you. What you choose… not what other people choose, or what circumstance surrounds you. The wise are wise because of the decisions they make, they foolish are foolish because of the decisions they make. Their life is created by their decisions, both the wise and the foolish. The foolish lack wisdom because they lack humility and the fear of the LORD – which God said is the beginning of wisdom. And they don’t read God’s Word – the source of true wisdom. The foolish don’t realize there are two wisdoms, the wisdom of God and the wisdom of the world which is foolishness. The Word of God gives wisdom and it’s free! It just requires humility, interest and obedience. If you’re not humble, you won’t recognize it as wisdom, much less choose it. If you’re not interested, you’re not going to get any. And if obedience isn’t your habit – wisdom will be something you’ve heard of before, but not something that you know because it’s not something you do. So How do you get wisdom? #1 - Read God’s Word – it’s the source - especially Proverbs the wisdom book. How else do you get wisdom? #2 - Obey. If you don’t do what God says, then you can never walk in wisdom. Wisdom cannot take up residence in you. Wisdom isn’t just what you hear, it’s what you do. And wisdom is a perfect example of God’s principle of more. The more wisdom you have the more wisdom you will get, the less wisdom you have, even what you have you will lose. So how do you begin the journey toward wisdom - that of which God said, “Above all else, get this!” Number 1: Learn the Fear of the LORD – and wisdom will begin in you. Number 2: Humble yourself and commit to fully obey – whatever God says – starting with the little. Number 3: Get God’s plan for your day. What He has planned for you to do is wise. What you plan to do – is not so wise, sometimes not wise at all. PiVAT helps you hear and obey – God’s plans for you today enable you to put wisdom into practice – so wisdom can begin in you. Number 4: Get Counsel. Not from just anybody, from obeyers. Obeyers are more important than experts. Experts in the ways of the world, are not always expert in God’s way - which is higher than man’s way – like the heavens are higher than the earth. Get Counsel from obeyers – Godly people, not just in word, but in deed. Those whose humility and obedience have produced a life of wisdom. God said from a multitude of counsel – victory is sure. Number 5: Heed. When God gives Counsel – through The Holy Spirit, through His Word by the Holy Spirit, and through others by the Holy Spirit, Heed it. Wisdom requires change. Stop what you’re doing, and do what the wise do. Stop thinking like you have been thinking, and think like the wise do – something else, something different, something better. God’s way - instead of the way that has brought you the old result. Heed requires humility. To humble yourself – and change what God tells you to change, start what God tells you to begin, and continue to persevere in the wisdom you have already been given – make it a habit. Wisdom works. Wisdom is diligent in the right thing. Wisdom is humble, wisdom isn’t self-seeking. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do, and the best way to do it. God gave His Word – and the Holy Spirit – so wisdom will reside in you, - so your life will be a life of wisdom, with all that wisdom brings. You will look very different from those around you. You will look very different than you used to! The fruit of wisdom will not always come in one day, or the moment you first obey – but the fruit of wisdom will surely come to those who seek it, pursue it, and continue in it. One of the first wisdom’s to pursue is money wisdom. Since money is the biggest competitor for your heart. Since God says you cannot love God and money – Get money wisdom from the LORD. Establish your heart towards God, not the things of the world, and your life will change completely! The wise and the foolish live distinctly different lives. The wise, are money wise, they are relationship wise, they are career wise – they work, they are industrious and productive, and they are gracious and giving, kind and generous, joyful. Why? Because they have wisdom. If you have wisdom there’s a future hope for you! Praying you will grow in wisdom today. That it will be a priority this week. It starts with hearing it through God’s Word, and doing it - through what He told you to do today. PiVAT will remind you what God said to do. Praying that you will get really good at hearing and obeying – so your life will be wisdom, set apart, full of hope, full of joy. Love you all, dad
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AuthorKelly Kamentz - Jesus follower, husband, father, and friend, helping others surrender time, thoughts, money, and testimony, to fulfill their purpose! Archives
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